Team:York/HP/Gold Integrated

Human Practices

Gold Integrated

Feedback on Software

Our initial holography software included no bandpass filter. However, after speaking to Dr. Kasprowicz (Phasefocus) about the quality of our processed images, he suggested that the variations in brightness would likely detract from the ability to use our software to render holograms that accurately represent the 3D space in a sample. He advised that we incorporate pseudo-flat field filtering into the software. We then spoke to Dr. Wilson (Department of Physics, University of York) about whether he had a method of implementing this. We came to the conclusion that incorporating the bandpass filter (that was already present in his own holography code) we could apply so-called proper-flat field filtering - which would achieve the same smoothening effect on the brightness of our processed images. We quickly set about adding this functionality to our software. Now, the version that we used to obtain all of the results presented here contains the option to use a bandpass filter. This is also available, released under GNU GPL, from our Downloads page.

Feedback on Hardware