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                 <li>For constitutive promoter, we assume that the expression level is at the maximum rate for all time</li>
                 <li>For constitutive promoter, we assume that the expression level is at the maximum rate for all time</li>
                <p>In our final construct, the sfp is under the control of pVEG. According to our literature research, pVEG is 100 times stronger than J23101 which has been characterized in terms of relative units by Berkeley iGEM2006 team. From the database entry we can see that J23101 is 1791 times stronger than promoter J23112 which has a value of 1. Therefore our promoter, pVeg, would be 1791*100 times stronger than J23112. Now, J23101 has been previously characterized by Kelly et al. 2009, whoe found that it has a value of 0.03PoPS(polymerase per second). Therefore, by multiplying 0.03PoPS with 100, we can get 3.00PoPS for the strength of pVEG. Finally, we conclude that sfp, under the control of pVEG, has a constitutive ranscription rate of 3.00PoPS per molecule of DNA construct, and this can be translated to  </p>

Revision as of 11:39, 26 October 2017
