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                Uric acid is a product of purine nucleotide catabolism in nucleic acid constituent units. Most mammals and poultries are
                able to produce uricase, which decomposes uric acid into allantoin, then into NH3, CO2 and H2O. However,
                humans and apes lack the ability to produce uricase, so in humans uric acid is the end product of purine
                metabolism. For humans, increased production or decreased excretion of uric acid can lead to its accumulation
                in the body, causing hyperuricemia. Research shows that hyperuricemia is an independent risk factor of arteriosclerosis,
                hypertension, heart failure and metabolic syndrome[1].
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                Figure 1 Purine catabolism. purine bases are converted, first, into xanthine and, then, into urate for excretion[2].
                As the concentration of uric acid in blood increases, if sodium urate crystals deposit from super-saturated extracellular
                fluids to joints, synovium or other tissues and organs, it will cause a syndrome clinically known as "gout",
                including features like arthritis, tophi, uric acid kidney stones and gouty nephropathy. At this stage the
                patient suffer from acute gouty arthritis, having acute pains in the joint from time to time.
            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/74/T--SCU-WestChina--Wiki-Background-image004.png" alt="">
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                Figure 2 The illustration of the gout formation. Urate deposits in the joint, which causes inflammation, swelling or even
                the formation of tophi.
                Refractory gout is caused by recurrent episodes of acute gouty arthritis for several years, manifested as chronic, multiple,
                destructive arthritis with pain and tophi formation and / or uric acid kidney stones. The number of such
                patients grows with the increasing prevalence of gout and the younger onset of the incidence, and these patients
                have severe illness and low quality of life. 3% of the 3 million gout patients in the United States suffer
                from refractory gout. Some patients treated by existing medications get poor result or have intolerance,
                and the treatments are time-consuming and difficult, so how to treat the disease effectively is a major clinical
                issue faced by physicians.
                The biochemical basis of refractory gout is hyperuricemia, so the key to the treatment is to control the level of serum uric
                acid effectively, the target value of which is
                <356μmol / L (<6.0 mg / dl). The daily production of uric acid by a normal adult is 750mg, 80% of which is endogenous, and
                    20% of which exogenous. The uric acid gets into the metabolic pool of urate, the daily metabolic rate of
                    which is about 60%.Of the uric acid metabolized, 1/3 is catabolized in the intestine, and 2/3 is excreted
                    through the kidneys. This process can maintain a stable level of uric acid in the body, and any problem within
                    the process can lead to hyperuricemia. </p>
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                        Figure 3 Tophaceous gout with multiple tophi on both hands[3].
                        The mechanism of traditional uric acid–lowering agents is mainly to inhibit xanthine oxidase, reducing uric acid production
                        and to inhibit renal tubular reabsorption of uric acid, promoting uric acid excretion[4].
                        Controversy still exists on whether to use medications on ordinary patients with hyperuricemia: specialists of rheumatic
                        and immunologic fields state that hyperuricemia without symptoms of gout does not require drug treatment;
                        however, in the Cardiology field hyperuricemia is considered as an independent risk factor of atherosclerosis
                        and need to be controlled by medications[5,6]. And for patients with refractory gout, traditional
                        drug treatment is slow, taking several years to complete, and for some of them the uric acid level
                        still cannot get low enough for tophi to dissolve. At the same time, for some patients, age factors
                        and complications like hypertension, renal insufficiency, diabetes and vascular disease have also
                        limited drug use on them [7].
                        In recent years, Pegloticase, a new type of uric acid–lowering agent, has brought new solutions for patients with refractory
                        gout and tophi. Pegloticase is a kind of PEG-modified uric acid oxidase which can transform uric
                        acid into allantoin, which can be easily excreted. It can reduce the level of serum uric acid effectively,
                        so as to quickly dissolve tophi and treat chronic gout. The PEG modification helps to improve its
                        antigenicity, and FDA has approved the marketing of the drug (trade name Krystexxa®) in 2010. In
                        the 2012 American College of Rheumatology Guidelines for Management of Gout, the drugs was recommended
                        drug for treatment of refractory gout: “Pegloticase is appropriate for patients with severe gout
                        disease burden and refractoriness to, or intolerance of, conventional and appropriately dosed urate-lowering
                        therapy”[8]. However, in clinical practice, it is hard to ignore the immune response caused by injections
                        (Infusion Reactions). Peter E Lipsky et al. found in 2014 that among the 169 patients treated with
                        the drug, 41% of them had high-titer anti-uricase antibodies, 40% had high-titer anti-PEG antibodies,
                        and one patient had high-titer anti-uricase antibodies even after treatment with mere placebo[9].
                        Because of the presence of high-titer antibodies, the efficacy of Pegloticase is low for one-half
                        of the patients treated, which means that for the small number of patients, refractory gout is incurable[10].
                        Furthermore, the price of the medication is high, costing around 3,500 USD per month, which also
                        limits its clinical application. Moreover, the strong uric acid–lowering effect of the drug can cause
                        very fast dissolve of tophi, leading to acute gout.
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e1/T--SCU-WestChina--Wiki-Background-image008.png" alt="">
                    <div class="img-describe">Figure 4 The offical website of Pegloticase.</div>
                        Based on the reasons above, our project will put forward a new method to control hyperuricemia and treat
                        refractory gout from the following two aspects:</p>
                        1) Control of ordinary hyperuricemia (in the intestinal tract);
                        2) Treatment of refractory gout when Pegloticase treatment is of no avail (with methods of dialysis)
                        1. Control of ordinary hyperuricemia/gout (in the intestinal tract)</p>
                        As mentioned above, current drug targets mainly focus on inhibition of uric acid synthesis and inhibition
                        of uric acid reabsorption protein, with more attention paid to the latter. The intestinal tract itself,
                        however, as a place for uric acid production, is a potential new target. The mechanism of uric acid
                        reabsorption in the intestine is not yet fully elucidated. It is found that the purine metabolism
                        in the intestine may be an important source of uric acid, and the urate transporter—solute carrier
                        protein 2 family member 9 (SLC2A9) expressed by the intestinal epithelial cells plays an important
                        role in the transport of uric acid to the blood to maintain the homeostasis[11,12]. An analysis of
                        intestinal microbes in patients with gout carried out in 2016 showed that the compared to heathy
                        adults, the intestinal microbes in gout patients produce more uric acid and have fewer enzymes to
                        catabolize uric acid, resulting in its accumulation in the body[13]. In a study of the effect of
                        montmorillonite on adsorbing uric acid and lowering blood uric acid levels carried out by Juntao
                        Li et al., the uric acid concentration in the blood and urinary tract of the mice (administrated
                        uric acid intragastrically) decreased with the increase of the amount of montmorillonite (Figure
                        5); for the hyperuricemia model conducted by intraperitoneal injection of uric acid, the mice of
                        montmorillonite group (administrated intragastrically) had a significantly lower blood uric acid
                        level than those in the model group. The conclusion is that montmorillonite can adsorb uric acid
                        significantly and can reduce the serum uric acid level in mice with hyperuricemia[14]. </p>
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/28/T--SCU-WestChina--Wiki-Background-image010.png" alt="">
                    <div class="img-describe">Figure 5 Changes of intestinal and serum uric acid concentrations caused by different doses of montmorillonite[14].
                        Furthermore, Ming Li et al. fed mice with hyperuricemia with lactobacilli which utilizes uridine and inosine (important components
                        in purine metabolism) well, and found their serum uric acid concentration significantly lowered (Figure
                        Based on the information above, we speculated that the reduction of intestinal uric acid concentration can mean a reduced
                        serum uric acid concentration, thus treating hyperuricemia. Meanwhile, the use of probiotics offers
                        a perfect solution for the dispute about whether to use medications to treat hyperuricemia: the blood
                        uric acid level is lowered through proper application of intestinal microbes without the administration
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/0d/T--SCU-WestChina--Wiki-Background-image013.jpg" alt="">
                    <div class="img-describe"> Figure 6 Changes of serum uric acid concentrations of the mice after being fed with lactobacilli DM9218
                        which utilizes uridine and inosine (important components in purine metabolism) well[15].
                    <p>We hope to construct a metabolic pathway of uric acid in E. coli Nissle 1917 expressing urate permease
                        (transporter) on its surface. We try to introduce engineered bacteria into the intestine to consume
                        intestinal uric acid, thus reducing blood uric acid concentration, so as to treat gout.</p>
                    <p>2. Treatment of refractory gout when Pegloticase treatment is of no avail (with methods like dialysis)</p>
                    <p>The key to the treatment of refractory gout is to lower the blood uric acid concentration, but direct
                        protein contact may be blocked immediately by the IgG antibodies (of a long half-life) of the uricase-resistant
                        patient, so it is necessary to build a relatively independent immunologically privileged sites. Through
                        the establishment of a dialysis system, we try to solve the problem of refractory gout. At the same
                        time, if the efficiency of the device is acceptable, it can be used as an inexpensive treatment regimen
                        to accelerate the dissolution of gout and may be able to change the principles of treatment for chronic
                    <p>References: </p>
                    <p>[1] Billiet L, Doaty S, Katz J D, et al. Review of Hyperuricemia as New Marker for Metabolic Syndrome[J].
                        Isrn Rheumatology, 2014, 2014(5-6):852954. </p>
                    <p>[2] John L. Tymoczko, Jeremy M Berg, Lubert Stryer. Biochemistry: A Short Course (The 3rd Edition), Page
                        598, 2013</p>
                    <p>[3] Barajas-Ochoa A, Castaneda-Sanchez J J, Ramos-Remus C. Is gout an easy-to-treat disease? The importance
                        of health determinants[J]. Reumatología Clínica, 2017.</p>
                    <p>[4] 刘湘源. 难治性痛风石性痛风的治疗[J]. 中华临床医师杂志:电子版, 2008, 2(6):5-7.</p>
                    <p>[5] Wakuda H, Uchida S, Ikeda M, et al. Is hyperuricemia a risk factor for arteriosclerosis? Uric Acid
                        and arteriosclerosis in apolipoprotein e-deficient mice.[J]. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin,
                        2014, 37(12):1866-71.</p>
                    <p>[6] Krishnan E, Pandya B J, Chung L, et al. Hyperuricemia and the risk for subclinical coronary atherosclerosis--data
                        from a prospective observational cohort study.[J]. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 2011, 13(2):1-8.</p>
                    <p>[7] Hershfield M S, Ganson N J, Kelly S J, et al. Induced and pre-existing anti-polyethylene glycol antibody
                        in a trial of every 3-week dosing of pegloticase for refractory gout, including in organ transplant
                        recipients.[J]. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 2014, 16(2):R63.</p>
                    <p>[8] Khanna D, Fitzgerald J D, Khanna P P, et al. 2012 American College of Rheumatology guidelines for
                        management of gout. Part 1: Systematic nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapeutic approaches
                        to hyperuricemia[J]. Arthritis Care Res, 2012, 64(10):1431.</p>
                    <p>[9] Lipsky P E, Calabrese L H, Kavanaugh A, et al. Pegloticase immunogenicity: the relationship between
                        efficacy and antibody development in patients treated for refractory chronic gout[J]. Arthritis Research
                        & Therapy, 2014, 16(2):R60.</p>
                    <p>[10] Abeles A M. PEG-ing down (and preventing?) the cause of pegloticase failure[J]. Arthritis Research
                        & Therapy, 2014, 16(3):1-2.</p>
                    <p>[11] Vitart V, Rudan I, Hayward C, et al. SLC2A9 is a newly identified urate transporter influencing
                        serum urate concentration, urate excretion and gout[J]. Nature Genetics, 2008, 40(4):437-442.</p>
                    <p>[12] Ma Z, Long L H, Liu J, et al. Montmorillonite adsorbs uric acid and increases the excretion of uric
                        acid from the intestinal tract in mice[J]. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, 2009, 61(11):1499–1504.</p>
                    <p>[13] Guo Z, Zhang J, Wang Z, et al. Intestinal Microbiota Distinguish Gout Patients from Healthy Humans.[J].
                        Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:20602.</p>
                    <p>[14] Ma Z, Long L H, Liu J, et al. Montmorillonite adsorbs uric acid and increases the excretion of uric
                        acid from the intestinal tract in mice[J]. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, 2009, 61(11):1499–1504.</p>
                    <p>[15] Li M, Yang D, Mei L, et al. Screening and Characterization of Purine Nucleoside Degrading Lactic
                        Acid Bacteria Isolated from Chinese Sauerkraut and Evaluation of the Serum Uric Acid Lowering Effect
                        in Hyperuricemic Rats[J]. Plos One, 2014, 9(9):e105577-e105577.</p>

Revision as of 02:22, 31 October 2017


Human Practice (Silver)

This year, we've done a lot of works on human practices with painstaking effort. In addition, we consider seriously and extensively whether our project is safe, responsible and good for the world. Therefore, we designed and carried out numerous human practices around our project, and we integrate a lot of human practices considerations into every part of our project. Besides, we also conduct public engagement and education activities to have conversations with participates while inviting public input to shape the direction of our work and spreading synthetic biology and iGEM.

When we designed our project, we had so many questions of how we can optimize the design to fit the patients’ needs and release their pain; how to make our design and experiments more scientific and efficient. For solving these questions, we did lots of researches and make so many interviews with scientists, researchers, clinical doctors, patients, biomedical product designer and ethicist.