Improved Parts
BBa_K2443037 - T7 RNA Polymerase
Original part: BBa_I2032
Submitted by: MIT in 2006 and designed by: Bartholomew Canton
Encodes only for the coding region of T7 RNA polymerase. In order to improve it and incorporate it into our NextVivo system we have codon optimized it and attached a 6 X His tag for easy purification.
Part BBa_K1791002
Part BBa_K17910012 contains two modules, a low efficiency ribosome binding site (RBS) expressing MS2 coat protein and a theophylline ribozyme with a MS2 aptamer at the 3’ end. To express MS2 coat protein the part utilizes expression of c-terminal 6x His tagged MS2 coat protein under a T7 promoter and a standard Shine Dalgarno sequence followed by a double terminator (BBa_0015). Downstream of the RBS is a T7 promoter followed by a theophylline ribozyme and a MS2 aptamer at the 3’ end. Coexpression of the two modules results in MS2 binding to the 3’ end of the theophylline ribozyme construct which allows for MS2-RNA purification by nickel affinity chromatography, RNA can then be eluted from the MS2-RNA complex by addition of theophylline.