Materials Needed
- MRS liquid media
- L. plantarum cells
- Glass culture tube
- CO2 incubator
- MRS liquid media, containing 0.5 M sucrose
- Spectrophotometer
- Centrifuge
- Vortex
- 50 mL Falcon conical tubes (2)
- 30% PEG 8000
Preparation of Recipient Cell Stocks
- Inoculate 10-25 mL of -80 ࠷ L. Plantarum stocks in MRS broth at 37 ࠷ CO2 incubator, overnight without shaking.
- Subculture by incubating culture in a 200 mL of prewarmed MRS broth. Add culture until OD600 is 0.1.
- Subcultures should be grown to an OD600 of 0.6 (4-8 hours).
- For glycine supplementation, the MRS broth should contain 0.5%-1.0% glycine.
- For NaCl supplementation, inoculate subcultures with 0.9M of NaCl.
- Harvest cells from the subculture by centrifugation at 4 ࠷ for 10 min. at 7000 rpm after inoculation.
- Rinse the cells in 200 mL of sterile, distilled water (~4 ࠷) and centrifuge again.
- Resuspend the pellet in 2-3 mL of cold, sterile, distilled water and aliquot 1 mL volumes to 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes.
- Centrifuge aliquots at 15,000 rpm for ~90 seconds and remove the supernatant.
- Rinse the cells twice with 1 mL of cold, distilled, sterile water. Then rinse with 1 mL of cold, sterile 30% PEG-8000 solution. Remove the supernatant.
- Suspend cells in 0.5-0.6 mL of 30% PEG for storage at -80 ࠷. These should retain viability for up to 2 years.
Treatment of Cells Prior to Electroporation
- MRS broth was prepared using 55g of Difco MRS broth powder in 1L of distilled water. The solution was then autoclaved and stored in a 4 degree refrigerator along with the Difco MRS powder.
- MRS agar was prepared by mixing 55g of Difco MRS broth powder and 15g of agar flakes in 1 L of water. The solution was then autoclaved and stored in a 4 degree refrigerator along with the Difco MRS powder.
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