Team:Paris Bettencourt/HP/Silver


Silver HP

Understanding the future context of use of Medusa

From bench to market, an innovation must always keep its focus on the need of the targeted end-user. To ensure that our axes of development were in line with the expectation of our future users, we attempted to determine what would attract or deter them from using our 3D-bioprinting device.
To understand what our target users will print with our device, we researched what the 3D printing community is currently printing. To do so we extracted the downloading, liking and printing activity on, one of the most popular and open sources 3D-templates database.

We also created an online survey that we posted on facebook hobby groups to question the 3D-printing community more specifically on its vision of bacterial printing.We noted that 3D printing was mostly used by DIY hobbyists who would like to reduce the time and cost of 3D printing. In addition, low performances for safety efficiency and speed were flagged as the key hold-back to using a 3D-bioprinter

What Criteria Matters The Most in a 3D-printer?

What Are You Most Likely to Print?
For our Human Practice, we decided to investigate how we could turn our project into an actual marketable product, by carrying out a market research and eventually launching a startup. We looked into business plans and strategies, to make a professional market research that could help other iGEM teams to turn their project into a start-up. We took our project as an example for everyone to have a concrete idea of what you need to start your own company.
We benefit from the experience of Shazzad Hossain Mukit, Prateek Garg and Sophie Gontier, from the iGEM Paris Bettencourt 2015 team, who took their project - Ferment it yourself - further to create Unibiome® a startup whose mission is to develop enhanced probiotic formulations to improve the nutritional value of fermented food. In the end, after analyzing all of the data, we obtained very positive results about our product. The market for 3D printers is at an all-time high, especially for bioprinters, which most consider as the future of the printing field.

About creating a startup

Our Market Research

With all of the above in mind, the first thing that was on our task list was to scope out the industry and size up the competition, so we started focusing on our market research. As primary research, we found surveys to be the best way to get the most information we needed, in a short amount of time. Therefore we designed surveys for 3D printer users. Our goal with our surveys was, on one hand to better understand the place of the 3D printer inside of the technological arsenal of today, as well as where it will stand in the future. On the other hand, we wanted to understand how 3D printer users view the device, and why they use it. Here is the most important information we collected from the surveys:
What do people use 3D printers for?
What are the limits of a 3D printer
What criteria matter the most concerning 3D printers?
In order to get more information, we then conducted interviews in several fablabs and makerspaces in Paris. Our goal was to target the fablab community for two main reasons. The first one is that this community represents a lot of values we stand for: giving the means to people to create products and experiment in a creative way. This is something that would cost a lot of money if it wasn’t for fablabs and makerspaces. Moreover, this is such a huge community, represented all over the world, that by displaying our biomaterial 3D printer, it enables us to reach people all around.
We visited Fablab University Paris VII Diderot, La Paillasse, Pasteur Fablab, Le Petit Fablab de Paris, Usine IO, Volumes, WoMa, and we also interviewed David Sun Kong from the MIT Media Lab. We picked those fablabs in particular because they are all very different, from the business incubator to the volunteer-run community fablab, and the people in charge had very different personal opinions about 3D printers, which made the interviews particularly interesting. We also notice that the type of customers varies according to the type of fablab/makerspace, thus we were able to target customers such as regulars, private individuals or companies. We realised that professionals are actually very much divided on the importance of 3D printers. While some believe it’s an extraordinary machine that will keep on expanding and become indispensable in the future, others see the device as overly hyped by the media and only used to produce prototypes. Thanks to our surveys, we orientated our questionnaire to talk with professionals about what really matters to the consumers.
Interviewing David Sun Kong from the MIT Media Lab

Data Extraction

The topology of communication between devices, as well as with the outside world via the Internet can be anything - from the simplest to the most complex. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the creator of such a system. However, even for the construction of a very simple system, a basic knowledge of programming is required, as well as the development of an algorithm for the functional system of a device.

Advice from iGEMer turned Entrepreneur

A Biotech startup team needs to have people falling into three specific types or categories: 1. scientific, 2. visionary/communicator, 3. and business development. It is a deep tech startup so obviously, the team needs to have a very strong scientific background, with the ability to break down problems into their constituent elements and solve issues accordingly. The visionary will need to have sceptical optimism and generally turns out to be the leader of the team so he will have good (external) communication skills. The team must identify a very pragmatic business need for the technology they are developing. Spending one month just to understand the market and customers needs is way better than to be lost for months after carrying out R&D and trying to figure out the market/customers... To read the full dossier click here

One of the founding members of Unibiome, a 2015 iGEM Team turned start-up. Check them out at:
To simplify the process of creating such a system, IBM engineers created a programming tool like Node-RED. It allows even a person with minimal programming skills to associate various IoT devices with each other and program their functional system. The convenience of this tool is that the algorithm itself can be built in the form of visual blocks, as well as the fact that in the Node-RED repository there is a huge number of already created modules that you can use without dismantling the documentation but simply adding them to the program. Thus, you can bind different functional blocks simply with a mouse without using programming. The programs created in Node-RED are stored using JSON and can be easily imported and exported for sharing with others. The interface is divided into three main parts - a list of elements, a location for placing elements and properties of objects. Dragging items from the list, you can form the dependencies of the elements between each other, thus visually representing the logic of the program. As a lot device, we took Raspberry PI3 with OS Raspbian Jessi. We chose a single-board computer with wireless LAN and Bluetooth connectivity.

How does it to work?

Select the Inject element from the Input section and place it on the working field. We also place the TCP element from the Output section there and perform their connection simply by matching the corresponding gray dots with each other. You can also add a Debug element to control what exactly will be sent. It will look like this:
put your image here
So based on this knowledge we build the program which allowed us to extract data from 3D printing websites. Each branch represents one category from the site ( We compose a request to the REST service which provides data in JSON format. After that we connect all responses in the join step and give the result to the aggregator function which transforms data to the format needed to display charts on the specific dashboard page.
put your image here
After the primary research where we collected all of the data, we could now switch to the secondary research by analyzing what extracted. We gained a better understanding of the use of the 3D printer, mostly the why, where and how. Identifying the market was the key for visualizing what our project would bring to society. As a biomaterial 3D printer, we realized that such a device is still a bit avant-gardist, however consumers responded very well to the idea, and would like to know and understand more. Every fablab we talked to were willing to display our printer, as long as it safe to use. This is very encouraging for the future of our project and we hope that one day, we will be able to distribute our product to fablabs all over the world.


One of our main concern about our project was the safety issue. As we are using bacteria to make our biomaterial 3D printer, our work needs to be safe. This is why we implemented a cell-lysis system inside of our design. Therefore it is easy to activate the lysis and kill the cell. This was one of the biggest issues when creating the device.

Questions about safety systematically came up whether it was on the survey or during the interviews with the fablabs. Because we needed not only the opinion of 3D printer users but also professional people, working with 3D printers.
We obtained very positive feedback. We had been afraid that people would be scared or wary towards our project, but it was surprising and gratifying to see that they were actually more intrigued and interested in what our printer could actually do. To even go further with the safety issue, we went to Brussels, to the European Union headquarters and met with Dr. Namorado, a member of the ethical board in the EU’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. We discussed our project with her and explained our concern about safety. We reviewed together the EU’s Horizon 2020 ethical criteria and we made sure that our work was in compliance with it.

Environmental Impact

When designing our biomaterial 3D printer, we kept in mind the environmental impact. This is a very important side of our device, as we believe the era of plastic and other fossil-fuel based products is over. By working with 3 different biomaterials, produced by bacteria, we ensure that the end result will be totally biodegradable, and renewable by compost. We took this essential parameter into account while developing the market research. Biomaterials will be a key elements of the products of the future, and we want to replace polluting materials with eco-friendly, biocompatible ones. It is morally imposs

Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI)
Faculty of Medicine Cochin Port-Royal, South wing, 2nd floor
Paris Descartes University
24, rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques
75014 Paris, France