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<specialh4 class="idn displayno"><font color="#111">"Kita mungkin bisa mengganti tenaga batu bara dengan tenaga nuklir, kayu dengan plastik, daging dengan ragi, <br/><br/> dan penyendirian dengan keramahan - tetapi untuk fosfor tidak ada penggantinya."</font></specialh4>
<specialh4 class="idn displayno"><font color="#111">"Kita mungkin bisa mengganti tenaga batu bara dengan tenaga nuklir, kayu dengan plastik, daging dengan ragi, <br/><br/> dan penyendirian dengan keramahan - tetapi untuk fosfor tidak ada penggantinya."</font></specialh4>
<specialh4 class="ja displayno"><font color="#111">"燐の宝庫万歳!"<span style="position: relative; left: -8em; top: -1.3em; height: 0px; width: 0px; overflow: visible; font-size: 0.5em">フォスフォストア</span></font></specialh4>
<specialh4 class="ja displayno"><font color="#111">"燐の宝庫万歳!"<span style="position: relative; left: -16em; top: -1.3em; height: 0px; width: 0px; overflow: visible; font-size: 0.5em">フォスフォストア</span></font></specialh4>

Revision as of 15:22, 22 August 2017

Project Description 研究项目介绍 Język polski Deskripsi Proyek 日本語

"We may be able to substitute nuclear power for coal power, and plastics for wood, and yeast for meat, and

friendliness for isolation - but for phosphorus there is neither substitution nor replacement."

友好取代孤立 - 但是磷既不能取代也没有替代品。”
"Język polski, polszczyzna – język naturalny należący do grupy języków zachodniosłowiańskich,

stanowiącej część rodziny języków indoeuropejskich."
"Kita mungkin bisa mengganti tenaga batu bara dengan tenaga nuklir, kayu dengan plastik, daging dengan ragi,

dan penyendirian dengan keramahan - tetapi untuk fosfor tidak ada penggantinya."

- Isaac Asimov’s ‘Life’s Bottleneck’

- 艾萨克·阿西莫夫 “人生的瓶颈”

- Isaac Asimov’s ‘Life’s Bottleneck’

- Isaac Asimov’s ‘Life’s Bottleneck’

What is the problem? 我们面对的问题 What is the problem? Apa masalahnya?

Phosphorus, one of the most common element on earth, is a fundamental element for all living organisms. From DNA to cell membranes, phosphorus is essential for a variety of biological molecules. Phosphorus is also vital for food production as it is one of the three main component of agricultural fertilizers, alongside nitrogen and potassium.

Unfortunately, phosphate rock is a finite resource. The vast majority of the reserves can only be found in Morocco which controls 77% of the global phosphate reserves with 50 billion tonnes. Peak phosphorus is expected to be reached around 2030 and reserves are predicted to be exhausted in 50-100 years if current rates of extraction does not change. This will deliver a serious blow to the rising world population as meeting increasing demand for food may become an impossible task.

At the same time, significant amounts of phosphorus end up in rivers and lakes as agricultural wastewater, giving rise to a major environmental problem: eutrophication. Eutrophication creates algal blooms, exhausting dissolved oxygen levels and killing aquatic organisms, thus heavily reducing biodiversity and disrupting our ecosystem. Hence, there is a need for a solution to conserve and recycle phosphate efficiently.

磷是地球上最常见的元素之一,是所有生物体的基本要素。 从脱氧核糖核酸到细胞膜,磷对于各种生物分子是必不可少的。磷对于粮食生产来说也是至关重要的,因为它是农业肥料除了氮和钾之外的三大主要成分之一。

不幸的是,磷酸盐岩是有限的资源。绝大部分的储备分布于摩洛哥,多达全球磷酸盐储备的77%也就是500亿吨。磷峰值预计将在2030年左右达到,而如果目前的提取率没有变化,预计储备将会在50-100年内用尽。 这将对世界人口趋势造成严重打击,因为满足日益增加的食品需求将成为不可能的任务。

与此同时,农业废水中大量的磷盐流入河流和湖泊,造成一个重大的环境问题:富营养化。 富营养化造成藻华,耗尽溶解氧并导致水生生物窒息而死亡,从而大大减少生物多样性并破坏自然生态的平衡。因此,我们紧需一个能有效保存和回收磷酸盐的解决方案。

Phosphorus, one of the most common element on earth, is a fundamental element for all living organisms. From DNA to cell membranes, phosphorus is essential for a variety of biological molecules. Phosphorus is also vital for food production as it is one of the three main component of agricultural fertilizers, alongside nitrogen and potassium.

Unfortunately, phosphate rock is a finite resource. The vast majority of the reserves can only be found in Morocco which controls 77% of the global phosphate reserves with 50 billion tonnes. Peak phosphorus is expected to be reached around 2030 and reserves are predicted to be exhausted in 50-100 years if current rates of extraction does not change. This will deliver a serious blow to the rising world population as meeting increasing demand for food may become an impossible task.

At the same time, significant amounts of phosphorus end up in rivers and lakes as agricultural wastewater, giving rise to a major environmental problem: eutrophication. Eutrophication creates algal blooms, exhausting dissolved oxygen levels and killing aquatic organisms, thus heavily reducing biodiversity and disrupting our ecosystem. Hence, there is a need for a solution to conserve and recycle phosphate efficiently.

Fosfor adalah unsur kimia yang mendasar bagi seluruh makhluk hidup. Dari DNA ke membran sel, fosfor sangat penting untuk berbagai molekul biologis. Fosfor juga penting untuk produksi pangan karena merupakan salah satu dari tiga komponen utama pupuk pertanian, di samping nitrogen dan kalium.

Akan tetapi, batuan fosfat merupakan sumber daya yang terbatas. Sebagian besar batuan fosfat hanya dapat ditemukan di Kerajaan Maroko yang menguasai 77% cadangan fosfat global dengan 50 milliar ton. Puncak fosfor diperkirakan akan mencapai pada tahun 2030 dan cadangan diperkirakan akan habis dalam 50-100 tahun kedepan jika tidak ada aksi lanjut. Hal ini menjadi perhatian karena peningkatan permintaan makanan global yang disertai dengan meningkatnya populasi dunia.

Untuk menambah, banyak jumlah fosfor yang berakhir di sungai dan danau sebagai air limbah pertanian, sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan utama: eutrofikasi. Eutrofikasi memungkinkan alga, tumbuhan air berukuran mikro, untuk berkembang biak dengan pesat. Hal ini merendahkan konsentrasi oksigen terlarut dan menyebabkan kematian makhluk hidup air dan menggangu keseimbangan ekosistem air. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan solusi untuk melestarikan dan mendaur ulang fosfat secara efisien.

What is our solution? 我们的对策 What is our solution? Apa solusi kita?

We are engineering a bacteria that can store and accumulate increased levels of phosphate through microcompartments. Phosphate is stored in bacteria in the form of a polyphosphate chain, built by the enzyme, polyphosphate kinase (PPK). Exopolyphosphatase (PPX) functions to breaks down this chain, providing phosphate to be used by the bacteria.

We are targeting PPK to the inside of the microcompartment, enabling chains of phosphate to be stored within the protective protein shell. Because it is inside this storage, PPX and the bacteria cannot get access to the phosphate chain and therefore will take up more phosphate from its surroundings to make up for the unaccessible phosphate. This creates a bacteria that can take up and store a higher level of phosphate than normal.

To find out how we will achieve this experimentally, please click here to visit our wet lab page.

我们正在设计一种细菌,可以通过细菌微区室储存和积聚大量的磷酸盐。 磷酸盐通过多聚磷酸盐激酶(PPK)的催化以多聚磷酸盐的形式储存在细菌中,而外切聚磷酸酶(PPX)分解多聚磷酸盐末端,脱去磷酸盐残基。 同时,由蛋白质壳组成的细菌微区室能够作为保护外层。



We are engineering a bacteria that can store and accumulate increased levels of phosphate through microcompartments. Phosphate is stored in bacteria in the form of a polyphosphate chain, built by the enzyme, polyphosphate kinase (PPK). Exopolyphosphatase (PPX) functions to breaks down this chain, providing phosphate to be used by the bacteria.

We are targeting PPK to the inside of the microcompartment, enabling chains of phosphate to be stored within the protective protein shell. Because it is inside this storage, PPX and the bacteria cannot get access to the phosphate chain and therefore will take up more phosphate from its surroundings to make up for the unaccessible phosphate. This creates a bacteria that can take up and store a higher level of phosphate than normal.

To find out how we will achieve this experimentally, please click here to visit our wet lab page.

Kami akan merekayasa genetik bakteri Escherichia coli sehingga bisa menyimpan dan mengumpulkan fosfat dari lingkungan melalui kompartemen mikro (microcompartment). Fosfat akan disimpan dalam bentuk rantai polifosfat, yang dibuat oleh enzim, polyphosphate kinase (PPK). Exopolyphosphatase (PPX) berfungsi untuk memecahkan rantai tersebut agar fosfat bisa digunakan oleh bakteri.

Melalui sebuah signal peptida, kami akan memasukkan PPK kedalam kompartemen mikro agar rantai polifosfat dapat disimpan di dalamnya. Oleh karena rantai polifosfat berada di dalam penyimpanan ini, PPX dan bakteri tidak dapat mengakses rantai fosfat sehingga bakteri akan mengambil lebih banyak fosfat dari lingkungan untuk kebutuhan hidupnya. Ini akan menciptakan bakteri yang bisa mengambil dan menyimpan kadar fosfat yang lebih tinggi dari biasanya.

Untuk mengetahui bagaimana kita akan mencapai eksperimen ini, silahkan klik di sini untuk mengunjungi lab basah kami.

Applications of our project 我们项目的应用 Applications of our project Aplikasi proyek

working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress.

working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress.

working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress.

Applications of our project

working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress working progress.