Team:TECHNION-ISRAEL/cell lines


Cell Lines

Cell Line


In an attempt to engage with the public and educate different segments of the population we collaborated with “Beit Hagalgalim”, an association for children with mental and physical disabilities. We decided to organize an educational activity based on the concept of "tolerance towards yourself" which focused on teaching self-acceptance , an important lesson for children who deal daily with adversity and being “different”.

The activity was a smashing success and the children cooperated amazingly, sharing their feelings, aspirations, and daily coping methods for the difficulties they encounter. The activity really left a mark on the kids and to date we still receive incredibly positive feedback both from the counselors and the children.


In an attempt to engage with the public and educate different segments of the population we collaborated with “Beit Hagalgalim”, an association for children with mental and physical disabilities. We decided to organize an educational activity based on the concept of "tolerance towards yourself" which focused on teaching self-acceptance , an important lesson for children who deal daily with adversity and being “different”.

The activity was a smashing success and the children cooperated amazingly, sharing their feelings, aspirations, and daily coping methods for the difficulties they encounter. The activity really left a mark on the kids and to date we still receive incredibly positive feedback both from the counselors and the children.


In an attempt to engage with the public and educate different segments of the population we collaborated with “Beit Hagalgalim”, an association for children with mental and physical disabilities. We decided to organize an educational activity based on the concept of "tolerance towards yourself" which focused on teaching self-acceptance , an important lesson for children who deal daily with adversity and being “different”.

The activity was a smashing success and the children cooperated amazingly, sharing their feelings, aspirations, and daily coping methods for the difficulties they encounter. The activity really left a mark on the kids and to date we still receive incredibly positive feedback both from the counselors and the children.

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