Team:TU Dresden/Judging

Judge Away!

Bronze Medal Criteria

iGEM Bronze Medal
  •   ✓ Register the team and attend the Giant Jamboree

    We are all going to the Jamboree and going to have a grand time

  •   ✓ Create a page on your team wiki with clear attribution of each aspect of your project.

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  •   ✓ Participate in the Interlab Measurement Study and/or improve the characterization of an existing BioBrick Part.

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Silver Medal Criteria

iGEM Silver Medal
  •   ✓ Validated Part: Convince the judges that at least one new BioBrick Part of your own design works as expected.

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  •   ✓ Collaboration:

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  •   ✓ Human Practices:

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Gold Medal Criteria

iGEM Gold Medal

  •   ✓ Integrated Human Practices

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  •   ✓ Improve a previous part or project:

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  •   ✓ Demonstrate your work:

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