Team:CCA San Diego/Collaborations


Technische Universität Dresden: iGEM Goes Green

We edited and added to their ecology tips and have given them a lot of feedback of additions to their iGEM Goes Green pamphlet. We have employed many of the tips they had in their pamphlet in our own laboratory and at school. You can learn more about more about our contributions to the iGEM Goes Green cause in the designated subpage, iGEM Goes Green, showing how we have made a direct effort to help reduce our impact on the environment in the iGEM laboratory and beyond.

University of Bristol

University of Bristol iGEM provided mentorship and advice regarding our wiki. They helped us build our own website with their expertise. We tested a tool they created, IDE, or iGEM Development Environment, which hosts a local server. Regarding our website, Bristol iGEM provided help to us when we were stuck at a point where we did not know how to move forward in the HTML and CSS programming process. Thank you, Bristol iGEM!

Nazarbayev University Astana, Kazakhstan

Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan provided mentorship and guidance about our project. They provided a varied perspective to help us broaden our scope. We also talked about their project and provided some of our own insight.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

We made adjustments to their “Safety Cases and Their Use in iGem Competitions Feedback” that serves as a means to help other iGEM teams. These changes we made ultimately helped in the greater development of the document itself, and thereby clarified important purposes central to their cause.

Below is the feedback we gave to UNL on their Safety Cases.

Canyon Crest Academy iGEM 2017 CC;