
Collaborations with other iGEM Teams

Being the first team at the University of Stuttgart we were confrontated with a lot of starting problems. But we were welcomed so friendly! Everone gave us good advice, shared their experiences with sponsors, iGEM itself or solving experimental problems. We met a few german teams to exchange information and to just have a good time with each other. All in all it was a very valuable experience to us. So – big thanks to all iGEM-Teams for the support and helpful hints. It made the start much more easier and we are happy to be part of that great iGEM-community now.

iGEM Team Heidelberg

The project of this year’s iGEM-team in Heidelberg is about accelerated evolution using phage-assisted continuous evolution (PACE). This is a very fast method to insert a desired mutation into bacterial cells. In their case, they used the method to evolve three mutagenesis plasmids developing different antibiotic resistances in E. coli cells. We were asked to perform a mutagenesis plasmid activity assay to analyze their function and mutagenesis levels. In return they supported us developing our safety part. Based on their suggestions we designed our light-induced killswitch.
All in all Team Heidelberg gave us continuous support and we are very thankful for that.

  • For more information check out their great wiki page

iGEM-Team Stuttgart meets iGEM Team Tübingen

The iGEM Team Tübingen invited us to their lovely town to spend a fabulous day together! We had a nice barbecue and after being filled up with great food the Tübinger Team invited us to discover one of the highlights of the city - the famous Stocherkahn (sorry - I have no translation for this!) on the Neckar river! We had lots of fun, laughter and a great time getting a lot of input, information and experienced advices for the iGEM competition! As the iGEM Team Tübingen is already an succesful expert in the complete iGEM concept since years - we newbies ;) - were lucky to get so many passionated and ambitious help! It's nice to see that iGEM is a competition where you meet so many great people that want to help each other out! Thank you Team Tübingen and we hopefully can give you back your hospitality soon!

  • iGEM-Team Tübingen: check out their wiki page

iGEM-Team Cologne-Duesseldorf

One of our big mentoring teams this year was the iGEM Team Köln/Düsseldorf 2017. As they were the first iGEM Team of their University in 2016 they knew excactly what problems we faced. Not only taking us by the hand and giving us great support and advices during the whole time, they invited us to their SynBioDay 2017 in Düsseldorf. Once again we crossed Germany improving our driving and navigating skills and were welcomed by a highly motivated team that organized this open day for the public and for experts.

  • Check out the project of iGEM-Team Cologne-Duesseldorf! See their wiki page

iGEM-Team Canmore 2016


  • iGEM-Team Canmore 2016 check out their wiki page for more information