In March 2017, SCUT-China_A team sent members to have a meet-up with our team. During this meet-up, they gave us experience of establishing a new team, and they clearly demonstrated the medal judgements of iGEM. Besides, they illustrated what is modeling, and how to do basic mathematical modeling. Furthermore we shared our projects, and set up the collaboration relationship.
In April 2017, both our team and SCUT-China_A team were invited to attend the bio-festival in Sun-Yet-San University. We shared the concept of synthetic biology and iGEM competition to the students in Sun-Yet-San University, together with SYSU and SYSU-Software team.
In summer 2017, both team gave help to each other. During InterLab study, SCUT-China_A team failed in transforming devices into E. coli. We offered help, and they managed to finish the InterLab study.
Nevertheless, SCUT-China_A team offered theoretical help during our biobrick assembling, and We have helped them to construct a model of β-galactosidase release and catalyze oPNG degradation. The degradation rate of extracellular oPNG can be deduced from the concentration of intracellular β-galactosidase.
We collaboration with NPU-China team in biosafety and we finished a report together. See HUMAN PRACTICE page for details.
Additionally, NPU-China team assisted us on biobrick assembly.
At the end of September, we had a very nice Skype meet-up with Groningen iGEM team. We shared our projects and they helped us to further our biosafety study by sending us information on the legislation and rules on GMO use in EU.
Additionally, both our team used Cas9-CRISPR system in our projects, we shared and discussed the principles and methods of spacer selection, which will be useful in both our lab work and models.
Meeting Up
See Human Practice - Meeting up for details.