Click on the map to find out about each team participated in the collaboration.
Manchester Team
Track: Environment
Our project is tackling two environmental problems: eutrophication and phosphorus reserves depletion. We have designed bacteria which can accumulate phosphorus from water, thus killing two birds with one stone.
As part of our Integrated Human Practices, we have created a business model for our project. This document helped us to decide where our potential business could be most easily set up from a legal point of view.
Virginia Team
Track: Environment
Our project focused on improving the wastewater treatment process through uniting the functions of nitrification and denitrification in a single chassis. This system is more energy-efficient as less water oxygenation is required.
Knowing what legislation within the United States regulates the use of GMOs within the environment and with products such as drinking water is important if we want to make our project usable outside the laboratory.
IIT_Delhi Team
Track: Information processing
Our team worked on a square wave generator, which has the potential to revolutionize the periodic drug delivery, biological clocks, bacterial memory storage systems and many other fields.
This GMM regulations document was a great source of help to commercialise the iGEM project with the rules laid down for business across the globe, guiding through the best place for setup.
ITB_Indonesia Team
Track: Environment
Our project tackled the problem of microplastic water pollution by designing bacteria that could degrade micro-plastic on the open ocean.
This document provided the regulation information for the future worldwide implementation of our project, which made us consider the role our project might play in the developing world.
Macquarie Team
Track: Energy
Our team researched the use of genetically modified E-coli to produce hydrogen gas as a sustainable, zero-emission fuel source. Our prototype is a refuelling station that utilises our technology to enable drivers of hydrogen-powered vehicles to refuel their vehicle at home.
This document was very helpful in developing our business plan as it guided our decisions about consumer perceptions of GMOs, laws that we need to consider and authoritative bodies we will need to approach should we produce and sell our product in overseas markets.
Botchan_Lab_Tokyo Team
Track: Food & nutrition
Our team worked on creating nitrogen fixating E.coli, which can help babies under 1000 days suffering from malnutrition. Theoretically, our bacteria could help babies turn nitrogen from air they inhale into proteins.
As our future vision, we thought of commercialising our GMMs by putting nitrogen-fixing GMMs into specific capsules. This document helped us when thinking how we can commercialise our project.
KUAS_Korea Team
Track: Diagnostics
Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info.
Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how?
AQA Unesp Team
Track: Therapeutics
Our project aims to develop a new treatment for type 1 diabetes using genetically engineered probiotic bacteria.
This document was very useful for us to understand the laws in our country as the research we undertook made us realize the complexity of Brazilian legislations regarding GMOs used for therapeutical reasons.
UChile_OpenBio-CeBiB Team
Track: Environment
Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info.
Creating this document made us realise Chile stands out due to the lack of regulations for GMO. This prompted us to introducing a debate into the community about the implementation of regulations for GMM, which expanded the human practices part of our project.
UAlberta Team
Track: Foundational advance
Team UALberta has developed a buoyancy-based screening system for protein-protein interactions in E-Coli.
This document put to perspective the worldwide concerns associated with genetic modification of organisms. We used it to educate the general public about the overarching reach of synthetic biology and its place in modern society.
Click on the map to find out about each team participated in the collaboration.
Manchester Team
Track: Environment
Our project is tackling two environmental problems: eutrophication and phosphorus reserves depletion. We have designed bacteria which can accumulate phosphorus from water, thus killing two birds with one stone.
As part of our Integrated Human Practices, we have created a business model for our project. This document helped us to decide where our potential business could be most easily set up from a legal point of view.
Virginia Team
Track: Environment
Our project focused on improving the wastewater treatment process through uniting the functions of nitrification and denitrification in a single chassis. This system is more energy-efficient as less water oxygenation is required.
Knowing what legislation within the United States regulates the use of GMOs within the environment and with products such as drinking water is important if we want to make our project usable outside the laboratory.
IIT_Delhi Team
Track: Information processing
Our team worked on a square wave generator, which has the potential to revolutionize the periodic drug delivery, biological clocks, bacterial memory storage systems and many other fields.
This GMM regulations document was a great source of help to commercialise the iGEM project with the rules laid down for business across the globe, guiding through the best place for setup.
ITB_Indonesia Team
Track: Environment
Our project tackled the problem of microplastic water pollution by designing bacteria that could degrade micro-plastic on the open ocean.
This document provided the regulation information for the future worldwide implementation of our project, which made us consider the role our project might play in the developing world.
Macquarie Team
Track: Energy
Our team researched the use of genetically modified E-coli to produce hydrogen gas as a sustainable, zero-emission fuel source. Our prototype is a refuelling station that utilises our technology to enable drivers of hydrogen-powered vehicles to refuel their vehicle at home.
This document was very helpful in developing our business plan as it guided our decisions about consumer perceptions of GMOs, laws that we need to consider and authoritative bodies we will need to approach should we produce and sell our product in overseas markets.
Botchan_Lab_Tokyo Team
Track: Food & nutrition
Our team worked on creating nitrogen fixating E.coli, which can help babies under 1000 days suffering from malnutrition. Theoretically, our bacteria could help babies turn nitrogen from air they inhale into proteins.
As our future vision, we thought of commercialising our GMMs by putting nitrogen-fixing GMMs into specific capsules. This document helped us when thinking how we can commercialise our project.
KUAS_Korea Team
Track: Diagnostics
Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info.
Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how? Help how?
AQA Unesp Team
Track: Therapeutics
Our project aims to develop a new treatment for type 1 diabetes using genetically engineered probiotic bacteria.
This document was very useful for us to understand the laws in our country as the research we undertook made us realize the complexity of Brazilian legislations regarding GMOs used for therapeutical reasons.
UChile_OpenBio-CeBiB Team
Track: Environment
Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info Project info.
Creating this document made us realise Chile stands out due to the lack of regulations for GMO. This prompted us to introducing a debate into the community about the implementation of regulations for GMM, which expanded the human practices part of our project.
UAlberta Team
Track: Foundational advance
Team UALberta has developed a buoyancy-based screening system for protein-protein interactions in E-Coli.
This document put to perspective the worldwide concerns associated with genetic modification of organisms. We used it to educate the general public about the overarching reach of synthetic biology and its place in modern society.
As participants in the iGEM Competition, we have come to accept the ability to modify genes as an obvious fact, one that does not require much reflection on our end. At the same time, whilst we understand such possibility is granted to us by law, not many realise the extent to which law may incentivise, guide, shape and, at times, limit our efforts. It originates from politics, creates institutional procedures, gives life to new businesses, dictates the pace of scientific progress, and affects consumer choices. In this, law reflects the perceptions of its creators while its creators reflect diversity of the country’s citizens. In this, law is diverse.
In this collaboration, we aimed at creating a document that would illustrate that very depth and diversity of law. For this reason, the first issue we discussed is law-related politics, the second its bureaucracy, third law’s impact on business, fourth on science and finally on consumer behaviour. Willing to gain an even deeper understanding of GMM legislations, we have invited teams 15 from different countries to participate in these collaborative efforts. In the end, the final document has been created by 137 iGEMers from 10 teams, 10 countries, 7 different iGEM tracks and 5 continents. Have a look at the fruits of the 3 months-long interactions, discussions and meet-ups.
The institutional bodies that enforce the laws regarding the use of GMMs differ a lot across the world. In many countries in Asia (Japan, Indonesia, and Korea) and Canada, ministries and departments are responsible for enforcing the laws of GMMs. The kinds of ministries enforcing the laws as well as their numbers vary from country to country, but usually the large organizations are in charge.
We can distinguish two different administrative ways in which countries decided to regulate the use of GMMs. One way government regulate GMMs is by establishing a special, often non-governmental, organisation, which usually also acts as an information centre in the field of synthetic biology. The other way involves assigning conventional ministries to regulate the use of GMMs in their respective fields. The legal requirements in the European Union, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Indonesia and India are very similar. All uses of GMOs require risk assessments to be run before the start of the production. The exact procedures related to obtaining permissions to use GMOs in the production vary, however, according to the target use of the final products or the way the GMOs are handled in the production process. As a general rule, products related to human health as well as those used as food or feed have to follow stricter GMO procedures, such as obtaining approvals from several ministries or labelling your final products in a predescribed manner. Environmental release of GMOs is also given serious attention although the procedures are not as tight, just as in the case of contained GMO use. Usually, the target use also dictates which Ministry will be responsible for the evaluation and approval of the planned GMO use. These could include Ministries of Agriculture, Health, Food, Fisheries, Forestry, Environment and many more. It can be noticed all countries participating in this collaboration, share the standard protocols of good practices in a laboratory, which includes the following: The legal requirements for disclosing GMOs within food and other products differ across the world. Some countries within the Americas have little to no laws in place regarding GMO labelling. In the USA, there are no official obligations for companies to label any products containing GMOs. The same applies to Canada, unless the food is likely to pose a health or safety risk to consumers, in which case full disclosure of GMOs is mandatory. The Brazilian government, which has until now required companies to label transgenic products with a T symbol, is (as of 2017) currently considering removing this law. Chilean government might be a notable exception as it prohibits the introduction into the market of any products containing GMOs. Summary coming soon.
*Click on each flag to see the response of each individual team!*
1. What institutional body enforces the laws regarding the use of GMMs?
On the other hand, countries like India, Brazil, the United States, and Australia have more specialied committees or institutions of biotechnology and biosafety and these committees are responsible for enforcing the laws.
In the European Union, the European Commission is responsible for enforcing the GMO laws to be followed by all member countries. Chile doesn’t have a clear regulation for biotechnology, but has responsible institutions when commercing or trading.
*Click on each flag to see the response of each individual team!*
All laws regarding the use of GMMs stem from the Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology.
In accordance with Foods and Drugs Act, Health Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Environment Canada are the administrative branches responsible for the regulation of products derived from biotechnology. Health Canada’s role is to enforce standards for safety and nutritional quality of all foods sold in Canada. It works under the Foods and Drugs Act. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) role is to minimize diseases and other public health hazards that could potentially be caused by the food supply system. Fisheries and Oceans Canada role is to regulate Canadian fisheries, oceans and freshwater resources. This joint effort helps ensure that informed decisions regarding GMMs by pooling the expertise and considerations of each agency together.
European Commission is the institution responsible for proposing and implementing legislations applying to all member countries. Member countries may additionally restrict or prohibit the cultivation of GMMs in their territory. This possibility, however, is regulated by Directive (EU) 2015/412 adopted by the EU.
In Australia, the use of GMMs is regulated under a nationwide legislative framework consisting of two main branches: the Gene Technology Regulator and Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). Individual states and territories also have their own legislation in accordance with this framework.
In Brazil, the Biosafety Law (Law 11105/05) sets the safety rules and fiscalisation of GMMs and its derivatives in the national territory. The National Technical Committee of Biosafety (CTNBio) is responsible for enforcing the laws and setting the rules for the construction, experimentation, cultivation, manipulation, transport, commercialization, consumption, release and discarding of GMMs and its derivatives.
Chile doesn’t have a clear regulation for biotechnology. However, the Agricultural and Livestock Service is responsible for the importation, sowing and propagation of GMOs, also regulating the exportation of seeds (Law N° 3.557/82 actualised Law N°1523/2001). The Ministry of Health, on the other hand, regulates the labelling of food made with the use of GMOs (Article 107).
India is currently undergoing a massive overhaul in their laws and regulations regarding GMOs. Currently, there is a proposed “Regulations and guidelines on biosafety of recombinant DNA research and biocontainment, 2017’ draft that has been prepared and opened for comments. Currently, under the proposal, the following 6 bodies are in charge of enforcing laws regarding GMOs and GMMs -
1. Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RDAC) - Advisory
2. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) - Regulatory/ Approval
3. Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) - Regulatory/ Approval
4. Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) - Regulatory/ Approval
5. State Biotechnology Coordination Committee (SBCC) - Regulatory/ Approval
6. Monitoring District Level Committee (DLC) - Monitoring
The laws regarding the use of GMMs are regulated by 4 ministries: The Ministry of Agriculture, The Ministry of Forestry and Plantation, The Ministry of Health, and The Ministry of Food and Horticulture. They created the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 year of 2005 (PP No. 21/2005) on Biosafety of GMO.
In Japan, mainly Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Ministry of the Environment is responsible for the use of GMMs. With these ministries at the core, other institutions such as Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare are also responsible for GMMs in each related field.
The usage of the GMMs in Korea is strictly regulated by the GMO Law, established on Jan 28, 2001. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy takes charge of this law.2. Who regulates the use of GMMs on a case-by-case basis?
The European Union, Australia, and Indonesia belong to the first group. For example, in Australia, Gene Technology Regulator Advisory Committee takes charge of making decisions on products’ approval. Competent authorities in the European Union and The Biosafety Commission and The Technical Team for Biosafety in Indonesia have similar roles.
Brazil, Canada, Chile, Korea, India, Japan and the US belong to the second group, where conventional ministries are responsible for their respective fields. Even though the names of these ministries might differ amongst the countries, it seems to be a more prevalent way to regulate GMO. Additional information centres might be present to help the ministries make decisions, nonetheless.
*Click on each flag to see the response of each individual team!*
The US Food and Drug Administration regulates any GMMs that get used in consumer products, such as GMMs in food or cosmetics. The US Department of Agriculture regulates any genetic modification of plants. However, any GMMs that are to be released into the environment are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Manufacturers wishing to make their products available in Canada are required to submit paperwork (including manufacturing and quality control methodologies, pre-clinical and clinical tests, side effects and limitation), as well multiple samples in the case of biologics, to Health Canada. Health Canada will then evaluate the product according to the regulations set out in the Food and Drugs Act, the Food and Drugs Regulations, and the Medical Devices Regulations.
All member countries are obliged to establish ’competent authorities,’ institutions responsible for overseeing the use of GMMs on a case-by-case basis.
It is the role of the Gene Technology Regulator Advisory Committee to assess all data supplied by any applicant (who is intending to release GMMs into the environment) and perform a comprehensive literature review to determine whether or not it will be approved. FSANZ also regulates the use of GMMs in foods for human consumption on an individual case-by-case basis.
The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) approves and inspects the use of GMMs and its derivatives in any products for human use (e.g., pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food). The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Supply (MAPA) is responsible for regulating the use of modified seeds and plants. All GMMs must be approved for release by CTNBio.
Environment Ministry regulates crops for production with environmental impact service (SEA) (Law N° 19.300/1994). The Health Ministry has a specific regulation for food and drinks. For the propagation of any GMO, the Agricultural and Livestock Service is in charge.
As per the proposed “Regulations and guidelines on biosafety of recombinant DNA research and biocontainment, 2017’’, the following has been proposed -
Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) [formerly known as Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), has been established under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC). The major functions of GEAC as prescribed in the Rules 1989 are:
i. To appraise activities involving large scale use of hazardous microorganisms and recombinants in research and industrial production from the environmental angle.
ii. To appraise proposals relating to release of genetically engineered organisms and products into the environment including experimental field trials.
iii. The committee or any persons authorized by it has powers to take punitive action under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
The SBCC is a monitoring committee at State level and it shall have powers:
i. To inspect, investigate and to take punitive action in case of violations of statutory provisions through the State Pollution Control Board or the Directorate of Health etc.
ii. To review periodically the safety and control measures in various institutions handling GE Organisms.
iii. To act as nodal agency at State level to assess the damage, if any, due to release of GE Organisms and to take on site control measures.
There shall be a District Level Biotechnology Committee (DLC) in the districts wherever necessary under the District Collectors to monitor the safety regulations in installations engaged in the use of genetically modified organisms/ hazardous microorganisms and its applications in the environment.
The District Level Committee/or any other person/s authorized in this behalf shall visit the installation engaged in activity involving genetically engineered organisms, hazardous microorganisms, formulate information chart, find out hazards and risks associated with each of these installations and coordinate activities with a view to meeting any emergency. They shall also prepare an off-site emergency plan. The District Level Committee shall regularly submit its report to the SBCC/ GEAC.
On a case-by-case basis, it is regulated by a specific non-ministry government institution The Biosafety Commission and The Technical Team for Biosafety on 5 different fields: foods, plants, animals, fishes, and microorganisms. They review all the required technical documents and inform whether or not it is needed to do a follow-up laboratory test and so on.
In Japan, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, and Ministry of the Environment regulate the use of GMMs on research and development. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Ministry of the Environment regulate the use of GMMs that are agricultural produce. Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and Ministry of the Environment regulate the use of GMMs that are pharmaceuticals for human body.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology regulates the gene recombination experiments. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry regulates the use of GMMs on a production of enzymes for industrial use. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries regulates the use of GMMs on a production or sale of experimental animals.
The committee of the Biosafety is the umbrella body for other GMO supervising ministries. With the help of the Korea Biosafety Clearing House (KBCH), which is the information center, each Ministry takes care of case falling under their supervision. For instance, the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning is in charge of the academical usages of GMOs.3. What legal requirements do I have to fulfil in order to be able to use GMMs in my business?
In Korea, the procedure is also similar but it requires a payment of a examination fee that costs 4000 dollars. In the USA, GMO plants are considered equivalent to non-GMO plants and do not require much further approval; only if the plant express a protein that is significantly different from any protein originally expressed, will a respective institution be required to approve of such use. In Chile, on the other hand, it is forbidden to commercialise GMOs as only seed exportation is allowed.
*Click on each flag to see the response of each individual team!*
Under FDA regulations, most plant GMOs are considered equivalent to non-GMOs and do not require much further approval. However, if the modified plant expresses a protein that is significantly different from any protein it originally expressed, then the business must get approval from the FDA.
To receive EPA approval for GMOs with the Bt toxin, the business must conduct a food-safety analysis and verify that the toxin will be safe for the environment. GMOs without this toxin can be freely used.
Vestibulum canada faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
A. If your business involves contained use of GMMs,
1. Run a risk assessment
2. Assign an appropriate risk class to your activity
3. Notify the competent authority about your planned use
4. Follow the safety measures which apply to the risk class identified
For more details, read Directive 2009/41/EC.
B. If your business involves releasing GMOs into the environment,
1. Run a risk assessment
2. Notify the competent authority about your planned use
3. After completion of a release, send to the competent authority the result of the release in respect of any risk to human health or the environment
4. Notify the competent authority about your product placement on the market
5. Following the placing on the market of a GMO as or in a product, ensure that monitoring and reporting on it are carried out according to the conditions specified in the consent.
For more details, read Directive 2001/18/EC.
C. If your business involves selling or producing genetically modified food or feed,
1. Apply to a competent authority supplying them with relevant information
2. Follow appropriate labelling guidelines once you have received the authorisation
For more details, read Regulation (EC) 1829/2003.
D. If the product you want to sell inside the EU includes GMO,
1. Inform trade buyers in writing that a product contains GMOs (or provide a ‘declaration of use’ for products intended for food or animal feed).
2. Communicate the unique identifiers assigned to each GMO under the regulation.
3. Identify each ingredient produced from GMOs, if an ingredients list exists (for food and feed).
This information should be provided at every stage in the production and distribution chain and kept for 5 years.
For more details, read Regulation (EC) 1830/2003.
E. Finally, check if the country in which you plan to start your business, does not have additional restrictions. You should contact the competent authority operating in your country before you commit any capital.
Prior to any use of a GMM, a business must first obtain a licence from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator. This process involves providing detailed information about the host, donor, transferred DNA, properties of the GMM and where it will be grown. A formal risk assessment is then carried out by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator who then make a decision as to whether a licence will be granted.
In order to use a GMM in your business, one needs to fulfill numerous requirements. The development of any GMM must be monitored by the CTNBio and the regulatory agencies. If your company is going to start working with GMM, the first step is getting the Certified of Biosafety by CTNBio and create an internal committee of biosafety. Then, you need the approval by the regulatory agency (e.g. Anvisa for human purposes and the MAPA for agriculture purposes). You are going to need to fulfill a lot of requirements in order to get the registry and the permission to develop your research in your lab.
For agriculture purposes, once you have finished your research inside the lab, the CTNBio will evaluate it and emit a position paper that will allow you to do a planned and controlled release. To do that, you are going to need to fulfill the requirements of the Normative Resolution n. 6 of November 6th, 2008.
For medical purposes, once you finished your research inside the lab, you are going to need to ask Anvisa for a registry of biological medication and you are going to need to fulfill all of the requirements stared in the Resolution n. 55 of December 16th, 2010.
Once your product is registered and approved by CTNBio and MAPA or Anvisa, you will be able to release and/or commercialise it.
Vestibulum chile faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum india faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum indonesia faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum japan faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum korea faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.4. As an employer who exposes their workers to biological agents, what safety measures am I obliged to adopt?
• Reduce the risk of manipulation to the maximum.
• Identify the level of risk.
• Use of necessary safety equipment for each activity.
• Maintain the necessary information and supervision with trained personnel.
• Maintain an infection prevention protocol and equipment in case of emergency.
• Good hygiene of workers.
• Special conditions and restrictions on air circulation.
• Waste disposal protocols, among others.
In the United States, Australia, Brazil and Indonesia, these protocols for the manipulation of biological agents are all that is required to protect the workers involved. On the other hand, the European Union, Japan and India also require medical records of all workers exposed to biological agents to be kept for a specified period of time. Japan additionally requires the employers to hold medical check-ups every 6 months for the exposed workers. The legislations of EU, Korea, Canada, Chile and India group biological agents according to the risk they might create. These groups, in turn, determine what safety measures are to be taken in each case.
In Korea, Canada and Chile, the facilities must also be located in an isolated or secluded location. Chile only requires it for biosafety levels 3 and 4. Finally, Korea and India require the existence of a decontamination room between the work area and the outside.
*Click on each flag to see the response of each individual team!*
Vestibulum us faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum canada faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum European Union faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum aus faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum brazil faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum chile faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum india faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum indonesia faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum japan faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum korea faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.5. As a consumer, how do I know if a product I want to buy contains GMO?
In contrast, most of Europe, Asia and Oceania have strict guidelines surrounding labelling of GMO products. The European Union, Australia, India and Indonesia all require the packaging of such products to be bear the label “this product contains genetically modified organisms”, although exceptions do exist in the form of medical products (in the European Union) and foods produced by animals fed with GMO foods (in Australia). Japan and Korea follow a percentage scale, with GMO labelling required if a product contains more than 5% and 1% genetically-modified ingredients respectively.
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Vestibulum us faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum canada faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum European Union faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum aus faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum brazil faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum chile faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum india faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum indonesia faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum japan faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum korea faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.6. What are the most important documents related to GMMs?
Vestibulum us faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum canada faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum European Union faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum aus faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum brazil faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum chile faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum india faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum indonesia faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum japan faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Vestibulum korea faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed condimentum turpis ut aliquam pellentesque. Quisque consectetur quam lorem, ut varius elit mollis euismod. Fusce gravida orci metus, nec cursus dui pulvinar quis. Vivamus accumsan magna tortor, quis egestas magna faucibus in. Morbi enim sem, sollicitudin viverra viverra et, tempor sit amet justo. Quisque malesuada magna eu lorem egestas, quis molestie lectus sollicitudin. Donec varius magna vel eros faucibus, vel cursus eros condimentum. Donec justo lacus, tempus sed vestibulum quis, semper vitae nulla. Nam vel accumsan mi. Cras molestie, risus in hendrerit laoreet, sapien mauris ultricies enim, in fermentum ligula nibh a tellus. In vitae sollicitudin nibh. Praesent convallis consectetur vulputate. Vestibulum faucibus augue a pretium interdum. Phasellus eros felis, tincidunt eget odio a, imperdiet consequat ipsum. Duis bibendum mattis efficitur. Etiam auctor id elit at fringilla. Donec pretium, ex id pellentesque varius, risus lacus pellentesque tortor, non tincidunt eros libero vel mi. Morbi viverra tempor mattis. Curabitur mattis sed dolor in aliquet. Maecenas nec metus at nibh gravida commodo id vel dolor. Morbi commodo cursus lacus, et ullamcorper nibh lacinia in. Mauris lectus enim, sodales vel dolor eget, volutpat volutpat purus. Quisque vitae odio pellentesque, pulvinar lorem eu, congue ligula. Morbi magna sem, pharetra sed sagittis quis, aliquam sit amet purus. Aliquam eget est ut ligula facilisis gravida ut ut ante. Nullam quis venenatis nulla. Nam facilisis ex in ligula consequat posuere. Pellentesque id arcu mattis, gravida elit a, hendrerit ante. Integer mollis justo sed vestibulum vehicula.