Difference between revisions of "Team:York"

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//this function controls the expand and collapse buttons of the menu and changes the +/- symbols
function menu_functionality() {
//when clicking on a "menu_button", it will change the "+/-" accordingly and it will show/hide the corresponding submenu
// add or remove the class "open" , this class holds the "-"
// show or hide the submenu
// when the screen size is smaller than 800px, the display_menu_control button appears and will show/hide the whole menu
// call the current page highlight function
// call the highlight current page function to show it on the menu with a different background color
function highlight_current_page() {
// select a page from the menu based on the id assigned to it and the current page name and add the class "current page" to make it change background color
$("#"+  wgPageName.substring(wgPageName.lastIndexOf("/")+1, wgPageName.length ) + "_page").addClass("current_page");
// now that the current_page class has been added to a menu item, make the submenu fade in
// change the +/- symbol of the corresponding menu button
// allow button on the black menu bar to show/hide the side menu
function hide_show_menu() {
// in case you preview mode is selected, the menu is hidden for better visibility
if (window.location.href.indexOf("submit") >= 0) {
// if the black menu bar has been loaded
  if (document.getElementById('bars_item')) {
// when the "bars_item" has been clicked
$("#bars_item").click(function() {
// show/hide the menu wrapper
// because the black menu bars loads at a different time than the rest of the page, this function is set on a time out so it can run again in case it has not been loaded yet
else {
    setTimeout(hide_show_menu, 15);

Revision as of 19:48, 31 August 2017

iGEM York 2017

QWACC: a Quicker Way to Analyse Co-Cultures

DIHM Assisted Co-culture Optimization

About our project

A collaboration of the sciences

Contact us: igemyork@gmail.com


Genetically engineering C. reinhardtii and E. coli in order to form a co-culture to allow the creation of biofuels.


Using optical diffraction to create and probe 3D images through holography in order to monitor co-cultures.


Taking images using the hardware and turning this into a holograph, then analysing this image to optimise co-cultures.

With the decreasing supply but increasing demand for fossil fuels, biofuels are a renewable alternative to help cope with our growing energy needs. We aim to develop and optimize a stable microbial co-culture system whereby the source of energy is light, and carbon flows from CO₂ in the atmosphere to synthesise a biofuel. This simple synthetic microbial community will comprise Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, an algae, that will produce sugars through photosynthesis to feed the biofuel-producing Escherichia coli, ideally resulting in a growth system that could reduce the cost of feedstock materials for biofuel production. However, their differing growth rates would likely result in an unstable system in which one organism might outgrow the other.

To monitor the ratio of C. reinhardtii to E. coli, we will be using Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM). This involves illuminating a sample of the co-culture with a laser and observing the diffraction pattern formed by the microbes. This pattern is sensitive to the wavelength of the laser light, the distance from the co-culture sample and the shape, size and position of the microbes. The mathematical and physical relationship between these quantities is well described, so we can calculate what the cross-section of the sample would look like at various levels. This allows us to form a stack of 2D images which, when combined, represent the 3D sample. We can then analyse this stack of images to track the number of each type of microbe present.

Images are taken from a Raspberry Pi computer and sent to a Windows machine where a piece of MATLAB code forms a stack of 2D images which, when combined, represent the 3D sample. We can then analyse this stack of images to establish the number of each type of microorganism present in the co-culture. From this information we will be able to compare these results to our mathematical model, where we can then modify the conditions of the co-culture through the use of the Raspberry Pi in order to optimise the growth of the bacteria, which will then increase output of the ethanol from the system. The whole process is tied together through a Windows Application written in C#, allowing a user to fully control the system without any interaction with the code itself.