25 October 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 3
Blunt end Ligation of 10/22/17 PCR1 and transformation
Purpose: Ligation of UAP back to itself after removal of 10bp sequence.
Blunt end ligation was performed uisng NEB T4 DNA ligase protocol. 2 uL of 10/22/17 OJM PCR 1 was ligated in 20 uL reaction. Reaction was conducted at room temperature for 2 hours. After Ligation, 2 uL of 10/25/17 L1 was transformed using Intact Genomics ig 5-Alpha chemically competent cell High efficiency Transformation protocol. 50% and 5% dilutions were plated onto Chloramphenicol plate.
Check colony growth
Stop: 5:00
Label | Source | Description |
10/25/17 L1 | 10/22/17 PCR1 | UAP Ligated back to itself following removal of 10bp fragment |
23 October 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 8:45PM
Colony PCR's of 10/18/2017 Transformations of PhoB and TNTr3, gels of Golden Gate Round two PCR's and 10/23/17 PCR 1 and 2
Purpose: To check assembly of golden gate round two assemblies and test OJM1 and OJM2 primers.
18 Colony PCRs were conducted using Taq 2x Master Mix protocol. 9 Colonies from PhoB and TNTR3 transformation plates were used as template. PCR 1-9 - TNTR3 PCR 10-18 PhoR Three 1% agarose gels were prepared with 2 uL of ethidium bromide Gel 1:
Lane(s) | Component |
1 | 2 Log purple DNA ladder |
2 | TNTR3 PCR1 |
3 | 2 Log purple DNA ladder |
4-10 | TNTR3 PCR 2-3 and 5-9 |
11 | 2 Log purple DNA ladder |
12-20 | PhoR PCR 1-9 |
Lane(s) | Component |
1 | 2 Log purple DNA ladder |
2-8 | 10/23/17 cPCR's 1-7 (Q92X31) |
13 | 2 Log purple DNA ladder |
14-20 | 10/23/17 cPCR's 8-14 (PhoB) |
23 | 10/23/17 OJM PCR1 |
24 | 10/23/17 OJM PCR 2 |
Lane(s) | Component |
1 | 2 Log Purple DNA Ladder |
2-8 | 10/23/17 cPCR 15-21 (O22527) |
11 | 2 Log Purple DNA Ladder |
12-18 | 10/23/17 cPCR 22-28 (Q8LDU4) |
Insert Gel Pictures
Stop: 10:30
23 October 2017
Jeremy Mesa
Start: 5:00 pm
Purpose: To perform a PCR with mutagenesis primers in order to delete a short base pair sequence from plasmid.
Contents of PCR tubes:
Q5 | oJM1 | oJM2 | UAP | Milli-Q | |
PCR 1 | 12.5 μL | 1.25 μL | 1.25 μL | 1 μL | 4 μL |
PCR 2 | 12.5 μL | 1.25 μL | 1.25 μL | 0 μL | 5 μL |
Temp (°C) | Time | Cycles | |
Step 1 | 98 | 30 sec | 0 |
Step 2 | 98 | 5 sec | 24 |
Step 3 | 65 | 20 sec | 24 |
Step 4 | 72 | 75 sec | 24 |
Step 5 | 72 | 2 min | 0 |
Step 6 | 4 | Infinite |
Stop: 5:45
23 October 2017
Ryan Baumann, Jessica Brooks, Tiffany Kuhnert, Lucas Dyer
Start: 4:15pm
Colony PCR of 10/23/2017 Q92x31 5%, Q22527 5% , PhoB 50% , and Q8LD44 5% , golden gate round 2 transformation plates
Purpose: To confirm assembly of title parts with their promoters and terminators
28 Colony PCRs were conducted using Taq 2x Master Mix protocol. 7 colonies from each plate were run along with a RFP Construct postitive control and milliQ water negative control. 1-7 Q92X31 8-14 PhoB 15-21 O22527 22-28 Q8LDU4 Reaction Set Up:
Component | Volume (μ) |
Taq 2x Master Mix | 7.5 |
VR | 0.3 |
VF2 | 0.3 |
MilliQ | 6.9 |
Colony1-34 |
Temp. (C) | Time | Repeats | |
Step 1 | 95 | 5 min | 0 |
Step 2 | 95 | 30 sec | 35 |
Step 3 | 51 | 30 sec | 35 |
Step 4 | 68 | 3 min | 35 |
Step 5 | 68 | 5 min | 0 |
Step 6 | 4 |
Run Gels of all the colony PCRs
18 October 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 2:30PM
Plasmid mini preps of Q9LX31, Q8LDU4, and O22527 transformations. Golden gate assemblies of PhoB, PhoR, TNTR3, Q9LX31, Q8LDU4, and O22527 and transformation on to Kanamysin Blue white screening plates
Purpose: Purify degreening plasmids and assemble signal transduction pathway, periplasmic binding protein, and degreening parts into transcriptional units.
Minipreps were conducted using iGEM lab manual 2.5 kitless miniprep protocol. Samples were resuspended in 50 uL of TE buffer. DNA Concentration were calculated using Thermoscientic Nanodrop 1000. Nanodrop Results:
Sample | DNA Conc. (ng/μL) | 260/280 |
10/17 MP3 (O22527) | 122.1 | 2.11 |
10/17 MP4 (O22527) | 364.9 | 1.86 |
10/17 MP5 (Q9LX31) | 326.9 | 1.88 |
10/17 MP6 (Q9LX31) | 280.2 | 1.91 |
10/18 MP1 (Q8LDU4) | 76.7 | 1.93 |
10/18 MP2 (Q8LDU4) | 59.3 | 1.90 |
10/18 MP3 (K1467101) | 47.4 | 1.93 |
10/18 MP4 (K1467101) | 100.3 | 1.93 |
Stop: 8:30PM
Check for colonies
Label | Source | Description |
10/17 MP3 | O22527 | O22527 in the UAP |
10/17 MP4 | O22527 | O22527 in the UAP |
10/17 MP5 | Q9LX31 | Q9LX31 in the UAP |
10/17 MP6 | Q9LX31 | Q9LX31 in the UAP |
10/18 MP1 | Q8LDU4 | Q8LDU4 in the UAP |
10/18 MP2 | Q8LDU4 | Q8LDU4 in the UAP |
10/18 MP3 | K1467101 | K1467101 in the UAP |
10/18 MP4 | K1467101 | K1467101 in the UAP |
10/18 GG1 | 9/8/17 MP3 | PhoB with BBa_K1467101 Promoter and BBa_K1618037 Terminator |
10/18 GG2 | 9/13/17 MP1 | PhoR with BBa_K1467101 Promoter and BBa_K1618037 Terminator |
10/18 GG3 | 9/8/17 MP1 | TNTR3 with BBa_K1467101 Promoter and BBa_K1618037 Terminator |
10/18 GG4 | 10/17 MP4 | O22527 with Plant Pho Promoter and BBa_K1618037 Terminator |
10/18 GG5 | 10/17 MP5 | Q9LX31 with Plant Pho Promoter and BBa_K1618037 Terminator |
10/18 GG6 | 10/18/17 MP2 | Q8LDU4 with Plant Pho Promoter and BBa_K1618037 Terminator |
17 Oct. 2017
Jeremy Mesa
Start: 2:30
Purpose: To run PCR with mutagenesis primers and a gel following to visualize the results of the reaction.
PCR: Contents of the tube, 20 μL total
Tube | Q5 | oJM1 | oJM2 | UAP | Milli-Q |
PCR 1 | 10 μL | 1 μL | 1 μL | 1 μL | 7 μL |
Temp. (°C) | Time | Repeats | |
Step 1 | 98 | 30 sec | 0 |
Step 2 | 98 | 10 sec | 30 |
Step 3 | 65 | 20 sec | 30 |
Step 4 | 72 | 2 min | 30 |
Step 5 | 72 | 2 min | 0 |
Step 6 | 4 | Infinite | 0 |
Lane 1 | Ladder | 20 μL |
Lane 4 | PCR 1 | 15 μL |
Program name on thermal cycler is saved as PCR10-6.
Stop: 4:00
PCR lane of gel was found to have 4 bands at about 2500bp, 1500bp, 600bp, and less than 100bp. The lane was streaked behind the largest base pair band.
10 15 2017
Lynell Cunningham, Luke Dyer, Tiffany Kuhnert
Start: 3:00
Colony PCR and Gel of 9/30/17 Golden gate assemblies of degreening parts
Purpose: To confirm assembly of Q9LX31, Q8LDU4, and O22527 into the universal acceptor plasmid.
17 Colony Pcr's were conducted using Taq 2x Master mix protocol. 5 Colonies from each 9/30/17 golden gate reaction were run along with a RFP Construct postitive control and milliQ water negative control. Reaction setup:
Component | Volume |
Taq 2X Master Mix | 10 μL |
VR | .4 uL |
VF2 | .4 uL |
MilliQ | 9.2 uL |
Colony 1-15 |
Add Gel Picture
Stop: 10:00pm
Grow successfully assembled cultures, miniprep, and round two assemblies
10 October 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 4:30PM
Gel of 9 October 2017 Golden Gate and Colony PCR's
Purpose: To confirm proper assembly of previous golden gate assemblies
A 1% agarose gel with 1.5 μL Ethidium Bromide and 2 Log Purple DNA Ladder.10 μL of samples were loaded into wells.
Well | Sample |
1 | 2 Log purple DNA Ladder |
2 | 1 |
3 | 2 |
4 | 3 |
5 | 4 |
6 | 5 |
7 | 6 |
8 | 7 |
9 | 8 |
10 | 9 |
11 | 2 Log Purple DNA Ladder |
12 | 10 |
13 | 11 |
14 | 12 |
15 | 13 |
16 | 14 |
17 | 15 |
18 | 16 |
19 | 17 |
20 | 18 |
21 | 10/9/17 A1 |
22 | 10/9/17 A2 |
23 | 10/9/7 A3 |
Insert Gel Pic
Stop: 6:00:00PM
Analyze Gel Results
30 September 2017
Kent Gorday, Lynell Cunningham, Lucas Dyer, Jeremy Mesa
Start: 16:35
Diagnostic PCRs of round 2 assemblies and assembly of degreening gblocks into UAP
Purpose: To check addition of constitutive promoter and terminator to coding sequences, and assemble degreening coding sequences into Universal Acceptor Plasmid for submission.
Six PCRs were performed from round 2 assemblies:
9/30 A1-6
10 μL | 2X Q5 Master Mix |
7 μL | MilliQ Water |
1 μL | Template Plasmid |
1 μL | VF2 |
1 μL | VR |
20 μL | Total Volume |
Temperature (°C) | Time (sec) |
98 | 30 |
98c | 8 |
65c | 22 |
72c | 93 |
72 | 120 |
4 | ꝏ |
cycle X32
Three Golden Gate reactions into the Universal Acceptor Plasmid were performed:9/30 GG1-3
4.9 μL | 100 ng/μL Q9LX31 gblock |
2.5 μL | UAP |
2 μL | 10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer |
1 μL | T4 DNA Ligase |
1 μL | BsmBI |
8.6 μL | MilliQ Water |
15.1 μL | Total Volume |
5.9 μL | 100 ng/μL O22527 gblock |
2.5 μL | UAP |
2 μL | 10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer |
1 μL | T4 DNA Ligase |
1 μL | BsmBI |
7.6 μL | MilliQ Water |
14.1 μL | Total Volume |
5.8 μL | 100 ng/μL Q8LDU4 gblock |
2.5 μL | UAP |
2 μL | 10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer |
1 μL | T4 DNA Ligase |
1 μL | BsmBI |
7.7 μL | MilliQ Water |
14.2 μL | Total Volume |
Temperature (°C) | Time (sec) |
37 | 20 |
37c | 180 |
16c | 240 |
50 | 300 |
80 | 300 |
16 | 300 |
cycle X32
A 1.2% agarose gel was run with PCR products:Well No. | |
3 | Ladder |
4 | A1 |
5 | Ladder |
6 | A2; Bad Load |
7 | A4 |
8 | A3; Bad Load |
9 | A5 |
10 | A6 |
Stop: 20:40
Label | Source | Description |
9/30 A1 | 9/18 MP1 | + pro/ter amplified |
9/30 A2 | 9/18 MP2 | + pro/ter amplified |
9/30 A3 | 9/18 MP3 | + pro/ter amplified |
9/30 A4 | 9/18 MP4 | + pro/ter amplified |
9/30 A5 | 9/18 MP5 | + pro/ter amplified |
9/30 A6 | 9/18 MP6 | + pro/ter amplified |
9/30 GG1 | Q9LX31 gblock | GUN4 CDS assembled into Universal Acceptor Plasmid |
9/30 GG2 | O22527 gblock | Chlorophyllase-1 CDS assembled into Universal Acceptor Plasmid |
9/30 GG3 | Q8LDU4 gblock | RCCR CDS assembled into Universal Acceptor Plasmid |
Colony PCR and patch to a new plate a few white colonies from each round 2 assembly transformation.
Ryan Baumann
Start: 1:30PM
PCR and Gel of 18 September 2017 minipreps (again)
Purpose: To identify if phoR, phoB, and TNTR3are properly assembled in transcriptional units with BBa_K1618037 and BBa_K1467101
Six 20 μL PCR's of 9/18/17 MP 1-6 were run using containing: Q5 HIgh Fidelity 2X Master Mix, 0.4 μL VR and VF2 (10 μM solutions), The following template concentrations, and MilliQ Water up to 20 μL.
Template | Volume |
9/18/17 MP1 | 1 μL |
9/18/17 MP2 | 1 μL |
9/18/17 MP3 | 1 μL |
9/18/17 MP4 | 1 μL |
9/18/17 MP5 | 4 μL |
9/18/17 MP6 | 5 μL |
Well | Sample |
1 | 2 Log Purple DNA Ladder |
3 | PCR1(MP1) |
4 | PCR2(MP2) |
5 | PCR3(MP3) |
6 | PCR4(MP4) |
7 | PCR5(MP5) |
8 | PCR6(MP6) |
9 | Positive Control |
10 | Negative Control |
Add Gel Picture
Continue to troubleshoot PCR conditions. No conclusive results from gel.
Redo PCR's again
21 September 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 2:00 PM
PCR and Gel of 18 September 2017 minipreps
Purpose: To identify if phoR, phoB, and TNTR3are properly assembled in transcriptional units with BBa_K1618037 and BBa_K1467101
Six 20 μL PCR's of 9/18/17 MP 1-6 were run using containing: 300ng of template DNA Q5 High Fidelity 2X Master Mix, 0.2 μM VR and VF2 and water up to 20 μL A positive control was run using an RFP construct in psb1C3. A negative control was run using MilliQ water. Samples were run in the thermocycler in the following conditions: 98C for 30 seconds 32 cycles of: 98C for 8 seconds, 65C for 22 seconds, and 72C for 85 seconds 72C for 120 seconds 4C Hold All PCR's were run on a 1% agarose gel containing 1.5 μL of ethidium bromide
Well | Sample |
1 | 2 Log Purple DNA Ladder |
3 | PCR1(MP1) |
4 | PCR2(MP2) |
5 | PCR3(MP3) |
6 | PCR4(MP4) |
7 | PCR5(MP5) |
8 | PCR6(MP6) |
9 | Positive Control |
10 | Negative Control |
Insert Gel Picture
Stop: 5:30PM
14 September 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 2:00PM
PCR and Gel of 13 September 2017 minipreps
Purpose: To identify if Trg_PhoR and BBa_K1618037 Terminator are properly assembled in the UAP
PCR's of 9/13/17 MP1 (9/14/17 PCR1), MP2 (9/14/17 PCR2), and MP3 (9/14/17 PCR3), and an RFP positive control (9/14/17 PCR4) were run with the following conditions:
Component | Volume |
Taq 2X Master Mix | 10 μL |
VR (10μM) | 0.4 μL |
VF2 (10μL) | 0.4 μL |
Samples | 0.7 μL |
MilliQ | 8.5 μL |
Total | 20 μL |
Lane | Component |
1 | 2 Log Purple DNA Ladder |
3 | 9/14/17 PCR1 |
5 | 9/14/17 PCR2 |
7 | 9/14/17 PCR3 |
9 | 9/14/17 PCR4 |
Insert Gel Picture
Stop: 6:00PM
Round two of golden gate assemblies.
6 September 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 5:00PM
Golden Gate Assembly of BBa_K1618037 Terminator into UAP and Transformations
Purpose: To assemble plant terminator into the universale acceptor plasmid using BsmBI Type IIS endonuclease and transform on to chloramphenicol blue white screening plates. To transform amilCP chromoprotein (BBa_K592009) and eforRed Chromoprotein (BBa_K592012) on to chloramphenicol plates.
Reaction setup:
UAP | 0.20 μL (~60 ng) |
BBa_K1618037 | 5 μL (~50 ng) |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 μL |
BsmBI | 1 μL |
MilliQ Water | 10.8 μL |
20 μL |
Stop: 10:30pm
Label | Source | Description |
9/6/17 AmilCP | 2017 Kit Plate 1 Well 19E | amilCP resuspended from kit plate |
9/6/17 eforRed | 2017 Kit Plate 7 Well 15I | eforRed resuspended from kit plate |
Check for colony growth. Plasmid mini prep desired colonies.
2 September 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: Colony PCR and Gel of 8/31/17 Transformants
Confirm colonies with properly assembled plant parts with promoter and terminator
Purpose: To find properly assembled plasmids of PhoB, PhoR, and TNTr3 with promoter and terminator within alpha 1 acceptor plasmid.
20uL Colony PCR's were run for 7 PhoB colonies, 7 TNTr3 colonies, and 6 PhoR colonies. Sample colony PCR
Component | Volume |
Taq 2x Master Mix | 10 μL |
VR | 0.8 μL |
VF2 | 0.8 μL |
MilliQ | 8.4 μL |
Colonies 1-20 |
Lane(s) | Sample |
1 | 2 Log Purple Ladder |
3-9 | PhoB colonies 1-7 |
10-12 | TNTr3 COlonies 1-3 |
13 | 2 Log Purple Ladder |
15-18 | TNTR3 4-7 |
19-24 | PhoR colonies 1-6 |
Insert Gel pic
Troubleshoot gel results.
1 September 2017
Benjamin Bleitz
Start: 1:00 pm
Preparation of Arabidopsis growth medium
Purpose: to prepare a proper growth medium for Arabidopsis in a laboratory setting
Component | Amount |
Murashige and Skoog salts | 2.15 g |
1% Sucrose | 5 ml |
0.05% MES | 0.25 ml |
MilliQ H2O | total of 500 ml |
KOH | Until pH adjusted to 5.7 |
Stop: 3:30
18 plates prepared for plant growth
18 MS Mediums
Test growth mediums
31 August 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 3:00 PM
Addition of Promoter and Terminator to PhoR, PhoB, and TNTR3
Purpose: Addition of BBa_K1467101 Promoter and BBa_K1618037 Terminator to PhoR, PhoB, and TNTR3 into BBa_P10501 Alpha 1 acceptor plasmid via golden gate assembly using NEB golden gate assembly kit.
20 uL Reactions were set up following NEB golden gate assembly mix using 75ng of BBa_P10501 as the destination plasmid and 100ng of each insert. All samples were run at 37C for 1 hour followed by 55C for 5 minutes. 1 uL of each assembly were transformed using NEB® 5-alpha Competent E. coli (High Efficiency) protocol. 20% and 2% dilutions were then plated on Kanamysin selective blue white screening plates.
Stop: 7:00PM
Growth of white colonies was seen from assembly transformation.
Colony PCR from transformation plates to confirm proper assembly
23 August 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 3:00 PM
PCR of August 18th plasmid minipreps with VR and VF2 and gel extraction
Purpose: To verify correct assembly of fragments in the Universal Acceptor Plasmid and extract correct bands from gel
~100 ng of purified template DNA was amplified following the iGEM Lab Manual 2.5 PCR Protocol using Taq 2x MM, VR, VF2, and MilliQ H2O. A positive control was run using linearized Psb1T3 backbone. A negative control as run with a water template. Sample Reaction:
Sample | Volume |
Taq 2X Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1 μL |
VF2 | 1 uL |
Plant Pho (100ng/1uL) | 1 uL |
Water | 9.5 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Lane | Sample |
1 | 2 Log Purple DNA ladder |
3 | Negative Control |
4 | TNTR3 |
5 | Plant Pho |
6 | Positive Control |
7 | PhoB |
8 | PhoR |
Add Gel Picture
Stop: 5:06 PM
Label | Source | Description |
8/23/17 Plant Pho | 8/18/17 plant Pho Miniprep | Extracted plant pho DNA from gel |
8/23/17 Pho R | 8/18/17 PhoR miniprep | extracted PhoR from gel |
8/23/17 Pho B | 8/18/17 PhoB miniprep | Extracted PhoB from Gel |
8/23/17 TNTR3 | 8/18/17 tntr3 miniprep | Extracted TNTr3 from gel |
18 August 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 11:00am
Plasmid Miniprep of colonies from 8/9/17 COlony PCR's
Purpose: To isolate plasmids from colonies with correctly assembled PhoB, OhoR, Plant pho, and TNTR3
Colonies that showed positive bands from PCR were innoculated into broth cultures with chloramphenicol and grown up overnight. Plasmid DNA was purified using the MST iGEM Lab Manual 2.5 Kitless miniprep protocol and suspended in 40uL of TE buffer. 2uL of sample of was run on Thermoscientific Nanodrop 1000. Nanodrop results:
Sample | Concentration (ng/uL) | 260nm/280nm |
PhoB | 263.2 | 1.84 |
PhoR | 98.6 | 1.80 |
Plant Pho | 99.8 | 1.86 |
TNTr3 | 236.0 | 1.82 |
Stop: 1:40PM
Label | Source | Description |
8/18/17 MP1 | PhoB Colonies from 6/26/17 Transformation | PhoB in the UAP |
8/18/17 MP2 | PhoR from 6/26/17 Transformation | PhoR in the UAP |
8/18/17 MP3 | Plant Pho from 6/26/17 Transformation | Plant Pho in the UAP |
8/18/17 MP4 | TNTR3 from 6/26/17 Transformation | TNTr3 in the UAP |
PCR with VR and VF2 and extract band containing correctly assembled plasmid for sequencing. If correctly assembled, perform golden gate assembly to add Promoter and terminator to each plant part.
9 August 2017 to 10 August 2017
Ben Bleitz
Start: 2:00 PM of 9 August 2017
PCR and Gels of 18 Colonies from the PhoR Plate
Purpose: Correctly identify assembled of plasmid containing PhoR in universal acceptor
PCRs were conducted for marked colonies 1-18 on PhoR
Component | Volume |
Taq 2x Master Mix | 10μl |
VR | 0.8μl |
VF2 | 0.8μl |
MilliQ | 8.4μl |
Colonies 1-18 |
Stop: 1:00 PM of 10 August 2017
Gel pics or it didn't happen
Inoculate culture from appropriate culture
8 August 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 4:00PM
Colony PCR of 6/26/17 TNTR3 transformation
Purpose: To identify correctly assembled plasmid containing TNTr3 in the universal acceptor plasmid 20 μL Sample reaction
Component | volume |
Taq 2X Master Mix | 10 μL |
VR | 0.8 μL |
VF2 | 0.8 μL |
MilliQ | 8.4 μL |
Colonies 1-16 |
Component | volume |
Taq 2X Master Mix | 10 μL |
VR | 0.8 μL |
VF2 | 0.8 μL |
MilliQ | 7.4 μL |
7/24/17 K608002 | 1 uL |
Component | volume |
Taq 2X Master Mix | 10 μL |
VR | 0.8 μL |
VF2 | 0.8 μL |
MilliQ | 8.4 μL |
20 μL |
PCR's of 16 colonies were run with VR and VF2 primers, Taq 2x Master mix, and MilliQ Water
Add gel Picture
Stop: 9:00 PM
Examine Gel and find if colonies match correctly assembled plasmid
3 August 2017
Ben Bleitz
Start: 2:00
Running Gel of Plant Pho, PhoB, PhoR, TNTR3
Purpose: Running Gels of repeat PCR
Lane | Component |
1 | 10 uL NEB 2 Log Purple DNA ladder |
3 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 5 |
5 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 1 |
6 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 2 |
7 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 3 |
8 | |
9 | 10 uL 7/24/17 K608002 (+ Control) |
10 | 10 uL MilliQ Water (- Control) |
Stop: 5:00
Somehow managed to repeat mistakes from last week. Will repeat, for a third and hopefully final time for last week.
2 August 2017
Ben Bleitz
Start: 1:00 pm
PCR of 7/25 L1, 7/24 Plant Pho and 6/29 MP1 (PhoB), MP2 (PhoR), MP6 (TNTR3)
Purpose: Repeat of previous PCR (and eventual gel) from 27 June 2017. Gel scheduled to be completed following day (3 August 2017)
Plant Pho PCR:
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
7/24/17 Plant Pho | 3 μL |
MilliQ | 7.5 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
6/29/17 MP1 | 1.5 μL |
MilliQ | 9 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
6/29/17 MP6 | 2.0 μL |
MilliQ | 8.5 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
6/29/17 MP2 | 1.5 μL |
MilliQ | 9 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
7/25/17 L1 | 5 μL |
MilliQ | 5.5 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
PCR was completed. Gel will be ran following day
Stop: 4:20 pm (#Blazeit)
PCRs frozen after thermocycler completed. Will be determined upon gel electrophoresis completion on the following day.
Label | Source | Description |
PCR 1 | 7/24/17 Plant Pho | 7/24/17 Plant Pho amplified with VR and VF2 |
PCR 2 | 6/29/17 MPI | 6/29/17 MPI amplified with VR and VF2 |
PCR3 | 6/29/17 MP6 | 6/29/17 amplified with VR and VF2 |
PCR4 | 6/29/17 MP2 | 6/29/17 amplified with VR and VF2 |
PCR5 | 7/25/17 L1 | 7/25/17 L1 amplified with VR and VF2 |
Run gel
27 June 2017
Erin Nischwitz, Ben Bleitz
Start: 11:00 am
PCR and gels of 7/25 L1, 7/24 Plant Pho and 6/29 MP1 (PhoB), MP2 (PhoR), MP6 (TNTR3)
Purpose: To verify assembly of these constructs
Five PCR's were ran with VR and VF2 using Q5 2x Master mix Protocol Plant Pho PCR:
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
7/24/17 Plant Pho | 3 μL |
MilliQ | 7.5 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
6/29/17 MP1 | 1.5 μL |
MilliQ | 9 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
6/29/17 MP6 | 2.0 μL |
MilliQ | 8.5 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
6/29/17 MP2 | 1.5 μL |
MilliQ | 9 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Component | Volume |
Q5 2x Master Mix | 12.5 μL |
VR | 1μL |
VF2 | 1 μL |
7/25/17 L1 | 5 μL |
MilliQ | 5.5 μL |
Total | 25 μL |
Lane | Component |
1 | 10 uL NEB 2 Log Purple DNA ladder |
3 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 5 |
5 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 1 |
6 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 2 |
7 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 3 |
8 | 10 uL 7/27/17 PCR 4 |
9 | 10 uL 7/24/17 K608002 (+ Control) |
10 | 10 uL MilliQ Water (- Control) |
-Accidentally used circular DNA as a positive control, so do not expect a valid + Control
Stop: 3:30
Label | Source | Description |
PCR 1 | 7/24/17 Plant Pho | 7/24/17 Plant Pho amplified with VR and VF2 |
PCR 2 | 6/29/17 MPI | 6/29/17 MPI amplified with VR and VF2 |
PCR3 | 6/29/17 MP6 | 6/29/17 amplified with VR and VF2 |
PCR4 | 6/29/17 MP2 | 6/29/17 amplified with VR and VF2 |
PCR5 | 7/25/17 L1 | 7/25/17 L1 amplified with VR and VF2 |
Trouble Shoot
24 July 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 11:00 AM
Plasmid Miniprep of 7/21/17 Transformations
Purpose: Prepare plasmids for future use
Kitless miniprep protocol from igem lab manual version 2.5 Plasmids were suspended in 35 μl of 1x TE buffer
Stop: 12:40PM
Samples tested on Thermoscientific Nanodrop 1000
Label | DNA Conc. | 260/280 |
BBa_B0015 | 893.5 ng/uL | 1.95 |
BBa_K608002 | 573.5 ng/uL | 1.88 |
Plant Pho | 165.7 ng/uL | 1.93 |
Label | Source | Description |
7/24/17 B0015 | 2017 Kit Plate 3 well 3F | B0015 Terminator in psb1c3 |
7/24/17 Plant Pho | Plant Pho top and bottom strand | Plant pho in UA plasmid |
7/24/17 K608002 | 2017 Kit Plate 1 well 3O | K608002 Promoter and RBS in psb1c3 |
Ben Bleitz
Start: 1:30
Digestion and Ligation of BBa_K608002 and TNTR3_E.Coli
Purpose: To prepare DNA Samples for Transformations
Two double digestions were performed BBa_K608002 Double digestion
Component | Volume |
ECORI Enzyme | 1 μl |
SpeI Enzyme | 1 μl |
K608002 Insert | 3.5 μl |
Tango Buffer | 2.5 μl |
MilliQ H2O | 17 μl |
Component | Volume |
ECORI Enzyme | 1 μl |
Xbal Enzyme | 1 μl |
TNTR3_E.Coli Vector | 5 μl |
Tango Buffer | 2.5 μl |
MilliQ H2O | 15.5 μl |
Component | Volume |
25/7/2017 d1 (insert) | 1.5 μl |
25/7/2017 d2 (vector) | 2 μl |
T4 Ligase Buffer | 2 μl |
T4 Ligase | 1 μl |
13.5 MilliQ H2O | 13.5 |
Stop: 5:30
Label | Source | Description |
25/7/2017 d1 | BBa_K608002 | K608002 cut with ECORI & SPeI |
25/7/2017 d2 | TNTR3_E.Coli | TNTR3_E.Coli cut with ECORI & Xbal |
25/7/2017 L1 | d1 and d2 | DNA formed from d1 insert and d2 vector |
PCR with VR and VF 2 to confirm products
Ben Bleitz
Start: 2:30
Bacterial promoter/ terminator and plant pho Transformations
Purpose: Transform components for later prep and kit plate
Transformations were performed using NEB® 5-alpha Competent E. coli (High Efficiency) protocol.
Transformant | DNA Volume | Plate Dilutions |
Plant Pho | 1μl | 2 and 20% |
BBa_B0015 | 1μl | 2 and 20% |
BBa_K608002 | 1μl | 2 and 20% |
Stop: 5:30
All samples in incubation. Results will be noted at the end of 24 hour incubation period
Label | Source | Description |
BBa_B0015 | 2017 Kit Plate 3 well 3F | Transformed on chlorophenicol plate |
BBa_K608002 | 2017 Kit Plate 1 well 3O | Transformed on chlorophenicol plate |
Plant Pho | Plant Pho top and bottom strand | Transformed on Blue/White chlorophenicol plate |
Inoculate in broth culture with appropriate antibiotic for future miniprep.
10 July 2017
Ryan Baumann
Start: 12:30
Golden Gate assembly of Plant Pho Top and Bottom strand into UA plasmid
Purpose: To assemble PlantPho Oligos into UAP to prepare for assembly of Transcriptional Unit
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.3 μL |
PlantPho Top Strand (100 ng) | 1 μL |
PlantPho Bottom Strand (100 ng) | 1 μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 μL |
BsmBI | 1 μL |
MilliQ H2O | 13.7 μL |
20 μL |
Stop: 5:00
Label | Source | Description |
7/10/17 | Plant Pho Top & Bottom Strand Oligos | Plant Pho Oligos cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
Transform on to Chlor Blue white Screening Plates
29 June 2017
Ryan Baumann, Ben Bleitz
Start: 1:30
Miniprep of 6/26/17 transformations
Purpose: Prepare plasmids for future use
Kitless miniprep protocol from igem lab manual version 2.5 Plasmids were suspended in 35 μl of 1x TE buffer
Stop: 3:30
Samples tested on Thermoscientific Nanodrop 1000
Label | DNA Concentration (ng/μl) | 260/280 |
MP1 | 412.7 | 1.84 |
MP2 | 399.6 | 1.83 |
MP3 | 290.2 | 1.82 |
MP4 | 722.4 | 1.80 |
MP5 | 406.4 | 1.81 |
MP6 | 307.4 | 1.84 |
Label | Source | Description |
6/29/17 MP1 | PhoB-VP64 Transformation plate | PhoB-VP64 transformed into UA Plasmid |
6/29/17 MP2 | Trg-PhoR Transformation plate | Trg-PhoR transformed into UA Plasmid |
6/29/17 MP3 | Golden Braid Omega 1 Plasmid Transformation plate | Golden Braid Omega 1 plasmid |
6/29/17 MP4 | Golden Braid Omega 2 Plasmid Transformation plate | Golden Braid Omega 2 plasmid |
6/29/17 MP5 | TNTR3 E. Coli Transformation plate | TNTR3 E. Coli in PSB1C3 backbone |
6/29/17 MP6 | TNTR3 Transformation plate | TNTR3 transformed into UA plasmid |
Ryan Baumann, Ben Bleitz, Erin Nischwitz
Start: 5:00 pm
Chemical Transformations
Purpose: To transform PhoB-VP64, Trg_PhoR, Plant Pho, and TNTR3 on to chloramphenicol blue white screening plates. To transform TNTR3_E Coli (6/22/17 L1) on to chloramphenicol plate To transform Golden Braid Omega 1 and Omega =1 plasmids on to Streptomycin plates.
Transformations were performed using NEB® 5-alpha Competent E. coli (High Efficiency) protocol.
Transformant | DNA volume | Plate Dillutions |
TNTR3 | 1 μL | 2% and 20% |
Trg_PhoR | 1 μL | 2% and 20% |
PhoB_VP64 | 1 μL | 2% and 20% |
Plant Pho | 2 μL | 2% and 20% |
6/22/17 L1 (TNTR3 E coli) | 3 μL | 5% and 50% |
Omega 1 | 1 μL | 2% and 20% |
Omega Two | 1 μL | 2% and 20% |
Stop: 7:45
Check for colonies and inoculate cultures
Golden Gate Assembly into Universal Acceptor Plasmid
Start: 12:00pm
Assembly of PhoB_VP64, Trg_PhoR, TNTR3, and Plant Pho into BBa_P10500 plasmid.
Purpose: To assemble gblocks into UAP to prepare for assembly of Transcriptional Unit
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.30 μL |
Trg_PhoR (100ng) | 1 μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 μL |
BsmBI | 1 μL |
MilliQ H2O | 14.7 μL |
20 μL |
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.30 μL |
PhoB_VP64 (100ng) | 1 μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 μL |
BsmBI | 1 μL |
MilliQ H2O | 14.7 μL |
20 μL |
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.30 μL |
TNT_R3 (100ng) | 1 μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 μL |
BsmBI | 1 μL |
MilliQ H2O | 14.7 μL |
20 μL |
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.30 μL |
PlantPho Top Strand (100 ug) | 1μL |
PlantPho Bottom Strand (100 ug) | 1μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1μL |
BsmBI | 1μL |
MilliQ H2O | 13.7 μL |
20 μL |
100 μg of top and bottom strand oligos were accidentally used instead of 100ng.
Stop: 4:45 PM
Label | Source | Description |
6/26 TNTR3 | TNTR3-GBlock | TNTR3-GBlock cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
6/26 Plant Pho | Plant Pho Top & Bottom Strand Oligos | Plant Pho Oligos cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
6/26 PhoR | Trg_PhoR-Gblock | Trg_PhoR-Gblock cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
6/26 PhoB | PhoB_VP64 Gblock | PhoB_VP64 Gblock cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
Transform assembled plasmids on to Blue White Screening Plates with appropriate antibiotic resistance
Golden Gate Assembly into Universal Acceptor Plasmid
Start: 12:00pm
Assembly of PhoB_VP64, Trg_PhoR, TNTR3, and Plant Pho into BBa_P10500 plasmid.
Purpose: To assemble gblocks into UAP to prepare for assembly of Transcriptional Unit
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.30 μL |
Trg_PhoR (100ng) | 1 μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 μL |
BsmBI | 1 μL |
MilliQ H2O | 14.7 μL |
20 μL |
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.30 μL |
PhoB_VP64 (100ng) | 1 μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 μL |
BsmBI | 1 μL |
MilliQ H2O | 14.7 μL |
20 μL |
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.30 μL |
TNT_R3 (100ng) | 1 μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1 μL |
BsmBI | 1 μL |
MilliQ H2O | 14.7 μL |
20 μL |
UA MP1 (100ng) | 0.30 μL |
PlantPho Top Strand (100ng) | 1μL |
PlantPho Bottom Strand (100ng) | 1μL |
10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 2 μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1μL |
BsmBI | 1μL |
MilliQ H2O | 13.7 μL |
20 μL |
Stop: 4:45 PM
Label | Source | Description |
6/26 TNTR3 | TNTR3-GBlock | TNTR3-GBlock cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
6/26 Plant Pho | Plant Pho Top & Bottom Strand Oligos | Plant Pho Oligos cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
6/26 PhoR | Trg_PhoR-Gblock | Trg_PhoR-Gblock cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
6/26 PhoB | PhoB_VP64 Gblock | PhoB_VP64 Gblock cut with BsmBI and Ligated into UAP |
Transform assembled plasmids on to Blue White Screening Plates with appropriate antibiotic resistance
Ben Bleitz
Start: 2:50pm
Ligation of PsbIC3 (Vector) and 6/21/17 DI (insert)
Purpose: To create recombinant DNA for transformation
T4 Ligase Buffer | 2μL |
PsbIC3 (Vector) | 4μL |
6/21/17 DI (Insert) | 3μL |
MilliQ H2O | 10μL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 1μL |
Stop: 4:00pm
6/23/17 L1
E. Coli Transformation
Ben Bleitz
Start: 2:00
Double Digestion of TNT R3_E.Coli
Purpose: To prepare TNT R3_E.Coli for submission into the registry
Volume | Component |
2.5 μL | 10X Tango Buffer |
1 μL | ECORI |
1 μL | PSTI |
15 μL | TNTR3_E.Coli (10 ng/μL) |
5.5 μL | MilliQ H2O |
25 μL | in Total |
Stop: 4:00 PM
Label | Source | Description |
6/21/17 D1 | TNTR3_E.Coli | TNTR3_E.Coli cut with ECORI and PSTI |
Ligate into PsbIC3