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Our team

Institut Pasteur's first participation to iGEM in 2015, the PlastiCure project, was rewarded with a bronze medal. PlastiCure was a biological system designed to degrade PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) and use the degradation products to synthesize bio-active compounds.

The second participation, the Mos(kit)o project in 2016, was a great success: it was rewarded with a gold medal and 3 special prizes (Best Applied Design, Best Entrepreneurship et Best Diagnostics). The Mos(kit)o was a kit containing a mosquito trap, a diagnostic patch and a mapping tool. The diagnostic patch was biosilica-based and allowed a quick detection of viruses in mosquitoes.

For the third year in a row, the Institut Pasteur hosts a multidisciplinary team composed of Biology (UPMC), Chemistry (Chimie ParisTech), Engineering (CentraleSupélec, Ecole Polytechnique, ESPCI) but also Industrial Design (ENSCI-Les Ateliers), and Intellectual Property Law students (Faculté Jean Monnet, Paris-Saclay University). Two supervisors are also taking part in the adventure with us: Deshmukh Gopaul, Head Design for Biology Center Education Department at the Institut Pasteur, and Guillian Graves, designer in new technologies and teacher at the ENSCI – Les Ateliers. After the success of the 2015 and 2016 teams we have all the assets needed to maintain momentum.

Team members

  • Azéline BOUCHER

    Azéline BOUCHER

    Law student at Faculté Jean-Monnet

    Azéline comes from a faraway part of Brittany. She is starting her M2 studies in digital activities rights. Her expertise in intellectual property law is extremely valuable for our team. Moreover, Azéline is a really dynamic person, an excellent cook and an awesome speaker : she's the sun of the group! She also enjoys hiking, talking with her hands and showing around her apartment! So, if you're around Paris, don't hesitate to call her. To conclude, as she likes to say, "Le beauf vaincra!"

    By Pierre-Louis

  • Karima BOUCHERKA

    Karima BOUCHERKA

    Biologist student at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie

    Karima is a natural leader: she is the Mom of the whole team, always ready to cheer us up, she is the chief of moral. She is also a really good cook. She is everywhere, the lab does not scare her, nor does organizing a meetup for more than 80 people. Karima is also one of our community manager: her cellphone is always in her hands! To be honest she is such a nice girl, but beware if you talk with her when she is tired, you could be surprised by all the crazy things she can say.

    By Maud

  • Arthur Donald BOUILLE

    Arthur Donald BOUILLE

    Design student at ENSCI-Les Ateliers

    Arthur is the designer of the team: every presentation we make, every thing you’ll ever see about our work, you’ll see it through his eyes, often with his personal black and white esthetic. Coming from a non-scientific field, he taught us a different way of thinking and resolving issues, and defined the application and the scenario about Aether. With his very Parisian style, his beard, his irony and his french accent, he’ll surely conquer you.

    By Paul

  • Alexis CANTALICE

    Alexis CANTALICE

    Chemist student at Chimie ParisTech

    Nothing is finer than a whole day spent over petri dishes, hands (gloved, of course) immersed in bacterial cultures. He is a pure chemist; experimental manipulations hold no secret for him. A certainly discreet guy, but definitely irreplaceable for the lab work: you can count on him any time! And then, he will surprise you by throwing an astounding punchline while keeping a perfectly straight face! Beware

    By Juliette

  • Gabriel DOURNES

    Gabriel DOURNES

    Chemist student at Chimie ParisTech

    My first is a workaholic. My second is caffeine-addicted. My third is the barbecue king and mastered the art of preparing a good pastis. My fourth is sensible and sensitive. My fifth is a high functioning nerd addicted to our wiki page. My sixth is an extremely driven guy. My seventh is a mad chemist. My all is Gabriel!

    By Diane

  • Diane GIRARD

    Diane GIRARD

    Biologist student at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie

    Diane is not only an effective and efficient biologist. She has a very particular set of skills, skills she has acquired over a very long career. Skills that are extremely helpfull for people who have back or neck pain. Indeed she is an amazing masseuse. But that's not all. She speaks many languages perfectly, which allows her to blend into all environments and befriend many foreign teams. Finally, her pitching skills allow her to get closer to the most influential people in this field. She is practicaly a "coach" !

    By Alexis



    Law student at Faculté Jean-Monnet

    Maud is a 22 years old law student specialized in intellectual property. She and Azéline are essential to the group as they make sure we abide by the law in any aspect of our project. She is also a leading member of the group. She and Karima organized many events and meetings. Besides, Maud is an adorable young little woman with whom you can have both serious and crazy conversations. You will probably see her walking by with Gilson the bear, our mascot. What a cute couple they make !

    By Ersin

  • Deshmukh GOPAUL

    Deshmukh GOPAUL

    Head for Design in Biology at Institut Pasteur

    Deshmukh Gopaul is researcher at Institut Pasteur, manager of Design for Biology Center Education Department / CITECH. He studied biochemistry both in France (Créteil) and in the USA (New York and Philadelphia), where he obtained his PhD. His passion for science and education led him to coach the iGEM Team Pasteur Paris for the third consecutive year. He strongly believes building multidisciplinary teams and project oriented educational models is the key factor to train researchers able to solve today and tomorrow's main issues. He also is a pull-up bar champion, an enthusiastic volley ball player and a jazz music addict.

    By Guillian

  • Xinzhi GUO

    Xinzhi GUO

    Engineering student at CentraleSupelec

    Tracy is dedicated to seeing things thru. She joined the iGEM Pasteur Paris Team in her Senior year study abroad program from Tutfs university while attending CentraleSupelec near Paris. She brought her insight into the feasibility of the lab aspects of the project based on past experience and knowledge. Very organized, as required if you are away from home, she also added an international facet to the team. A a result, we were compelled to present in English, which slowly made its way up the popularity chart, (Oui, we are in France !!). Always with a smile, always busy !

    By Deshmukh

  • Paul JEAMMET

    Paul JEAMMET

    Bio-physic student at Ecole Polytechnique

    Paul is a true hipster and quite a surprising guy. He studies Physics and Biology but can chat about philosophy as much as hardtek. He loves his black sunglasses and comics. He is the artist of our team, an amazing musician and a sound engineer. He masters the art of bacteria kinetics (while listening to classical music, please!). His jokes are just too fine to be understood by the average person.

    By Gabriel

  • Juliette LANGLAIS

    Juliette LANGLAIS

    Chemist student at Chimie ParisTech

    Juliette is surprising. Shy and often moonstruck, she is a really calm person and a hard-worker. But don't mess with her, she will answer with terrific punchlines ! She is one of the chemists of the team. But not only ! She is also a drama player, a fan-fiction writer and a great sailor. She helped with fundraising using her school network, demonstrating her excel skills. If I had to sum her up in one word I'd say : mysterious.

    By Azéline

  • Nathan RONCERAY

    Nathan RONCERAY

    Physic student at Ecole Polytechnique

    Nathan is a great reflection of our team: he shines trough his transdisplinarity. His studies at Ecole Polytechnique are centered around physics but for our project he did multiple things from labwork to the scenario. His greatest perks are his oral skills: Nathan is an outgoing extrovert and he is a great speaker. Also he is always in a good mood and the life of the party, so if you feel like it don't hesitate to offer to go for a beer afterwork: he'll be up for it! But beware if you let him into your bed: he undresses quickly and stealthily!

    By Gaétan

  • Pierre-Louis SCHNITZLER

    Pierre-Louis SCHNITZLER

    Engineering student at CentraleSupelec

    Pierre-Louis comes from the eastern region of Alsace. He took full advantage of his semester in Tsinghua to become our team's ambassador to China.
    As kind as he is tall, young data scientist, Pierre-Louis leads some of our Human Practices projects, and most of all he is our money man. Nothing can frighten the great Pierre-Louis, neither the CEOs of major Biotech companies, nor politicians and journalists. Tireless e-mail sender, he is the treasure hunter of the team.

    By Nathan

  • Gaétan VERDIERRE

    Gaétan VERDIERRE

    Bio-chemistry and physics students at ESPCI

    Nicknamed the master of cards. Beneath his super engineer looks, Gaétan is a very skilled Magic card player. Those wicked cards with extraordinary powers, allow him to juggle from one field to another, from physics, to biology and chemistry. All the while in a constant cheerful mood, Gaétan is always full of life. He is part of the inseparable and determined wiki duo with Gabriel. Also an excellent and safe driver with a hilarious sense of humour, Gaétan is the perfect team member and a great friend.

    By Arthur

  • Ersin YILMAZ

    Ersin YILMAZ

    Bio-chemistry and physics students at ESPCI

    The engineer & instagrameur of the team: Ersin is one of our engineers from the ESPCI, the Higher School of Physics and Industrial Chemistry of the city of Paris. In his right hand his phone and in his left a P1000, juggling between instagram and the lab with brilliance. Calm and patient, he is a real pillar for the team, very earth to earth, we can count on his diplomatic sense. Ersin, a geopolitical lover, is also an extraordinary calligrapher and photographer. As a serial seducer, he is very successful with the girls, but only one found her way to his heart. In summary, Ersin is hashtag : #choupi #engineer #geopolitics #cute #OurTurkishfriend #beaufAddict #kindness #instagram #fearful.

    By Karima

  • Guillian GRAVES

    Guillian GRAVES

    Designer specialised in biotechnologies

    Guillian is one of the supervisors of our team. He is a great designer and always open-minded. He helps us to visualize of our ideas, with his knowledge in graphic design, 3D printing, and other design tools. Working with Guillian is a great experience, as he never discourage our thinking, even the most fanciful and outrageous ones. He always inspires us with different ideas and directs us to think broadly on our project. Thanks to him, our team has a strong support to extend our creativity and express our ideas using various design tools.

    By Tracy


  • Association des Centraliens

    The « Association des Centraliens » is the alumni association of CentraleSupélec, a prestigious French Higher Education and Research Institution in engineering and science. This association stood by our side by giving us financial support to purchase materials.

  • Barthenteim

    Bartenheim is a commune in the Haut-Rhin department in Alsace in north-eastern France. One of our team member is coming from this beautiful village, that we warmly thank for its financial support.

  • Geneious

    First released in 2005, Geneious is the world’s leading bioinformatics software platform used by over 3,000 universities, institutes and companies in more than 100 countries. Geneious is used by all of the top 20 universities globally (Times Higher Education, 2016) and by sixteen of the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies. Geneious helped us by offering us licenses.

  • Mettler Toledo

    Mettler Toledo is the largest worldwide provider of weighing instrument for use in laboratory or in industry. They also produce analytical instrument, and this is one of those intrument, the nanodrop, that Mettler lended us over the summer and which we are grateful for!

  • Institut Pasteur

    The Institut Pasteur is a private, non-profit foundation. Its mission is to help prevent and treat diseases, mainly those of infectious origin, through research, teaching, and public health initiatives. As our host, their support, financial, technical or even human, is really helpfull for us.

  • Ambassade de France aux Etats Unis

    As this Consulate is specialized in Science and Technology, it provided us money to afford purchasing materials for our project. Thus we obtain the government support.

  • Qiagen

    QIAGEN is a worldwide provider of molecular sample to insight solutions for molecular testing and assay technologies. Very generous with us, they offered kits containing materials for purification and extraction of plasmids.

  • Eurofins

    Eurofins is a multinational company operating in a wide range of domains going from gene synthesis to sample analysis. They helped us by giving us a discount over the synthesis of our biobricks.

  • Thermofischer

    Thermofischer is a worldwide competitor int he field of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive services. They helped by providing us with us laboratory material for free.


Here is a list of our partners which helped us trough advisorship and communication trough their network.

  • Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition

    The Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition is the French Ministry responsible for State Environmental Policy (Preservation of Biodiversity, Climate Kyoto Protocol Application, Environmental Control of industries, etc.), Transportation (air, road, railway and sea regulation departments), Sea, and Housing Policy.

  • Respire

    RESPIRE (National Association for the Preservation and Improvement of Air Quality) is a citizens' association, founded in February 2011, dedicated to the improvement of air quality. She has specialized in understanding issues related to air pollution in France and Europe, be they political, economic and social.

  • La fondation du souffle

    La Fondation du Souffle aims to bring together all the actors involved at national level in the fight against respiratory diseases. Its mission is to stimulate and support the development of research projects in the fight against respiratory diseases and their causes, thanks to funding obtained from patrons and public generosity.

  • Mairie de Paris

    The Paris City Hall brought us great advice to improve the design of our project. They also helped us to organize our main public education activity: the Fine Particulate Hunt in Paris.

  • Le Journal des Grandes Ecoles

    The Paris City Hall brought us great advice to improve the design of our project. They also helped us to organize our main public education activity: the Fine Particulate Hunt in Paris.

Partners schools

  • Centrale Supélec

    CentraleSupélec is a leading French scientific and engineering institution. Its excellence lies in its combination of fundamental and applied sciences for innovation with societal impact. CentraleSupélec is widely considered to be among the top 3 engineering schools of France.

  • Chimie Paris

    Chimie ParisTech (officially École nationale supérieure de chimie de Paris ("National Chemical Engineering Institute in Paris"), also known as ENSCP or Chimie Paris, is an elite chemical science and engineering college founded in 1896, located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris.


    ENSCI–Les Ateliers, the École nationale supérieure de création industrielle, is a French design school located in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. As a public commercial and industrial establishment under authority of both the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Industry, it is the first and only French national institute exclusively devoted to the advanced studies in design.


    ESPCI Paris is a major institution of higher education (a French "Grande École d’ingénieurs"), an internationally renowned research center, and a fertile ground of innovation for industry. It provides an education covering a large range of theorical knowledge as well as technical skills acquired trough long hours of labwork!

  • Faculté Jean-Monnet

    Placed along the beautiful La Seine River and right next to the National Library, this university’s motto is knowledge and universality. Built in 1971 it conforms to the French standard of excellence in Academia and pushes to creativity. You can study practically any field you want, but if you decide to study Genetics like Diane you will want to follow the Magister of Genetics program. Experts in the fields of genetics, and molecular and cellular biology teach this extremely renowned degree. The professors insist on international mobility during your studies, and encourage initiative and resourcefulness.

  • Faculté Jean-Monnet

    Paris-Saclay University is really famous for its scientific fields. However, its law faculty, Jean Monnet, is renowed as well as it provides numerous educations. It is one of the few universities that offer the opportunity to M1 students to study intellectual property. So lucky are Maud and Azéline !

  • Ecole Polytechnique

    École Polytechnique is a leading French institute which combines top-level research, academics, and innovation at the cutting-edge of science and technology. Its curriculum promotes a culture of excellence  with a strong emphasis on science, anchored in humanist traditions. The school produces socially responsible professionals who excel in leading complex and innovative projects which address current and future challenges facing our society.

  • UPMC

    UPMC (French: Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie) is a public research university in Paris. UPMC is the largest scientific and medical complex in France, active in many fields of research with scope and achievements at the highest level, as demonstrated by the many awards regularly won by UPMC researchers, and the many international partnerships it maintains across all five continents.

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