

Our Results

Detailed, below, are the results we obtained during the various experimental stages of this project. Accompanying each display of data is a small paragraph of conclusive remarks which aims to outline the importance or significance of the results.

Modifying C. reinhardtii

We attempted to introduce MEX-1, a maltose exporter gene normally found in the plastid membrane, into the cell membrane of C. reinhardtii.

Unfortunately, the results were bleak.

The GC-content of MEX-1 is around 70% (source???) and the GC-content of C. reinhardtii’s genome is around 60% (source???). This is a likely cause of the modification’s failure, since high GC content is linked with difficulty in amplifying through PCR (source???).

Further, despite our best attempts at performing the transformation, we simply did not have enough time to get a successful result. C. reinhardtii has a relatively slow growth rate (doubling around once every 8 hours at 25°C (source???)) which, coupled with the waiting time for sequencing results, meant that, over the short period in which we could use laboratories in our Department of Biology, we only had time for two attempts at modification. Both were unsuccessful and, thence, we had to abandon the idea that C. reinhardtii could export maltose as a carbon source for LW06.

Will it grow, if...?

Concurrently with the above, we tested the growth of our organisms under different circumstances and on different media to see what ramifications the effects would have for our proposed co-culture.

LW06 on Maltose

    • Figure 1: Maltose test plate 1 box plot. Plate 1 has serious anomalies in the blanks and controls when compared to plates 2 and 3. RV on y axis is the regression values. Results from this experiment where discounted due to problems with the control and blank samples.
    • Figure 2: Maltose test plate 2 box plot. Missing data points in the blanks and controls are due to OD data not being high enough to be logged by R studio software. RV on y axis is the regression values.

    • Figure 3: Maltose test plate 3 box plot. RV on y axis is the regression values.

    • Figure 4: Maltose test plate 1 column graph, mean growth rates on maltose gradient in 96 well plates. Media maltose (1-8) represents columns 5–12 (TP.Maltose) wells. Given previously described issues with controls data from this experiment is not to be used for analysis.

    • Figure 5: Maltose test plate 2 column graphs, mean growth rates on maltose gradient in 96 well plates. Media maltose (1-8) represents columns 5–12 (TP.Maltose) wells.
    • Figure 6: Maltose plate 3 column graph, mean growth rates on maltose gradient in 96 well plates. Media maltose (1-8) represents columns 5–12 (TP.Maltose) wells.

Results: Consistency is shown for high growth in column 5 (1g/L) but remains more or less level throughout the increasing maltose concentrations. Such consistency indicates LW06 is somewhat poor at maltose metabolism but is able to survive on it. Mean growth rates are small, though this is potentially explained by a highly limiting culture volume. However, data from the plate reader indicates clear exponential and plateau events during growth. In conclusion, growth under maltose conditions is possible. Conditioning for maltose consumption may be required to improve final culturing with C. reinhardtii when it is exporting maltose, in future co-cultures. The problems with the first experimental run, contamination in the blanks and controls, were most likely due to condensation on the interior lid or displacement of culture material in the controls and blank sections of the plate during agitation. As a result of this, data from this experiment is to be discounted for analysis and should be considered when proceeding with experiments in the future as to avoid issues of contamination.

LW06 on Home Blend Medium

    • Figure 7: Home blend (Hblend) test plate 1. Regression values (y axis) show that TP-Maltose performs worse than TP-Glucose. Hblend-Glucose greatly out performs Hblend-Maltose, but is comparable to TP-Maltose.
    • Figure 8: Hblend test plate 1. Mean growth rates here show that the growth rate for Hblend-Glucose is much greater than TP or Hblend-Maltose. TP-Maltose outperforms our Home blend recipe.
  • A T-test was conducted for TP.Maltose and Hblend.Maltose. T-test (Degrees of Freedom = 48, p = 8.82 x 10-10). This indicates significant difference between media types.

    • Figure 9: Hblend test plate 2. Regression values (y axis), as in figure 1, show that TP and Hblend-Maltose are out performed by Hblend-Glucose.
    • Figure 10: Hblend test plate 2. Mean growth rates here show Hblend-Glucose out performs TP or Hblend-Maltose with no difference between the latter pair in terms of growth.
  • A T-test was conducted for the second plate. T-test (D.o.F. = 48, p = 0.058255). For the second plate, no statistical significance between media types was indicated.

Results: Overall, Hblend performs unremarkably when compared to TP media. Despite having much higher micronutrients, Hblend does not perform as well as we hypothesised. Some data collected indicates that a longer run time may have had an effect, but it is unlikely that this would lead to major improvements over the TP media. The problem seems to be the uptake or metabolism of maltose. Conditioning our organisms to grow on maltose may improve growth rates in a co-culture. However, such a limitation may work to the advantage of the co-culture. A key problem to consider was the greatly divergent growth rates between C. reinhardtii and the LW06 E. coli strain. This reduced growth with maltose as the carbon source may provide a sufficient rate limiter on the growth of LW06 to avoid complete culture saturation with the E. coli in future co-cultures.

C. reinhardtii Ethanol Tolerance

    • Figure 11: Cell counts for C. reinhardtii via multiple well plate readers. Readings taken ~24hours manually.

    • Figure 12: Cell counts for C. reinhardtii via multiple well plate readers. Readings taken ~24hours manually.

Results: C. reinhardtii is able to tolerate an increase of ethanol to at the most 3.2% (as a portion of media). Given rates of increase it seems that it could tolerate much higher concentrations. This is encouraging, as ethanol resistance of the C. reinhardtii would likely be sufficient to survive upper limits of the LW06 strain’s ethanol production. Interestingly, C. reinhardtii experiences better growth at higher concentrations of ethanol, there is not a clear reason this is the case. Addition of ethanol to the media may have made growth conditions more amenable to C. reinhardtii. There is some chance that the ethanol may have evaporated which, while possible, is unlikely due to the sealing of the plate. Overall, it seems that C. reinhardtii would be able to survive the proposed amount of ethanol that could be produced by the LW06.

Co-culture of C. reinhardtii and E. coli LW06

There's a large growth disparity between the two organisms (source???)(source???), so we also performed an experiment to check if LW06 would vastly outperform C. reinhardtii on all types of media.

Growth in a Co-culture

    • Figure 13: Cell counts for LW06 in each culture via spread plating at 104 dilutions.
    • Figure 14: Cell counts for C. reinhardtii via manual haemocytometer microscope cell counting at a 104 dilution.

    • Figure 15: Overlaid cell counts for the co-culture. LW06 represented by blue points and C. reinhardtii by orange.

Results: Overall LW06 outperforms C. reinhardtii in all but one of the cultures (Tube 4). It is encouraging to see LW06 perform well on TP.Maltose and TAP.Maltose, although the latter may have been due to the presence of a second carbon source in the form of acetate. It is odd that in every one of the experiments tube that were inoculated with 100 μl of 0.5-1.0 OD LW06 that the cell counts are considerably lower. It seems that the initial starting cell density may have inhibited growth but it is not clear why this effect would continue when dispersed in the co-culture. Alternatively, an unknown error may have occurred at some point during inoculation. From the results it is clear that, if it was some unknown or unnoticed error, it was made consistently in every one of the co-cultures with 100 μL inoculation. No relevant conclusions can be drawn from this. However, considerations such as the growth limiting factor of the TP.Maltose may work in our interest as to avoid culture saturation with LW06.

An obvious error, in hindsight, is the issue of the 10 μL inoculation. It is likely that a much higher volume added to the culture would have improved the results. This would have provided a high enough cell density, should growth have not be great enough during co-culturing with the modified C. reinhardtii in TP media. Overall co-cultures with these two organisms are possible, but higher OD/volume of inoculant may be needed.

Shape Analysis

Though we had some trouble with alignment of lenses, we achieved several results wherein the shape of an organism in the focal plane was facilitated. We present the results below. Organisms are outlined in red boxes.

Confirming Shapes of Organisms

    • Figure 16: E. coli strain BW25113. Its size is (6 x 4) pixels. This corresponds to (1.34 x 0.90) µm.
    • Figure 17: E. coli strain BW25113. Its size is (9 x 6) pixels. This corresponds to (2.02 x 1.34) µm.

    • Figure 18: This sample contained wildtype E. coli and C. reinhardtii. It was provided by Dr. Laurence Wilson, captured using his own DIHM. The hologram was produced using our software and the size of E. coli was (6 x 4) pixels, which equates to (1.34 x 0.90) µm.
    • Figure 19: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The sizes were as follows. A: (9 x 10) pixels, (10.1 x 11.2) µm. B: (9 x 9) pixels, (10.1 x 10.1) µm. C: (10 x 9) pixels, (11.2 x 10.1) µm. D: (10 x 9) pixels, (11.2 x 10.1) µm.

Results: These results show that our software is capable of producing holograms within which the shapes of organisms can be distinguished. In figures 16 to 18, the E. coli can be seen to be rod shaped, approximately 2 µm in one direction and 1 µm in the other, as expected (source???). In the figure 19, C. reinhardtii is approximately circular with diameter around 10 µm, also as expected (source???). These are promising results which show the potential for the technique to be used to distinguish between organisms within a co-culture, especially when there is a size discrepancy. This is exemplified in figure 18, most of all.

Cell Density Analysis

We used our analysis software to count the cells in manually-selected focal planes. We then calculated the volume of the hologram in each case (accounting for magnification, step size and number of steps) and used both to find the number of cells per millilitre. We used the formula: Cells/mL = (D x C x 10-6) / (5122 x N x ((1.12/M)x10-6)3 ); wherein C is the counted number of blobs from the analysis software, D is the dilution number compared with the corroborated sample (e.g. D = 100 for a 1 part in 100 dilution, D = 1 for an undiluted sample), M is the magnification and N is the number of steps between the focal plane being analysed and the closest other plane with focused cells. In most cases N was 150, indicating the whole hologram had only one focused section. We corroborated our values' relevance by comparing to either an optical density reading or a reading from a Thermofisher Countess II FL automated cell counter.

Confirming Cell Counts

    • Figure 20: C. reinhardtii: C = 13, D = 10, M = 1, N = 150. The Countess II FL gave a reading of (5.19 x 106) cells/mL. Our calculated value was (2.4 x 106) cells/mL.
    • Figure 21: C. reinhardtii: C = 113, D = 1, M = 5, N = 150. The Countess II FL gave a reading of (2.03 x 108) cells/mL. Our calculated value was (2.6 x 108) cells/mL.
    • Figure 22: TAP medium only: C = 10, D = 1, M = 1, N = 150. There are no microorganisms present, the diffraction patterns here are due to dust on the slide. The Countess II FL gave a reading of (1.47 x 104) cells/mL. Our calculated value was (1.8 x 105) cells/mL.

    • Figure 23: E. coli: C = 10, D = 100, M = 5, N = 150. The foci were slightly misshapen (but still countable) due to misalignment of the lens during setup. The OD reading returned (4 x 109) cells/mL. Our calculated value was (2.3 x 109) cells/mL.
    • Figure 24: Galdieria sulphuraria: C = 248, D = 1, M = 1, N = 150. The Countess II FL reading returned (5.3 x 106) cells/mL. Our calculated value was (4.5 x 106) cells/mL.

Results: Figure 20 shows a well focused, not magnified image of C. reinhardtii. It is clear from the image that several cells that were present within the area of the image were not detected. However, many, if not all, of them did not pass through the focus of the constructed hologram. Further, the cell count we obtained was only a factor of 2 different to that given by an lab-grade automated cell counter. Considering the minimally developed analysis software, this is a promising achievement that could likely be improved with time and better algorithms.

Motility Analysis



