

Shefa-'Amr Tolerance Video

In an attempt to spread our message of tolerance, we decided to film a video about the city Shefa-'Amr; Shefa-'Amr is a living example of co-existence between three different religions, acceptance of others and living in peace and dignity.

One of our team members, Sally, grew up in Shefa-'Amr and she is the one who suggested we film our video in her hometown. Below is the story she shared with us:

"In my childhood, my parents always told me that I should never ask anyone what their religion is. They emphasized that while we may have different religions, languages, and skin colors, we all belong to one human race. We all share the same basic values."

This story inspired us and convinced us that Shefa-'Amr was the perfect city for our video.

We wanted our message of tolerance to reach the largest possible audience, so we invested greatly in the production of our video, using high end filming equipment and drones. We published our video on social media and hoped word would spread. The video was a tremendous success and has been viewed over 17,000 times and shared hundreds of times. We hope that our film will continue being shared, and influence more and more people.

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