With the help of industry and research, we developed our idea to meet both scientific and societal standards. Starting with a system focused on NaCl-Uptake and a vague application in water treatment we concluded in creating the vision of microbial supercollectors for all kinds of substances, proving this vision by storing potassium in a novel yeast. Additionally, we found clear answers on biosafety and fields of application, using well-established membrane technology to remove yeast from water in an energy-efficient way.
Read the following flowchart to gather
an overview of our project development and how we were influenced during our journey. By clicking the figures and pictures you get detailed information on the different cooperations.
All over Germany you can find huge white mountains consisting of 96% salt. These are products of the same industry, also responsible for the extremely high concentration of salt in the Werra, potash production. To get an insight into the seriousness of this problem we travelled to Gerstungen, a small town located directly at the Werra besides a plant producing potash.
The high burden of the river Werra in central Germany was the main motivation for our project and we got in contact with the people that struggle the most with the consequences of rigorous disposal of salinized wastewater and talked Ulf Frank, Manager of the water distributer of Gerstungen about the main inducer of the high concentration of NaCl in the Werra: The potash mining company K+S, which was sadly not willing to cooperate with us. They dispose water with high salt concentrations into the Werra, dump pure NaCl on hills up to 200m high or inject it into the ground. The consequences for the locals are devastating. Not only the tap-water coming from the ground is salinized, the sunset happens to be two hours earlier because of of the saltmountains. In Mr Franks eyes, the main problem is that K+S is allowed by law to produce and spread their wastewaters without consequences. K+S, however, is a huge company, with a profit of 130.5 million € in 2016, raising the question on the environmental responsibility of K+S Kali. Due to Mr Frank, the CEO of K+S changed in in April 2017, and showed openness for dialogue, giving the possibility for change and action with new ways to treat the sallinized wastewater.
The Werra is polluted with high concentrations of NaCl due to wastewaters from potash-mining. A modified yeast, added to wastewater treatment plants as an add-on to the bacterial sludge to desalinate the wastewater would solve this issue.
We have identified NaCl as a toxin for aqueous ecosystems, destroying waters all over the world - including Germany, a country not related to water problems at all. To take action on this environmental issue we will develop a yeast which is capable of taking up and storing these ions in its vacuole. The question is, to what extent microorganisms are able to purify wastewaters. The answer is simple because we humans are doing exactly this already since decades. We treat wastewater in wastewater treatment plants with bacteria which are able to degrade N- and C-compounds within a few hours. Up until now, there is no way to handle contaminations of ions in wastewater with microorganisms.
Our yeast would close this gap, simply by being added to purification steps of a wastewater treatment plant, for example as an additional part of the activated sludge in the biological phase of water treatment. This technology could be used to desalinate all kinds of salinated waters like industrial or municipal wastewaters or even seawater and salinated rivers like the Werra in Germany. The figure below shows the potential integration of yeast into the process of a wastewater treatment plant.
Looking for Industrial Applications
To investigate whether the wastewater pollution with NaCl is a problem only related to potash-mining or rather a common problem of industrial wastewaters we got into contact with the Chemelot Industrial Site located in the Netherlands. We visited Chemelot’s biological wastewater treatment plant.
Looking for Industrial Applications
Together with deputies from Sitech and Brigthlands we discussed current hurdles of industrial water treatment in the Netherlands and possible solutions. Additionally, Sitech provided us with numbers on the concentrations of different ions and metals in Chemelot’s wastewater.
The cooperation with Sitech and Brightlands depicted that high sodium and chloride concentrations are not an issue of chemical industries these days, however Dutch thresholds on chloride are tense and will be intensified in future, making it important for Chemelot to discuss solutions for water purification from chloride. Besides that, the cooperation revealed the need for technologies purifying water from various ions like Sulphate or Phosphate or altering substances like Heavy Metals or organic molecules, concluding in the question whether these substances could be taken up by yeast acting as a microbial dustbin.
Fig 1: Average concentrations of chloride (left) and sulphate (right) in the efflux of the IAZI in mg/l in the months January to July 2017. Red line indicates the threshold for chloride in mg/l in drinking water in Germany and the Netherlands.
Consequently, we shifted our project from assimilating only NaCl to proving that the uptake of substances by yeast is not bordered to NaCl, but gives possibilities to purify water from ions, molecules or metals. To prove this concept, we integrated herbal potassium and sulphate uptake transporters into the yeast’s membrane. (Read more: Project Description)
Separation and subsequent use of the yeast cells after taking up salts emerged as central questions to be dealt with. Therefore, we focused our efforts on answering these within our further project development.
Statements of the deputies on European environmental action on water pollution raised the political question, why the protection of rivers running to various countries is not equal in the affected countries and why environmental action in general is dissimilar in different European countries (see Shaping Politics).
Fig.2: Tour around Brightlands given bei Bart van As
We realized that wastewater pollution is not restricited to NaCl, whereas the variety of ions and molecules causes problems. The specificity of biological transporters makes yeast suitable to be a diverse microbial supercollector for these various pollutants, being highly interesting for industrial applications. To prove that the concept derived from this cooperation works, we expanded our project and integrated transporters for the sequestration of potassium and sulphate into a novel yeast mutant.
Investigating Supporting Methods
A supercollector needs supporting methods to make it feasible. Research and discussion have identified breeding, water separation and after-usage of the yeast as questions to be answered.
To investigate possible solutions on these issues we got into contact with the WVER (Water Association Eifel-Rur), which is responsible for water treatment in the region around Aachen.
Investigating Supporting Methods
We visited the biggest municipal water treatment plant of Aachen and discussed water treatment methodologies used there with technicians of the plant. Alongside, we interviewed a chemist and a biologist researching on advances in water treatment for the WVER.
The cooperation revealed that we need to refrain from our original plan to integrate yeast into the activated sludge of municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plants. We detected the bad survival chances of yeast in competition with bacteria as the main reason. Industrial wastewaters emerged as the ideal field of application, having specific, and not strongly varying pollutants, and giving perfect adaption conditions for our yeast while municipal wastewater treatment plants are not eligible.
We were able to answer our questions on supporting methods of the yeast. Tests if yeasts cells are able to grow directly in wastewater are interesting (Link Methods). A yeast growing directly in wastewater would produce fewer costs and be more competitive. However, a universal method of breeding is difficult to be realized due to specific wastewaters and applications in industry.
The question how to ensure that genetically modified organisms are not released into the environment developed to be an important question. Membrane technology emerged as a highly interesting method to separate yeast from the treated water. After-usage should be a central question of our project development. As a possible application, drainaged yeast can boost energy production of wastewater treatment plants via fouling, making the after-usage of our yeast more sustainable.
Together with the WVER we concluded that a separation of desalination and conventional water treatment steps is needed due to competition between yeast and bacteria. Nutrition of the yeast directly in the wastewater would reduce costs. Therefore, we will carry out our further experiments and measurements directly in media containing salt. The yeast can be reused for enhanced gas production during fouling of the activated sludge and burned afterwards, leaving behind dry salt. Membrane technology developed to be interesting for us to separate yeast from the treated water, resulting in the cooperation with the RWTH Institute for sanitary environmental engineering.
The incoming industrial wastewater is desalinized in a separate basin to guarantee growth benefits of yeast in comparison to bacteria. The nutrition of the yeasts in this basin remains unsettled. Applied Design After desalinization, water and yeast must be separated. To guarantee complete separation, membrane technology stands out for further investigation.
The separated water will undergo further treatment to remove the nutrition-source and ordinary pollutants in conventional wastewater treatment steps. The yeasts on the other hand, filled with salts, fall behind. The nutritional value of yeast is used in digesters for enhanced biogas production to produce energy. The salts, not harmful to the fouling process, remain after burning and need to be stored permanently, for example underearth (see Werra) or could be reused for industrial processes, depending on their purity.
The separation of yeast from water via membranes is promising to guarantee biosafety of our approach. We plan to integrate a membrane module into a possible application plant, however, question on the application and energy-efficiency of membrane modules remained unsettled after our research and talking with municipal wastewater plants. To gain more insight on the feasibility of this technology and answer the remaining questions we contacted the RWTH Institute for Sanitary environmental engineering.
Membrane Technology resulted to be best suited for our application because of the energy-efficiency of modern membrane modules and the capability of membranes to guarantee a total separation of microorganisms from water. However an experiment to prove the capability of membranes to do so is meaningful, resulting in our cooperation with General Electric.
By talking to Dr. Palmowski, a process engineer of the RWTH Institute for Sanitary environmental engineering, we gained useful information on membrane technology and technical questions of our project. Membrane technology proved true as the best possible solution for our application. The main advantages are increased energy-efficiency and beneficial separation capabilities in comparison to sedimentation, perfectly suited for separating antibiotic resistant strains, microplastic or our yeast.
With the results, we decided to prove the capability of membrane technology to separate yeast from water with a small-scale experiment. Instead of proving this with a synthetic laboratory membrane we decided to work on a cooperation with membrane producers to prove the uptake with a membrane used in wastewater treatment. Therefore, we have contacted General Electric as a producer of membrane modules.
Additionally, the cooperation verified our impression that it is difficult to implement a common breeding methodology for our yeast. Instead, the interview with Dr. Palmowski showed that industrial applications differ that much that a unique solution on breeding and nutrition of the yeast has to be found for every application. Therefore, we will focus on further research on the efficiency of our yeast, their isolation and the after-usage of the yeast.
Cooperations revealed the capability of membrane technology to hinder our modified yeast from spreading into the environment. Together with GE we set up a continuous experiment to separate yeast from water in small-scale using an ultrafiltration-membrane with field of application in wastewater treatment. The experiment proved complete separation of water and yeast cells with negligible efforts in maintenance and energy.
GE provided us with a small-scale membrane module with a surface area of 0.025m2. We discussed the potential setup of the experiment with a deputy of GE, concluding in using an ultra-filtration membrane with a pore size of <100nm, and adjusting a flow of 0.625l/h per hour.
We discussed the experimental procedure with Dr Palmowski from the RWTH Institute of sanitary environmental engineering and Stephan Sibirtsev from the RWTH Institute for process engineering and concluded to carry out a continuous fermentation with a dead-end filtration. To make the procedure simple the yeast was diluted in water and separated by squeezing the water through the membrane using low pressure. A yeast-water mix is induced into the bioreactor using the peristaltic pump we have developed as our hardware project to keep the volume constant over time.
Results show that yeast cells are separated from the media to 100% using ultra-filtration and simple low-maintenance and energy-efficient devices, opposing energy-consuming desalination via reverse osmosis (>> Applied Design). The efflux of the bioreactor was microscoped and centrifuged to determine the concentration of yeast cells in the efflux.
Together with our cooperation partners we were able to develop a novel system of biological wastewater treatment. With input from citizens we identified the problem of industrial wastewater salinization. After talking to industries, we expanded our project and proved the vacuolar uptake of ions in general with the sequestration of potassium. And with the help of water treatment researchers and industries we developed a system, finding solutions on nutrition, separation and after-usage of the yeast and proved the separation of yeast and water under realistic conditions.
This is a system using genetically modified yeast, taking up not only NaCl but all kinds of toxic substances that cannot be degraded by other technologies. The transporters catalyzing the uptake of these substances either already exist, for example for NaCl, Sulphate or various Heavy Metals or need to be created synthetically by directed evolution of specific active sites of the transporters.
The final system for the application of "SALT VAULT" we developed in cooperation with multiple companies.
This is a system using genetically modified yeast, taking up not only NaCl but all kinds of toxic substances that cannot be degraded by other technologies. The transporters catalyzing the uptake of these substances either already exist, for example for NaCl, Sulphate or various Heavy Metals or need to be created synthetically by directed evolution of specific active sites of the transporters.
A system using specific wastewaters, internal carbon-sources or sugars, cheap side products of food industry, to breed the yeast cost efficiently and tailored for specific industrial applications.
A system that is free of environmental contamination with a genetically modified organism due to the complete isolation of yeast with modern, energy-efficient and well-established membrane technology.
A system that separates water from contaminations, leaving behind dry salt after drainage, fouling and burning of the yeast.
And a system that uses the yeast to enhance gas production in fouling towers which can be converted into electrical power.
We thank our supporters who have helped us developing our idea to this point. Environmental action seems to be a bottomless pit and yes our approach of a microbial dustbin needs a lot more research to be feasible in future, but we did a start. And with the help of external people, we could make the first steps. Many more will follow.
The initial idea we had when we started our Integrated Human Practice work.
Talking about environmental issues means talking about environment protection, a highly political topic, a trade-off between environmental action and the wealth of industries and their employees. For us taking environmental action always means shaping politics as well. During our iGEM project, we were confronted with various statements from industries, researchers or students on issues related to political environmental protection. To investigate and critically discuss the mentioned statements we talked to politicians and confronted them with our impressions. We implemented their answers on the current state of environmental protection in Europe and biological education in Germany into our project development.
I. Knowledge of high school students on genetic engineering is too low to have a differentiated position about it. Northrhine-Westfalian biological education seems to be outdated.
II. Genetic engineering is mainly ill-reputed in Germany and most political parties oppose the use of genetic engineering, however, high school and university students and researchers appreciate genetic engineering in the context of treating polluted wastewaters, raising the question if German politicians are close-lipped towards novel technologies?
III. If thresholds of water pollutions are exceeded, municipal wastewater plants are powerless to treat the water successfully. However, industries, for example in the Werra, are in parts allowed by law to exceed the thresholds, causing Germany to be complained by the European Union.
IV. Dutch industrials mark Germany as being more focused on industry than on environmental protection, concluding for example in high amounts of pollutions in the Dutch part of the river Rhine, all caused by Germany. Is environmental protection, especially water protection neglected in Germany?
I. Giving students basic principles to reflect their opinion on genetic engineering differentiated, is an eligible approach. However, schools have to cope with unmotivated teachers and missing trainee teachers, making changes to the curriculum difficult to implement in classrooms.
II. Genetic engineering, especially green genetic engineering, is seen rather critical by politicians from different political orientations. However, they display themselves as being open to novel technologies.
III. Water protection is regulated EU-wide with the power to complain countries not meeting the regulations and the power to put pressure on multinational companies.
IV. Politicians need to find a small line between environmental protection, industrial interests, protection of employment, public opinion and differing political parties, making decisions on environmental protection difficult, even if wished.
V. Significant environmental actions depend on comprehensive societal support. Societal debates are rare in present Germany, making it difficult for environmental politicians to implement important and innovative ideas.
VI. To implement a rational and not emotional, prejudiced debate on genetic engineering and environmental action, societal change must occur by for example providing good solutions on significant problems with the help of genetic engineering. Dialogue with society emerges as important for every biotechnical and environmental project.
We thank the following politicians from three different political parties, ranging from the middle-left to the right specter of Germany's political landscape, for talking to us and giving us answers to our questions.
Andre Stinka and Mr Riegert, SPD, Northrhine-Westfalia Committee for environment
Dr. Patricia Peill, CDU. Northrhine-Westfalia Committee for environment
Dr Chrisitian Blex, AfD, Northrhine-Westfalia Committee for environment
Kristin Korte, CDU, Northrhine-Westfalia Committee for education