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<p><h4>I know what you did last summer! KU Leuven iGEM Team 2017 has gone through some ups and downs, but that didn't stop them from being creative and to explore the world of science. Other than that, a lot of fun activities were planned. To know more about their adventure, feel free to go down the memory lane with us.</p></h4>
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<li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">21 - 27 Feb</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">First Meeting</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/31/IGEM_First_Meeting.JPG" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=350><br>
This is the meeting where the team spirit was established and missing pieces of our adventure to success were collected. For example, who is going to be our PI? How do we get sponsors? Who will be our leader to guide us all the way through to the end of the project? Every team member was assigned a subcategory, which they will complete with passion and dedication. A very subtle move towards possible project ideas was made during this meeting.</p></li>
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                            <h1 style="text-align:center; padding: 30px; font-size:50px; color: white;">Notebook</h1>
                                <p class="head" style="text-align: center;color: white; padding: 10px 10px 60px 10px; font-size:15px;">You know what we did last summer! Do you want to know how the KU Leuven team filled their summer? In this Notebook you are able to follow what we did and when we did it. We documented every meeting, every sponsor meeting, every patient interview, every educational project and many more! Thanks to this Notebook you can travel back in time and see how we organized our summer and managed to get big things done in such a small time frame. Feel free to go through our notebook from the start to the finalization of the project with the Wiki Freeze. Once you get to know the past, you learn to appreciate the present day and the hard work done by this team.
                    <div class="container">
                        <p style="text-align:justify; padding: 0px 50px 0px 50px;">
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/34/KULeuven_2017_notebook_lab_2_1.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/8f/KULeuven_2017_notebook_lab_2_2.png" WIDTH=100%>                           
                            <h2>Cell culture</h2>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/68/KULeuven_2017_notebook_cell_culture_1.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/a2/KULeuven_2017_notebook_cell_culture_2.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/00/KULeuven_2017_notebook_cell_culture_3.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e4/KULeuven_2017_Notebook_CalciumImaging.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <h2>Patch Clamp</h2>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/0a/KULeuven_2017_Notebook_Patch_Clamp.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/cd/KULeuven_2017_Notebook_education.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <h2>Human practices</h2>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b5/KULeuven_2017_Notebook_HP.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b7/KULeuven_2017_Notebook_collaboration.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/be/KULeuven_2017_Notebook_hardware.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/55/KULeuven_2017_Notebook_symposium.png" WIDTH=100%>
                            <h2>Business model</h2>
                            <IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/bd/KULeuven_2017_Notebook_BusinessModel.png" WIDTH=100%>
<li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">27 Feb - 7 Mar</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Project Ideas</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f1/IGEM_KULEUVEN2017.png" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=350><br>
This week, we discussed the many proposals about project ideas along with some professors. There were some remarkable ideas on the table: Development of an ecosystem in a space station, DNA fitting to predict an individual’s health, weight and nutrition, introduction of a filter over intestinal villus for better uptake of gluten in Coeliac patients, and more.
We also completed our team registration and team leaders were chosen for the subcategories. <i><strong>Nothing could stop us from entering this!</strong></i>   
<li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;"> 7 - 13 Mar</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Brainstorming</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/0b/KULeuven_Meeting.png" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=200><br>
The voting deadline for project ideas was nearing. In the meeting, a lot of brainstorming happened and a lot of new ideas were added to the list. The layout for a sponsor brochure was also created. We reminisced about our childhood and our first contact with science for inspiration on how we might educate the local children. During the meeting, one of the students who is an avid traveler booked flight tickets.</p>
<p><strong><i>Boston, HERE WE COME! </i></strong></p></li>
<li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">14 - 21 Mar</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">A visit from two familiar figures</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;">This week, we had a very special meeting. Two ex-iGEM members came over and gave us advice about their struggles and experiences in their iGEM team in 2015. A lot of stories were shared and the trust of KU Leuven was handed over to the current iGEM team as every member got an account and joined the KU_Leuven team on <a href="https://igem.org/Main_Page">igem.org</a>.
There is also a rumor going around, which tells us that six professors are going to visit us within two weeks!
<li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">21 - 27 Mar</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Sponsor Brochure</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/6d/KU_Leuven_SponsorBrochure.png" WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=400><br>
The first activity of the iGEM Team 2017 was planned, which is having dinner together in the following week. This week,an electrophysiology professor came to visit the KUL iGEM Team, which is a great honor. A lot of ideas were exchanged and it gave us a better insight into our potential project. The requirements for multiple projects are being checked and the final touches to the sponsor brochure was done. Sponsors were reaching out to the KUL iGEM Team and mutually beneficial agreements have been made. </p></li>
<li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">28 Mar - 17 Apr</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">3 Projects and 3 Teams</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;">This week, which is also the last week before spring break, the team was divided into three groups, each working on a potential project. Multiple methods and perspectives were discussed, pushing our creativity to the limit. We planned two meetings with potential sponsors which wrapped up the first part of preparations before spring break hit in. </p></li>
                            <li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">18 Apr</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Arrival of the DNA kit</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b7/KULeuven_Notebook.png" ALT="some text" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=300><br>
While it is still half a year apart from the Giant Jamboree, the team was already been looking for accommodations in Boston. Visas were applied for, rooms were booked and our summer schedule slowly materialized much like the sunshine in Belgium.
As our final chosen project slowly got its shape, students explored their inner creativity and set up a potential draft for their logo.
Our DNA distribution kit from iGEM has arrived and we were so excited! </p></li>
                            <li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">29 Apr</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">KUL iGEM goes VIB</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c6/KU_Leuven_VIB.jpeg" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=350>
The KULeuven iGEM Team 2017 got the opportunity to spread a word about iGEM on the VIB conference with over 700 attendees! Two courageous teammates did a presentation and it was a nerve-wracking day for them. The KULeuven Team was there to support them and they nailed it! Congratulations and thank you to Pieter-Jan and Jana for the great presentation! </p></li>
                            <li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">10 - 26 June</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">iGEM vs Exams</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;">Despite the fact that the students are in the midst of the exams, impromptu meetings were planned to iron out the last details about the project. We set the summer schedule and chose a logo. We even squeezed in some fascinating scientific articles during our exam study breaks.</p></li>
                            <li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">27 June</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">KUL iGEM goes Wageningen</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fe/KU_Leuven_Wageningen.png" ALT="some text" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=350><br>
The KULeuven iGEM team got an invitation from the iGEM Wageningen team for the iGEM Benelux meet up! Teams from Groningen, Delft and Louvain joined in and the KU Leuven Team attended many interesting presentations and even went home with a package of knowledge, inspiration and new ideas. Thank you to Wageningen for having us and the team from Groningen for inspiring us with your 3D phage model!</p></li>
                            <li class="left" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">28 June</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Start of the Labwork</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/8a/KU_Leuven_LabJaEv.jpeg" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=350><br>
All the members of the KU Leuven iGEM Team 2017 have received a short introduction about <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:KU_Leuven/Safety">lab safety</a>.</p></li>
                        <li class="left" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">29 June</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Stable mHCN-HEK cell line defreeze and introduction to cell splitting</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;">The iGEM summer has finally started! The students collected information and shared them with the teammates. Remarkable scientific articles have been discussed and the very first experiments were carried out. <br>
We got an introduction about how to handle eukaryotic cells. We learnt how to split cells, how to refresh the medium and so on. </p></li>
<li class="left" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">30 June</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Introduction to cell splitting</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;">We were taught on how to split HEK-cells and we practiced this. </p></li>
                            <li class="left" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">3 - 7 July</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Primer design, transformation and first Ca<sup>2+</sup>-imaging</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/aa/KU_Leuven_LabLies.jpeg" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=350> <br>
Professor Voets supplied us with plasmids which contain the DNA from different ion channels that we might use for our project. SnapGene was used for primer design. The following plasmids were obtained:
• pIresRed
From 4 till 5 July, E. coli cells were transformed with the plasmids, following the protocol.
On the 6th of July, a MidiPrep for DNA purification was performed.
We also transfected HEK 293 cells for the first Ca<sup>2+</sup>-imaging on the 7th July. We used stable hERG-HEK cells and stable mHCN-HEK cells which we obtained from professor Voets. The transfections were done as followed:
• Stable hERG-HEK celline transfected with a1G;
• Stable hERG-HEK celline transfected with a1G and mHCN;
• Stable mHCN-HEK celline transfected with a1G;
• Stable mHCN-HEK celline transfected with a1G and hERG.
We used <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:KU_Leuven/Protocols">Krebs buffers</a> with different K-concentrations: 5 mM, 55 mM and 155 mM.</p></li>
                            <li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">10 July</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Koffiekoeken!</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/63/KU_Leuven_Koffiekoeken.png" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=300><br>
As we all know, Monday is the beginning of a great week, but also one of the hardest mornings to get out of bed. Luckily, Liesbeth, one of the teammates, is like a ray of sunshine. That morning she provided the team with fresh and tasty pastries, along with a pretty smile.</p></li>
                            <li class="right" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">12 July</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Unboxing</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/17/KU_Leuven_Unboxing.png" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=300><br>
Pieter-Jan, one of the students of the team, was completed buried under the boxes. We were stocked with a variety of equipment, thanks to our sponsors.</p></li>
                            <li class="left" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">11 July - 3 August</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Patch clamp introduction</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f6/KU_Leuven_Patch_Clamping.png" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=450><br>
A few students from our team are learning the patch clamp technique. Their curiosity and excitement was written all over their faces as they discovered ion channels on their first day in the electrophysiology lab. Jana, Mathias and Evelien were being trained in Patch Clamping with TRPM3 cells which took from 11 July till the 3rd of August.</p></li>
                            <li class="left" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">20 – 24 July</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">The failure of the PCR</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><IMG SRC="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e3/KULeuven_2017_imke_baalt.jpeg" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=450><br>
On the 20<sup>th</sup> of July, the first PCR reactions for mHCN, hERG, SHIR were done, but unfortunately there were no results. On the 21<sup>st</sup>, we repeated the PCRs. Now, only ‘hERG’-DNA was amplified.<br>
On the 24<sup>th</sup>, we got the same results as on the 21<sup>st</sup>.</p></li>
                            <li class="left" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">25 July – 5 August</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Purification, digestion, ligation, transformation of the ‘hERG’-DNA</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;">From the 25<sup>th</sup> of July till the 5<sup>th</sup> of August, we attempted to purify, digest, ligate and transform the ‘hERG’-DNA. Unfortunately, all these attempts failed.
                            <li class="left" ><h1 data-bottom-top="opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="opacity:1;">27 July - 7 August</h1><h2 data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);">Ca<sup>2+</sup> imaging with different K-concentrations</h2><p data-bottom-top="transform:translateX(100px);opacity:0;" data--200-bottom="transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1;"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/78/KU_Leuven_CAImaging.jpeg" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=350><br>
On the 27th of July, HEK293 cells were transfected. We used stable hERG-HEK cells and stable mHCN-HEK cells which we got from professor Voets. The following (transient) transfections were done:
• Stable hERG-HEK celline transfected with a1G;
• Stable hERG-HEK celline transfected with a1G and mHCN (ratio 1:2 and 2:1);
• Stable mHCN-HEK celline transfected with a1G;
• Stable mHCN-HEK celline transfected with a1G and hERG (ratio 1:2 and 2:1).
On the 28th of July, the second Ca<sup>2+</sup>-imaging was done. Now, more K-concentrations were tested: 0 mM, 2,5 mM, 5 mM, 25 mM, 55 mM, 105 mM, 130 mM, 155 mM.
On the 4th,5th and 6th of August, HEK293 cells were transfected and were tested on the 7th of August. We only used the stable mHCN-HEK celline transfected with a1G or a1G and hERG. The goal of the experiment was to know the perfect incubation-time of the transfection (24h, 48h or 72h). We lowered the K-concentrations of the buffers to 0 mM, 1 mM, 2 mM, 3 mM, 4 mM, 5 mM, 7 mM, 10 mM.</p></li>
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Latest revision as of 01:02, 1 November 2017


You know what we did last summer! Do you want to know how the KU Leuven team filled their summer? In this Notebook you are able to follow what we did and when we did it. We documented every meeting, every sponsor meeting, every patient interview, every educational project and many more! Thanks to this Notebook you can travel back in time and see how we organized our summer and managed to get big things done in such a small time frame. Feel free to go through our notebook from the start to the finalization of the project with the Wiki Freeze. Once you get to know the past, you learn to appreciate the present day and the hard work done by this team.


Cell culture


Patch Clamp


Human practices




Business model