


Cloning for iGEM Freiburg

Collab Text siehe shared Drive

Translation Center

Bringing science closer to the public is a major goal in iGEM. As communicating scientific content can be challenging because complex issues need to be unraveled to easy understandable terms, one step could be translating scientific texts into many languages. Following this idea, the iGEM Team KU Leuven started a translation center and asked all teams to participate. Each team uploaded its project description and translated other project descriptions into their mother tongue. This is a first step towards simplification and easier communication with the general public because one barrier, namely the language barrier, can be overcome with the translation center. We translated several project descriptions into German and could thereby hopefully contribute to a better communication between scientists and a broad public.


Participating in the Postcard campaign of Duesseldorf-Cologne was a real success. Thanks to the inspiring and eye-catching designs of all postcards we started talks about synthetic biology, GMOs and other issues addressed by over 36 postcards we received.

No Science without Tolerance

Respect is an essential iGEM value and tolerance an important aspect of it. We were thus very happy to support the tolerance campaign by iGEM Team Technion (Israel). All our creativity was used to draw this lab-associated tolerance lettering and we can hopefully contribute to draw more attention to the fundamental value of tolerance in the scientific community and in public.