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Bronze Medal Criterion #4
Standard Tracks: Participate in the Interlab Measurement Study and/or improve the characterization of an existing BioBrick Part or Device and enter this information on that part's Main Page in the Registry. The part that you are characterizing must NOT be from a 2017 part number range.
For teams participating in the InterLab study, all work must be shown on this page.
Interlab Measurement Study
The 2017 Interlab Study is the fourth such initiative by the Measurement Committee of iGEM Foundation to establish a hardy measurement procedure for the green fluorescent protein. The goal for the study this year is to test various RBS devices with the intention of finding which combinations yield more stable gene expression and how this might translate to various labs worldwide. Detailed below are the protocols and materials we used during the course of the experiment as provided by the iGEM Foundation. We are proud to contribute to this research endeavor by the iGEM Foundation.
Protocol: Getting Started
- Transformed Interlab 2017 Part kit devices into E. coli DH5-alpha cells using electroporation.
- Plated on LB/CAM and allowed to grow overnight at 37oC.
- Two colonies from each plate used to inoculate 5 ml of LB/CAM liquid media and grown overnight at 37oC and 220 rpm for a total of sixteen culture tubes.
- Next dilutions were made in 12 ml of LB/CAM to a target OD600 of 0.02 and allowed to grow at 37oC and 220 rpm in a foil covered incubator with the lights off.
Plate Reader Protocol
- Allow OD600 dilutions to grow for 6 hours at 37oC and 220 rpm
- Take measurements every two hours, starting with hour 0, for a total of four measurement points.
- Measurements were taken by:
- Taking 500µl from each of the sixteen culture tubes and put into microcentrifuge tubes.
- Next, 100µl from these samples were pipetted into the wells of a Costar black with clear-bottom 96 well plate.
- The samples were measured using an Infinite 200 Pro with the following settings: Excitation 485nm with a 9nm bandwidth and an Emission of 530nm with a bandwidth of 20nm,
A gain of 48 was also used.
Ludox Measurement
Standard Curve Measurement
Devices Measured