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Anna Tutuianu

Junior, LASA High School

Favorite Thing About iGEM: Putting together an entire project with so many different elements.
About: As one of the Co-Presidents of the LASA Synthetic Biology and iGEM Club, Anna is extremely dedicated to working on the project. Anna is also known for over-organizing anything she touches, in particular, the lab notebook and spreadsheets. Outside of iGEM and school, Anna spends most of her time reading, looking into public health policy, and obsessing over yoga.

Shreya Gupta

Junior, LASA High School

Favorite thing about iGEM: Performing various procedures in the lab
About: Shreya enjoys synthetic biology because it appeals to her diverse interests and incorporates elements of different science and engineering fields. She is capable of spreadsheeting absolutely anything even if it is quite unnecessary. Shreya is on an FRC robotics team and enjoys the design aspect of the build process. In her limited free time, Shreya reads and obsesses over cute dogs.

Ashley (Somang) Kim

Junior, LASA High School

Favorite Thing About iGEM:Ashley's favorite thing about igem is that she gets to have a hands-on experience of researching with a team. This iGEM project has allowed Ashley to participate in the different aspects of this research opportunity.
About: Outside of Synthetic Biology, she likes to read, make films, and play the violin, as well as the piano for her church praise team.

Anika Singh

Junior, LASA High School

Favorite Thing About iGEM: Putting together an entire project with so many different elements.
About: As one of the Co-Presidents of the LASA Synthetic Biology and iGEM Club, Anna is extremely dedicated to working on the project. Anna is also known for over-organizing anything she touches, in particular, the lab notebook and spreadsheets. Outside of iGEM and school, Anna spends most of her time reading, looking into public health policy, and obsessing over yoga.

Shreya Gupta

Senior, LASA High School

Favorite thing about iGEM: Pranathi loves the creative freedom and ownership that iGEM teams have in their projects
About: Pranathi is a senior at LASA high school. She is passionate about synthetic biology, public health and policy, and medicine. Pranathi is also involved with UNICEF, Science Olympiad, Model UN, and LBJ cares (a volunteering organization at her high school).

Anusha Vavilikolanu

Freshman, Emory

Favorite Thing About iGEM: I love how iGEM connects people all over the world that are passionate about synthetic biology. The competition gives people the opportunity and motivation to learn to think like a researcher and even do their own synthetic biology research.
About: Anusha Vavilikolanu is a devoted member of the LASA Synthetic Biology club who wants to pursue a career in medicine and the biological sciences. Experienced in Bharatanatyam (a style of classical Indian dancing) and Bollywood dancing, with training for last 13 years. She has earned various awards from swimming on a swim team, participated in gymnastics for a couple of years, and fulfilled the requirements for a junior black belt in Karate.

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Liberal Arts & Science Academy
7309 Lazy Creek Dr, Austin, TX 78724