Starting off the summer by cloning parts that will enable us to test the basic functionality of the mf-Lon for protein degradation. These parts consist of pBad and J231** parts for all of the sfGFP pdt tag variants, as well as mf-Lon. Currently we have confirmed versions of 3 of 6 J231** sfGFP variants, as well as an mf-Lon under the control of J231**.
Outreach Summary
We began to lay down the foundation for our big outreach project, which will become a searchable database of past outreach projects from award-winning teams. Project categories are being brainstormed in addition to tags for different audiences.
Week 2 (June 6-June 13)
Wetlab Summary
Continued to make progress towards functionally validating and testing our mf-Lon and pdt parts. While our pBad sfGFP pdt tags have been lagging behind, we moved ahead with making combination parts for our simple circuit (LacI pdt and pLac sfGFP pdt combos), and we have been validating our existing mf-Lon and pdt tagged sfGFPs. From the current data, it appears that some of our sequence confirmed pdts are working, while others are not. However, all of our mf-Lons are functional.
Outreach Summary
We entered information about 2016 and 2015 IHP/EPE award-winners and decided to move the database information to a spread sheet to make it easier to eventually create a website. Alyssa met with Professor Griffin, who specializes in community-based research and outreach. We worked on the PowerPoint and brochure for our Bioengineering Lab, and the PowerPoint is now playing and visible to anyone passing by our lab. GSCC got back in touch with Alyssa on possibly organizing a field trip for Girl Scouts to the BEL. In addition to that, Alyssa connected with Kelley Clark from the STEM Education Alliance to organize education activities with AP Bio/9th Grade Bio students in the fall.