
Experiments with mKate FF4 Reporter

The first reporter we tested is what we call the mKate FF4 reporter.

The mKate FF4 reporter features the red fluorescent mKate gene split into two exons, and has an intron that contains 3 microRNA sites for FF4 in between these two exons. We used this split mKate 2-exon construct as a reporter construct that we used to determine if our dCas13 or Ms2 systems were successful in hindering the splicing of the FF4 intron. Upstream of these sequences is a either the constitutive hEF1a promoter or the DOX controlled TRE-tight promoter.

Lucky for us, the entry vector version of this reporter were available to us via the Weiss Lab. After inserting the hEF1a and TRE-tight promoters, the reporter could be used in transfections.

In order to streamline our design process, we used this reporter to test our guides and ASOs. While we were designing reporters that provided us with more information about our system, we used this reporter to provide an initial proof of concept for our system. We also used this reporter to determine what concentrations of plasmids would provide the best results for our system.

For this reporer, in the absence of dCas13a or Ms2, the intron should be spliced out as normal, leading to a complete mKate mRNA transcript and flouresence would be seen.

In the presence of dCas13a or Ms2, which targets the 3' splice site of the intron, the second exon would be spliced out along with the intron, and the final mRNA transcript would not include the second exon. Thus, with out system, we expect a knock down of flourescence.


ASO and MS2 Results

Before testing the tiling of our ASO guides, we needed to determine the ideal amount of mKate, Ms2, and ASO required to see the effects of our sytem.

mKate Titration

As discussed earlier, ASOs are unstable in the cell. Therefore, we needed to ensure the proper ASO to reporter ratio. We suspected that our system would be able to affect the splicing of mKate up to a threshold, after which the mKate would saturate the system. These expected results can be seen below. The different colored lines corrispond to different transfection bins

Expected output

In our experiment, we varied the amounts of mKate-ff4 from 10 to 500 ng using ASO3 and ASO2+. The ASO2+ was co-transfected with Ms2, so that the Ms2 could bind to the hairpin loop attached to the ASO+. (For a detailed explanation of how to plan a mammalian transfection click here)

mKate Titration for ASO3

Figure ASO3vsmkateamt_red

mKate-ff4 reporter amounts (10ng-500ng) vs. the amount of red fluorescence (AU) for ASO3. The color of the line indicate the transfection bins of each result.

For the mkate titration for ASO3, we observe a standard mkate curve for all reporter concentration above 100 ng. Below 100 ng there was a disturbance in the normal curve, indicating that our system might be acting on the system.

mKate Titration for ASO2+

Figure ASO2plusvsmkateamt_red

mKate-ff4 reporter amounts (10ng-500ng) vs. the amount of red fluorescence (AU) for ASO2+. The color of the line indicate the transfection bins of each result.

For the mkate titration for ASO2+, we observe a disturbance at 100 ng of reporter. This indicates that our system is affecting the red output at this concentration. While expected to see a consistent output of red below our saturation threshold, the results still hold for the 100 ng case.

Based on these results, we decided to transfect with 100ng of mkate-ff4 moving forward.

ASO Titration

Once we had determined a proper amount of mKate-ff4 plasmid, we wanted to check whether increasing the amount of ASO plasmid in the cell would knockdown our mKate levels further. We expected that as the amount of ASO increased in the system, more ASOs would be available to target the mKate-ff4. After a certain amount of ASO was added, the system would become saturated with ASO and the knockdown would level-off. The expected results can be seen below. The different colored lines corrispond to different transfection bins

Expected output

In our experiment, we varied the amounts of ASO1 and ASO1+ from 20 to 200 ng. The ASO1+ was co-transfected with Ms2, so that the Ms2 could bind to the hairpin loop attached to the ASO+. (For a detailed explanation of how to plan a mammalian transfection click here)

ASO Titration for ASO1

Figure ASO1vsmkateamt_red

ASO plasmid amounts (20ng-200ng) vs. the amount of red fluorescence (AU) for ASO1. The color of the line indicate the transfection bins of each result.

There is no substantial change across ASO concentrations.

mKate Titration for ASO1+

Figure ASO1plusvsmkateamt_red

ASO plasmid amounts (20ng-200ng) vs. the amount of red fluorescence (AU) for ASO2+. The color of the line indicate the transfection bins of each result.

There is no substantial change across ASO concentrations.

In both results there was no decrease across the ASO levels. We concluded that 200 ng was not enough to have an effect on our system. Therefore, in further experiments we increased the levels of ASO to 300 ng and saw better results.

Based on these results, we decided to transfect with 300 ng of ASO moving forward.

Tre:Ms2 DOX Induction

Once we had determined a proper amounts of mKate-ff4 and ASO plasmid, we wanted to check how much of an effect the Ms2 was having on ASOs with hairpin loops (ASO+). We expected that as the amount of Ms2 increased in the system, more Ms2 would be available to bind the hairpin loops, and lead to increased blocking of the spliceosome. After a certain amount of Ms2 was made, the system would become saturated with Ms2 and the knockdown would level-off. The expected results can be seen below. The different colored lines corrispond to different transfection bins

Expected output

In our experiment, we put Ms2 downstream of Tre, which is a DOX inducible promoter. The more DOX we added to the system, the higher Ms2 production we would see off the Tre promoter. We transfected a constant 300 ng of Tre:Ms2, and varied the amount of DOX from 5 to 500 uM. We ran DOX inductions for ASO0+, ASO2+ and ASO4+. (For a detailed explanation of how to plan a mammalian transfection click here)

Tre:Ms2 DOX Induction for ASO0+

Figure ASO0plusvsmkateamt_red

DOX Concentrations (5-500uM) vs. the amount of red fluorescence (AU) for ASO0+. The color of the line indicate the transfection bins of each result.

Results for ASO0+ showed that as levels of DOX, and therefore Ms2 levels, rose in the system, there was a decrease in red fluorescence.

Tre:Ms2 DOX Induction for ASO2+

Figure ASO2plusvsmkateamt_red

DOX Concentrations (5-500uM) vs. the amount of red fluorescence (AU) for ASO2+. The color of the line indicate the transfection bins of each result.

Results for ASO2+, unexpectedly, show a slight increase in red across DOX concentrations.

Tre:Ms2 DOX Induction for ASO4+

Figure ASO4plusvsmkateamt_red

DOX Concentrations (5-500uM) vs. the amount of red fluorescence (AU) for ASO2+. The color of the line indicate the transfection bins of each result.

Results for ASO4+ show a slight decrease in red across DOX concentrations.

The results from ASO0+ show a log decrease in DOX concentrations, indicating that our system is functioning as expected. Based on these results we concluded that maximizing the amount of Ms2 in our system was preferable. Therefore, we decided to transfect with 300 ng of Ms2 moving forward, as this was the maximum amount of DNA per plasmid we transfected.

Based on these results, we decided to transfect with 300 ng of Ms2 moving forward.