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<h1> Model </h1>
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<li> <a class="cell"  href="#CRE" > CRE Model – Team Edinburgh UG  </a> </li>
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<li> <a class="cell"  href="#Hadar" > Hadar model </a> </li>
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<h3 id="CRE"> CRE Model – Team Edinburgh UG </h3>
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In the early stages of our project, before we decided to proceed with our final “<a href ="https://2017.igem.org/Team:TECHNION-ISRAEL/kill_switch">kill Switch</a>” design, we had considered using Cre recombinases in order to disable our genetic circuit. We designed our plasmid and flanked it with two Lox-P sites, so that once Cre recombinases were introduced into the cell, it would excise the gene that was flanked between these two Lox-P sites (see figure 1).
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<img class="HPA" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d8/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--CRElox.png" alt="" style="width:40%">
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong>Figure 1: </strong>Cre Lox system</p>
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<h1> Team Members </h1>
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<img  class="map" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/73/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--teamn.jpg" width="700" height="508" style= "display: block; margin: auto;" alt="paining of the team" usemap="#team" hidefocus="true"/>
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<!---Sally---> <area shape="poly" coords="115,57,179,68,189,123,185,243,150,271,140,264,111,242,76,272,58,311,39,326,19,292,19,236,13,175,15,129,31,100,75,88,62,84,49,84,82,91,95,71"  href="#sally" class="tooltip" title="Sally"  alt="Sally">
<!---Nuphar--->  <area shape="poly" coords="223,72,252,65,267,93,295,138,293,162,295,198,291,233,289,256,268,258,248,252,230,227,221,211,202,198,199,178,191,153,187,125,191,96,210,77,202,78" href="#nuphar" class="tooltip" title="Nuphar"  alt="Nuphar">
<!---Mai--->  <area shape="poly" coords="291,239,294,192,303,103,346,68,403,67,436,107,408,173,393,218,399,274,373,285,318,271,289,255,281,254" href="#mai" class="tooltip" title="Mai"  alt="Mai">
<!---Maya---> <area shape="poly" coords="408,271,398,191,423,151,465,93,510,93,540,121,533,168,527,209,527,232,508,257,445,275" href="#maya" class="tooltip" title="Maya"  alt="Maya">
<!---Hadar---> <area shape="poly" coords="539,231,561,110,607,77,651,82,676,116,687,170,676,205,661,213,635,229,602,230" href="#hadar "class="tooltip" title="Hadar"  alt="Hadar">
<!---Yehuda---> <area shape="poly" coords="172,428,161,361,153,301,163,261,204,235,237,242,258,263,262,292,260,332,236,378,221,431" href="#yehuda" class="tooltip" title="Yehuda" alt="Yehuda">
<!---Dana---> <area shape="poly" coords="333,454,285,467,220,451,210,429,228,397,252,339,279,269,325,272,377,305" href="#dana" class="tooltip" title="Dana" alt="Dana">
<!---Shir---> <area shape="poly" coords="378,303,425,285,473,293,477,352,472,403,485,443,484,477,477,479,420,487,354,471,345,402" href="#shir" class="tooltip" title="Shir"  alt="Shir">
<!---Noa---> <area shape="poly" coords="604,393,620,306,605,244,564,230,517,244,500,281,486,331,471,409,533,438" href="#noa" class="tooltip" title="Noa"  alt="Noa">
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<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/8d/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team7.jpg"
alt=""  style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<div class = "col-md-5 " >
<div class = "info-list">
<ul id="noa" title = "Noa Eden">
<li> 4th year Biotechnology and food engineering </li>
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 24  </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong>  Live in the lab and receive donations. </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM? </strong>  Smothering her dog with hugs and kisses.</li>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong>  I have four houses.  </li>
<div class = "team-cover">
<div class="row vertical-align " >
<div class =  "col-md-offset-4 col-md-3 " >
<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c7/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team3.jpg"
alt=""  style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<div class = "col-md-5 " >
<div class = "info-list">
<ul id="maya" title = "Maya Engal">
<li> 4th year Biomedical engineering  </li>
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 26  </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong>  Making beautiful illustrations as wiki designer. </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM? </strong>  Sleeping in nature.</li>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong>  ? I almost chose to study psychology, but at the last moment decided to become an engineer. </li>
<div class = "team-cover">
<div class="row vertical-align " >
<div class =  "col-md-3" >
<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d3/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team9.png"
alt=""  style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<div class = "col-md-5 " >
<div class = "info-list">
<ul id="mai" title = "Mai Eshel">
<li> 2nd year Medicine  </li>
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 24  </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong>  Anywhere with Wifi you’ll find her building webpages. </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM?</strong>  Salsa dancing </li>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong>  My name is Mai, but I was born in July.</li>
<div class= "row">
<div class =  "col-md-12" >
In order to examine whether using recombinases was a viable option for our system we understood that modelling the mechanism was crucial. Unfortunately, such a model is extremely complex, and for lack of time and experience, was not feasible for us to Create. Luckily, we discovered that Team Edinburgh UG, whose whole project was concerned with recombinases, had already created such a model. Team Edinburgh UG generously offered to help us model our system, and through intense collaboration and specific modifications to their original model, we managed to attain informative results that shaped our decision regarding which “kill switch” mechanism to use.
We modelled two different processes:
<ol class= "model-list">
<li> Cells transiently transfected with our ToloGen plasmid, assuming a copy number of 20 </li>
<li> Cells with stable integration of out ToloGen construct, this means a copy number of 1 </li>
This allowed us to analyze how the Cre system would function in our lab as well as in future <i>in-vivo</i> applications.
Lastly, we analyzed two Cre delivery systems:
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<ol class= "model-list">
<div class="row vertical-align " >
<li> Where Cre enzyme is taken into the cell directly through endocytosis </li>
<div class =  "col-md-offset-4 col-md-3 " >
<li> Where a Cre enzyme producing plasmid is taken into the cell </li>
<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/83/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team5.jpg"
alt=""  style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<div class = "col-md-5 " >
<div class = "info-list">
<ul id="hadar" title = "Hadar Guthmann">
<li>Bsc molecular biochemistry</li>
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 21 </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong>  Nursing pampered cells and developing mathematical models. </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM?</strong>  Drawing and styling. </li>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong>  I can speak a little Arabic, Yiddish and Aramaic.</li>
<ol class= "model-list">
<li> Homogeneous mixture assumed throughout (e.g. if Cre molecule number is set to 100 at time = 0, it is assumed that the 100 Cre molecules are dispersed evenly inside the compartment regardless of its delivery method) </li>
<li> Values for half-life are taken from ‘general’ proteins </li>
<li> Compartmentalization is not taken into account (i.e. ignored nuclear export and import rate & spatio-temporal separation of transcription and translation, if any)</li>
Simulation Settings:
<div class = "team-cover">
<ul class= "model-ul">
<div class="row vertical-align " >
<li>mRNA half-life (if using): 2 minutes </li>
<div class = "col-md-3 " >
<li>Protein half-life: 90 minutes</li>
<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/98/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team4.jpg"  
<li>Plasmid copy number: 1 (i.e. stable integration into the genome) or 20</li>
alt="" style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<li>Cre delivery method: as individual protein; or as plasmid expressing Cre recombinase</li>
<li>For plasmid expressing Cre: </li>
<ul class="inner-model">
<li> Transcription rate: 1 mRNA molecule per 100 seconds </li>
<li> Translation rate: adjusted so that the burst factor is 2 </li>
<li>For delivery of individual Cre protein:
<ul class="inner-model">
<li> Simulation performed with delivering 100, 1000, and 10000 Cre molecules </li>
<ul class= "model-ul">
<li>PC2 = Recombination Product with two Cre protein molecules attach to it (Cre binds to target site with very high affinity, so with a low protein degradation rate, Cre stably associate with the target site in the product construct). </li>
<li>Simulations are repeated for 2000 times and are shown as an average value with +/- 1 standard deviation.</li>
<p style="text-align:center;">
Delivery of 100 Cre Proteins: Genome integration (Figure 2) and Transient expression (figure 3):
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<div class="col-md-6">
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/af/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model1.png" alt = "">
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 2 </strong> </p>
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<div class="col-md-6">
<div class = "info-list">
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/4e/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model2.png" alt = "">
<ul id="dana" title = "Dana Kadosh">
<li> 4th year Biotechnology and food engineering </li>
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 3 </strong> </p>
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 27  </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong>  Using the FACS machine in weird hours. </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM?</strong>  Sleeping as much as possible. </li>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong> When I can't sleep I try counting bacteria colonies. </li>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<p style="text-align:center;">
Delivery of 1000 Cre Proteins: Genome integration (figure 4) and Transient expression (Figure 5):
<div class="row">
<div class = "team-cover">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="row vertical-align " >
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/0c/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model3.png" alt = "">
<div class = "col-md-offset-4 col-md-3" >
<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b6/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team6.jpg"  
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 4 </strong> </p>
alt="" style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<div class = "col-md-5 " >
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class = "info-list">
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/9e/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model4.png" alt = "">
<ul id="sally" title = "Sally Kortam">
<li> Bsc Biochemical Engineering </li>
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 5 </strong> </p>
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 23  </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong>  Fighting to grow hpc-7 cells. </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM?</strong>  Running all over the world and taking selfies. </li>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong> Addicted to online shopping. </li>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<p style="text-align:center;">
Delivery of 1 Cre expressing plasmid: Genome integration (Figure 6) and Transient expression (Figure 7)
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<div class = "team-cover">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="row vertical-align " >
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d6/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model5.png" alt = "">
<div class = "col-md-3 " >
<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/62/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team8.jpg"  
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 6 </strong> </p>
alt="" style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<div class = "col-md-5 " >
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class = "info-list">
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/0b/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model6.png" alt = "">
<ul id="shir" title = "Shir Ovadia">
<li> 4th year Biotechnology and food engineering </li>
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 7 </strong> </p>
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 25  </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong>  Passing on Bea’s pearls of wisdom in Tissue culture and Flow jo analyzes.  </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM? </strong>  Planning to go to the gym and not going. </li>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong> A dog introduced me to my fiancé.  </li>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<p style="text-align:center;">
Delivery of 5 Cre expressing plasmid: Genome integration (Figure 8) and Transient expression (Figure 9)
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/9f/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model7.png" alt = "">  
<div class = "team-cover">
<div class="row vertical-align " >
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<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fd/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team1.jpg"  
alt="" style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<div class = "col-md-5 " >
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 8 </strong> </p>
<div class = "info-list">
<ul id="nuphar" title = "Nuphar Pinchas">
<li> 4th year Biotechnology and food engineering  </li>
<div class="col-md-6">
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 26  </li>
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/33/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model8.png" alt = "">
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong>  Human practices and Organization of community events. </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM? </strong>  Photoshoots with my fiancé and TRX workouts.</li>
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 9 </strong> </p>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong>  I Know Morse code -     ….    .-     -     …              -.-.    ---    ---    .-.. </li>
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<div class="col-md-12">
<p style="text-align:center;">
Delivery of 10 Cre expressing plasmid: Genome integration (Figure 10) and Transient expression (Figure 11)
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<img class="team" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/90/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--team2.jpg"  
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/86/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model9.png" alt = "">
alt="" style= "width: 100%; max-width: 200px; margin:auto; border-radius: 50px; ">
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 10 </strong> </p>
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<div class = "info-list">
<div class="col-md-6">
<ul id="yehuda" title = "Yehuda Wexler">
<img class= "modelimg" src= "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/2c/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--model10.png" alt = "">
<li> 3rd year Biomedical engineering and medicine  </li>
<li> <strong>Age? </strong> 25 </li>
<p style="text-align:center;"> <strong> Figure 11 </strong> </p>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby in iGEM? </strong> Read every paper in existence and troubleshooting. </li>
<li> <strong>Favorite hobby outside of iGEM? </strong>  Eating fast food and long phone calls.</li>
<li> <strong>One thing no-one knows about me? </strong>  I am a trained locksmith. </li>
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<div class="col-md-12">
Based on the modelling results and clinical consideration we decided to forgo using Cre recombinases for our “Kill Switch”. As can be seen in Figure 6, the Cre recombinase at times is incapable of achieving the 100% recombination we require. It is our understanding that any recombination based system may ever fully eliminate every copy of our plasmid, and as such we decided to focus on a “Suicide Mechanism” wherein every cell containing our plasmid will undergo apoptosis. This is both more effective for our purposes and clinically proven.
Lastly, we would like to thank team Edinburgh UG again for the amazing work they did, our project would not have been the same without their help. 
<h3 id="Hadar"> Hadar model </h3>
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<h2> Mentors:</h2>
<div class = "col-md-offset-1 col-md-2">
<img class="mentor" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/23/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--Roee.jpg" >
<p style="text-align:center; line-height:16px; margin-top:10px;">
Prof. Roee Amit
<p style="text-align:center; ;line-height:20px;">
Principal investigator           
<div class = "col-md-2">
<img class="mentor" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/63/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--Orna.jpg" >
  <p style="text-align:center; line-height:16px; margin-top:10px;">
Dr. Orna Atar                                   
<p style="text-align:center; ;line-height:20px;">
Secondary principal investigator                                                                                                                   
<div class = "col-md-2">
<img class="mentor" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/28/T--TECHNION-ISRAEL--Inbal.jpg" >
  <p style="text-align:center; line-height:16px; margin-top:10px;">
Inbal Vaknin                                                                                     
<p style="text-align:center; ;line-height:20px;">
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M.Sc, mentor.                                                                                                                   
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CRE Model – Team Edinburgh UG

In the early stages of our project, before we decided to proceed with our final “kill Switch” design, we had considered using Cre recombinases in order to disable our genetic circuit. We designed our plasmid and flanked it with two Lox-P sites, so that once Cre recombinases were introduced into the cell, it would excise the gene that was flanked between these two Lox-P sites (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Cre Lox system

In order to examine whether using recombinases was a viable option for our system we understood that modelling the mechanism was crucial. Unfortunately, such a model is extremely complex, and for lack of time and experience, was not feasible for us to Create. Luckily, we discovered that Team Edinburgh UG, whose whole project was concerned with recombinases, had already created such a model. Team Edinburgh UG generously offered to help us model our system, and through intense collaboration and specific modifications to their original model, we managed to attain informative results that shaped our decision regarding which “kill switch” mechanism to use.

We modelled two different processes:

  1. Cells transiently transfected with our ToloGen plasmid, assuming a copy number of 20
  2. Cells with stable integration of out ToloGen construct, this means a copy number of 1

This allowed us to analyze how the Cre system would function in our lab as well as in future in-vivo applications.

Lastly, we analyzed two Cre delivery systems:

  1. Where Cre enzyme is taken into the cell directly through endocytosis
  2. Where a Cre enzyme producing plasmid is taken into the cell


  1. Homogeneous mixture assumed throughout (e.g. if Cre molecule number is set to 100 at time = 0, it is assumed that the 100 Cre molecules are dispersed evenly inside the compartment regardless of its delivery method)
  2. Values for half-life are taken from ‘general’ proteins
  3. Compartmentalization is not taken into account (i.e. ignored nuclear export and import rate & spatio-temporal separation of transcription and translation, if any)

Simulation Settings:

  • mRNA half-life (if using): 2 minutes
  • Protein half-life: 90 minutes
  • Plasmid copy number: 1 (i.e. stable integration into the genome) or 20
  • Cre delivery method: as individual protein; or as plasmid expressing Cre recombinase
  • For plasmid expressing Cre:
    • Transcription rate: 1 mRNA molecule per 100 seconds
    • Translation rate: adjusted so that the burst factor is 2
  • For delivery of individual Cre protein:
    • Simulation performed with delivering 100, 1000, and 10000 Cre molecules


  • PC2 = Recombination Product with two Cre protein molecules attach to it (Cre binds to target site with very high affinity, so with a low protein degradation rate, Cre stably associate with the target site in the product construct).
  • Simulations are repeated for 2000 times and are shown as an average value with +/- 1 standard deviation.


Delivery of 100 Cre Proteins: Genome integration (Figure 2) and Transient expression (figure 3):

Figure 2

Figure 3

Delivery of 1000 Cre Proteins: Genome integration (figure 4) and Transient expression (Figure 5):

Figure 4

Figure 5

Delivery of 1 Cre expressing plasmid: Genome integration (Figure 6) and Transient expression (Figure 7)

Figure 6

Figure 7

Delivery of 5 Cre expressing plasmid: Genome integration (Figure 8) and Transient expression (Figure 9)

Figure 8

Figure 9

Delivery of 10 Cre expressing plasmid: Genome integration (Figure 10) and Transient expression (Figure 11)

Figure 10

Figure 11


Based on the modelling results and clinical consideration we decided to forgo using Cre recombinases for our “Kill Switch”. As can be seen in Figure 6, the Cre recombinase at times is incapable of achieving the 100% recombination we require. It is our understanding that any recombination based system may ever fully eliminate every copy of our plasmid, and as such we decided to focus on a “Suicide Mechanism” wherein every cell containing our plasmid will undergo apoptosis. This is both more effective for our purposes and clinically proven.

Lastly, we would like to thank team Edinburgh UG again for the amazing work they did, our project would not have been the same without their help.

Hadar model

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