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<p>The conformational changes that are associated with the on/off switching of Dronpa Lys145Asn have been used in a design that facilitates the optical control of protein activities. When Dronpa domains are fused to both termini of an enzyme of interest, the Dronpa domains form a tetramer and cage the enzyme leading to its inactivation. By Shining cyan light, Dronpa is switched off and the tetramer dissociates into monomers, as a result, the caged enzyme is activated (1) (3). </p>
<div class=text2><div class=text2left>The conformational changes that are associated with the on/off switching of Dronpa Lys145Asn have been used in a design that facilitates the optical control of protein activities. When Dronpa domains are fused to both termini of an enzyme of interest, the Dronpa domains form a tetramer and cage the enzyme leading to its inactivation. By Shining cyan light, Dronpa is switched off and the tetramer dissociates into monomers, as a result, the caged enzyme is activated (1) (3). </div></div>

Revision as of 14:34, 1 November 2017



Photoreceptors are valuable optogenetic tools which, upon coupling with other proteins, activate certain functions in a controlled spatial and temporal manner when exposed to the appropriate wavelength of light. However, the usage of photoreceptors suffers from many drawbacks including the toxicity of the light to the cells, photobleaching of the receptors and the delay in the response i.e. the time needed for transcription and translation of the target protein to be controlled-. The emergence of Fluorescent light-inducible proteins is an attractive alternative that doesn’t suffer from these drawbacks.

Dronpa is one of the reversible photoswitchable fluorescent proteins (RSFPs), these are proteins that are switched on and off reversibly by specific wavelengths. Dronpa is switched on by default “fluorescent” and is switched off when illuminated by cyan light (~500nm). Dronpa Fluorescence is recovered by shining violet light (~400nm)

Figure 1: an illustration of the on/off switching of dronpa and the associated alternation between the monomer/dimer structures
The conformational changes that are associated with the on/off switching of Dronpa Lys145Asn have been used in a design that facilitates the optical control of protein activities. When Dronpa domains are fused to both termini of an enzyme of interest, the Dronpa domains form a tetramer and cage the enzyme leading to its inactivation. By Shining cyan light, Dronpa is switched off and the tetramer dissociates into monomers, as a result, the caged enzyme is activated (1) (3).

Caging several repressors using Dronpa

Repressors bind DNA and setback transcription. In our project we developed a logic gate at the promoter level by creating dually repressed promoters using different combinations of the operators for TetR, P22 c2 and HK CI and it was interesting to us to test if these repressors can be controlled by light. TetR, HK CI and P22 C2 function as homodimers. Our original hypothesis was that caging with Dronpa will prevent them from dimerization. To test this hypothesis we created the following constructs:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultrices nulla tincidunt, hendrerit diam at, condimentum sem. Quisque ac condimentum tellus, at viverra risus. Aenean venenatis at est sed rhoncus. Suspendisse libero sapien, dictum quis convallis tempus, dapibus et tortor. Etiam tincidunt ut turpis quis tincidunt. Donec vitae suscipit arcu. Nullam finibus purus leo, sed vestibulum mi sodales a. Ut vestibulum quis metus eu ullamcorper. Morbi elementum tellus eu nibh bibendum, non laoreet lorem molestie. Nam interdum dictum leo, at malesuada nisi fermentum quis. Aliquam cursus non ex vitae euismod. In eget mi et ligula viverra cursus venenatis et justo. Proin sed lacus aliquam, interdum metus a, tempor sapien. Maecenas non cursus sem. Nulla auctor sollicitudin ullamcorper. Pellentesque faucibus sed est in varius. Vestibulum ullamcorper elementum molestie. Maecenas posuere lectus ut placerat volutpat. Vivamus vulputate, nisi in efficitur sodales, felis ex rhoncus neque, sed sollicitudin nibh purus nec tellus. Donec.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel vehicula felis. Aenean non elit magna. Integer tincidunt cursus fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque tempor vitae sem at varius. Donec sed rutrum justo. Cras ut elementum sem. Cras tempus, nunc eget tempor feugiat, quam diam aliquet nisi, id pharetra mauris tortor vitae nibh. Curabitur id turpis eget nibh vehicula cursus nec et sapien. Aenean laoreet aliquam gravida. Donec a ex tempus, varius augue quis, pharetra massa. Proin in gravida urna. Pellentesque dapibus elit quis enim mattis, a porttitor purus rutrum. Donec eget consectetur nisl, sed commodo dui. Suspendisse lobortis justo ac ornare lacinia. Pellentesque quis arcu justo. Praesent pulvinar, lorem ut consequat tincidunt, augue nunc laoreet orci, quis pharetra arcu augue eu ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque fermentum mattis ipsum, et tincidunt dolor tempus nec. Maecenas ac arcu eu lacus fringilla ornare non ac erat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed vehicula euismod placerat. Ut volutpat felis vitae lorem pulvinar, eget finibus dui molestie. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla egestas est vitae odio sagittis condimentum euismod et magna. Vivamus porttitor diam tortor, quis tincidunt dolor pulvinar quis. Suspendisse tincidunt ornare eros. Nullam at lobortis lectus. Integer sit amet bibendum turpis. Suspendisse enim elit, placerat ac iaculis sed, maximus vel lectus. Praesent fermentum facilisis eros. Pellentesque tincidunt, enim vel porta commodo, justo massa laoreet lorem, ac interdum massa augue in turpis. Fusce elit est, rutrum sit amet velit ac, ultrices pellentesque metus. Cras viverra rutrum eros id vestibulum. Donec at luctus neque, a pellentesque diam. Donec vel congue nibh, in auctor tellus. Duis nisi lectus, placerat vel odio et, dapibus pharetra dui. Mauris sagittis purus non ipsum eleifend, ut interdum neque tincidunt.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla aliquet auctor fringilla. Mauris imperdiet est a risus vulputate, at fringilla nisi vehicula. Aliquam sodales enim vel nibh luctus imperdiet. Phasellus eu felis viverra velit viverra viverra id scelerisque elit. Phasellus sed eros nunc. Duis ipsum metus, tempor vel ipsum vitae, iaculis convallis enim. Praesent rutrum elit sit amet consectetur faucibus. Praesent porttitor non ex et lobortis. Donec malesuada sed odio a scelerisque. Aenean tempor enim sed bibendum malesuada. Nunc pharetra tellus sed massa condimentum, ut placerat lectus vestibulum. Donec ornare pulvinar eros, nec laoreet erat egestas at. Morbi consequat maximus.

Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI)
Faculty of Medicine Cochin Port-Royal, South wing, 2nd floor
Paris Descartes University
24, rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques
75014 Paris, France