Team:TU Dresden/About Us

No Mission Without A Home Base

Meet the Guardians of our Galaxy!

Here we are – 18 researchers from Dresden – who dared to create a whole new universe from self-assembling monomers; and to then populate it with tailored microorganisms as a project for iGEM. iGEM is an annual international student competition in synthetic biology. Participating teams need to develop their own research projects to solve real-world challenges. The student part of the team is composed of 14 members, who have one thing in common – we all study at the Technische Universität (TU) Dresden (Dresden University of Technology). Members of our team come from the Biotechnology Center, the Department of Biology, the Center of Regenerative Therapies and the Department of Informatics. Our PhD student supervisors are both iGEM alumni now working in the research group of general microbiology, headed by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Mascher. The Peptidosome part of the project would never have been possible without Dr. Hans-Georg Braun, Assoc. Prof. at the Institute of Biofunctional Polymer Materials.



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