Team:SMS Shenzhen/Team



Yunchang Zhang

Student Leader

Hi, I am Yunchang Zhang, the senior team leader. I was in charged of organizing teamwork, supervising experiments and lab reports, holding weekly meetings, and serving as the photographer as well.
“You know, we are high school students. But we are the best.”

Jin Huang

Student Leader

Hi, I am Jin Huang, a senior in Shenzhen Middle School. I love solving real world problems and look synthetic biology as a useful tool, so I participate in iGEM throughout high school years and I am the team leader this year. Enjoying our Pesticide Mate project this year, I hope to make farming more sustainable in the future.

Yuqiao Li

Student Leader


Zhian Li

Student Member

My name is Zhian Li, the head of Wiki group. I participated in the Human Practice and the construction of our Wiki since I have some skills in HTML5 and CSS. I will major in Environmental Science in college. I believe that our project will promote the declination in the use of pesticide and lead to a better environment.

Shuoyi Li

Student Member

Hi, I am Shuoyi Li, a senior from Shenzhen Middle School. I enjoy the process of using theories and experimental results to prove hypotheses. I participate in iGEM this year to continue my interest in biology and deepen my understanding in synthetic biology. Learning from the design of the Part for our project, I hope to explore synthetic biology and gene editing technology at university.

Wanting Liu

Student Member

Hello, I’m Wanting Liu from Shenzhen middle school. I'm interested in genetic engineering and I'm delighted to take part in this competition.

Xiaoyang Qiao

Student Member

Hi, my name is Xiaoyang Qiao, a senior student in Shenzhen Middle School. I got a great interest in nature since my childhood, which actually result in my exploration in biology later on. With that interest, I joined our SMS_Shenzhen team and hoped that we could do something to preserve every small beauty in our environment. I am responsible for the market analysis and applied design.

Shutong Gu

Student Member

Hi, I’m Shutong Gu from Shenzhen middle school, China. I’m the designer of our project and I take responsible to the experiment. Attracted by amazing glamour of nature, I have developed great interest in plants. I have turned my little balcony to the kingdom of Sodium and other amazing plants since I was 10 years old. As scale insects that are strongly relate to our project are the main pests in my little garden, I am excited in our project and it’s my great pleasure to devote my effort in this competition.

Runjia Li

Student Member

I’m Runjia Li. With keen interest in synthetic biology, I came to the competition and worked in the team with happiness. I hope and firmly believe that our project is not just a display product for a competition but can make great contribution to planting and gardening.

Yinan Hong

Student Member

I am Yinan Hong, leader of experimental group 2 in our team. My favourite subject is biology and I am going to study Biology in university. Also, my favourite singers are Lady Gaga and Adele, I hope to know more people who have common interest with me.

Yu He

Student Member

My name is Yu He. I come from Guangdong, China. I am the design team leader responsible for the poster, the wiki artists, and the team uniforms. I like colorful creatures, biotechnology, physics, chemistry, and doing experiment. I believe that surprise is the seed of science.

Fangzhou Cheng

Student Member

My name is Cheng Fangzhou and I’m a senior 2 student. My main role in this team is to perform experiments and to write a part of Notebook of our team wiki. I sometimes do some odd jobs like purchasing postcards for our team. I’m taking the AP Biology course and really wish to major in medicine in the future. I love listening to occident pop music and formulating travel plans, although the plans seldom come true.

Yu Ji

Student Member

This is Yu Ji, Elroy, from Shenzhen middle school. I take the responsibility of writing and experiment in the team. Biology and chemistry are the fields that I interested in. I really enjoying in figuring out how organism act and how molecules react with others. I had a really pleasant experience in IGEM process. To me, it is not a competition, but a meaningful process to enjoy what I like from the true heart.