1st year master student in Health Engineering, Grenoble Alpes University
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Confucius
I’am Clement. My curiosity is my strength. Curiosity is my gas and science my vehicle to move forward.
Why iGEM? Because, it’s for me an opportunity to learn science by practising and thinking. It’s certainly one of the best science experience in my life. It is also an open window to discover new disciplines and ways of thinking. Moreover, I think iGEM is a chance for every student to learn from themselves. They can learn how to work in team, think as a team and develop an essential spirit for their future. No one can imagine this experience if he doesn’t live it !
Nicolas Iasparro
2nd year master student in Health Engineering, Grenoble Alpes University
"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you." - Maori proverb
For me, science and daily life are highly connected, I always want to solve problems by the simplest way. I’m passionated by a lot of fields: sports, music and science, especially biology and astronomy. To describe me in 3 words : geek, curious, determined. Why iGEM ? I wanted to be part of this contest given the possibilities synthetic biology has to offer. Then, I realised that iGEM would be the most complete experience I would ever have because our team started from nothing. Indeed, we learned a lot and in different aspects (fundraising, communication, innovation, finding sponsors...). This was really rewarding and I’m proud of what we achieved so far.
Jusuf Imeri
1st year master student in Biomedical Engineering, Grenoble Alpes University
"The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends." - Friedrich Nietzsche
The universe, probably exists thanks to the lack of perfectionism. In my opinion, being successful in life is, first of all, looking at all the possibilities around us and giving a chance to the serendipity, as most of the great scientists did. Science is an infinity of possibilities and our aim must be to catch all of them and take what we want, whatever the cost is. Never get tired! Why iGEM ? This project was for me an opportunity to do serious things with humor and funny things with serious. I knew science and its problems, humans and their problems but I also found solutions and friendship. For me iGEM was one of the best ways to know my limits and to prove to myself that I can exceed them.
Guillaume Jubien
2nd year master student in Biomedical Engineering, Phelma Engineering School
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift... that's why they call it present" - Chinese proverb
I love this quote because it’s how I perceive life : enjoy the moment, enjoy being with your family and your friends, take pleasure of little things life has to offer. I’m a great optimistic and I’m proud of it ! Why iGEM ? I saw in iGEM a huge opportunity to participate to a great adventure. Take part of a team and work together on an concret project. Bring together our different skills to turn a scientific project into a human adventure.
Martin Lenglet
2nd year master student in Biomedical Engineering, Phelma Engineering School
"“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” - Steve Jobs
Some would say I am naive. I probably am, but it enables me to think about what other people don't. Am I idealistic? For sure, and I believe this is why I never give up and I could dedicate my life to finding innovative solutions to widespread issues. Why iGEM ? iGEM is a great opportunity to meet people from different areas in order to bear a major project. Sharing knowledge, dealing with science in depth, carrying out our own project are numerous reasons why I would recommend iGEM to any curious and open-minded students.
Emline Leon
1st year master student in Health Engineering, Grenoble Alpes University
"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up." - Nelson Mandela
In my opinion, humans know only the tip of the iceberg of science. I wish one day I can know what is under the water. Passion and curiosity push me to learn more and more about it. Why iGEM ? iGEM was for me the occasion to carry out a project starting from an initial idea and until its term. Find an idea, confront myself to constraints, develop the solutions and always improve it. iGEM is the opportunity to discover the vastness of science.
Noreen Louis
2nd year master student in Biomedical Engineering, Phelma Engineering School
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
As you never know what tomorrow has to offer, I believe that every single day should be lived as if it was the last. The thing is that it is easy to forget this philosophy when caught in the vicissitudes of life. Keeping on smiling while living by this moto has become my inspiration for the future. Determined and motivated, I tend to be a little too perfectionist which can be annoying and prejudicial to my work. Why iGEM ? This ambitious contest has been the opportunity for me to develop an innovative scientific idea. Starting from scratches, this project was challenging in both scientific and human relations aspects. It is such a rewarding experience which lessons will help me in future challenges.
Romy Rouzeau
1st year PhD student
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Passionate and committed, I can spend days on a single question or idea, as long as I did not get a trustable answer. I enjoy achieving team projects, equipped with my smile and willingness. Why iGEM ? I firstly looked for informations by curiosity, and I was so amazed by the concept of iGEM that I rushed head down in the contest ! More than improving my scientific knowledge, I also wanted to learn more about every other skills required to lead a project from A to Z: imagination, social skills, scientific background, confidence in others, financial literacy, open-mindedness, self confidence…
Cassandra Vivier-Baudry
2nd year master student in Biomedical Engineering, Phelma Engineering School
"What we think, we become." - Buddha
Our thoughts shape our perspectives in life. I think that you are what you believe. If you have ambitious thoughts, you will accomplish great things. That’s the philosophy I keep trying living with. That made me determined, open-minded and gave me a fighting spirit. Why iGEM ? I wanted to participate in the iGEM contest as it is an ambitious project that requires initiative, creativity and scientific knowledge. It is an experience filled with sensation : iGEM provides an emotional and intellectual mixture of exhilaration, adventure and inspiration. As synthetic biology is the art of creating what the nature does not give us at the beginning, this contest enables us to create absolutely what we dream of. This participation makes me personally grow and makes me go further in my convictions that share sciences is a beautiful way to make our world a better place to live for everyone.
Damyana Yancheva
1st year master student in Health Engineering, Grenoble Alpes University
"Adventure may hurt you but monotony will kill you."
Born in Bulgaria, once I saw the opportunity to study in France, I took it without hesitations. I learnt to enjoy every single step of every adventure, no matter how challenging it might be. Why iGEM ? Finding out about the iGEM competition, I realized that this might be a possibility that comes once in a lifetime – being able to create whatever I want just by using biology methods and a lot of imagination. I wanted to develop even more my creativity and to find out where my limits are. Being part of this enormous project, helped me to meet people as passionated by science as I am.
Nicolas Iltis
2nd year master student in Informatics, Phelma Engineering School
"The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive." - Albert Einstein
Henri Samueli said "Passion is what gives meaning to our lives. It's what allows us to achieve success beyond our wildest
imagination. Try to find a career path that you have a passion for." Software development and sport are my passions and the fuel of my life. Developing software is fairly addictive: you start with a blank file, and at the end you have something useful and may become essential. Why iGEM ? Because iGem is a challenge and as in sports, challenges are the beginning of something new, better and bigger.
Pierre Cavailles
"Quote" - Author
I am Pierre. Why iGEM ?
Audrey Le Gouellec
“A man's value to the community primarily depends on how far his feelings, thoughts, and actions are directed towards promoting the good of his fellows.”
- Einstein, The world as I see it
I am Audrey. Why iGEM?
My conception of school is a place where students are more motivated to learn than teachers to teach. I noticed that last summer .. thus all is said about my motivation as a teacher ..
As a scientist, synthetic biology is a wonderful domain where creativity is endless.
Synthetic biology may be an essential source of progress related to environmental and societal impact along with ethical and philosophical concerns, which is closely connected to Albert Einstein's vision and my own scientific one.