Team:Austin UTexas LASA/Experiments



10x Reaction Mix 5 uL
For primer (10 uM) 1 uL
Rev primer (10 uM) 1 uL
Template 1 uL
Taq Polymerase 1 uL
MgCl2 (25 mM) 1 uL
NF H2o 41 uL
Total 50 uL
  1. On ice, add all reagents to PCR tube, Taq polymerase last.
  2. Run thermocycler program:
    • 95 C for 5 min (2 min if NOT using Hotstart)

> 10 cycles:
95 C for 20 s
0.3 C/s to 50 C
72 C for # s (extension = 1 min/kb)

> 15 cycles:
95 C for 20 s
55 C for 20 s
72 C for 1 min

72 C for 10 min
4 C forever

Reagents and protocol from Zymo DNA Clean & Concentrator Kit


DNA Binding Buffer Refer to table below.
DNA Wash Buffer Refer to table below.
NF H2O Volume dependent on objective.

Protocol:all centrifugation steps should be performed between 10,000 - 16,000g.

  1. On ice, add DNA Binding Buffer (2-7 volumes) and the sample (see table below) in a microcentrifuge tube and mix briefly by vortexing.
  2. Application DNA Binding Buffer: Sample Example
    Genomic DNA (> 2 kb) 2 : 1 200 uL : 100 uL
    PCR Product, DNA Fragment 5 : 1 500 uL : 100 uL
  3. Transfer mixture to a minicolumn inside of a collection tube and centrifuge for 30 seconds, discard flow-through.
  4. Add 200 uL DNA Wash Buffer to the column and centrifuge for 30 seconds. Repeat 1x.
  5. Add water (volume dependent on objective) directly to the column, and incubate at room temperature for 1 min.
  6. Transfer the column to a clean microcentrifuge tube and centrifuge for 1 min to elute the DNA.


TAE Buffer ~ 50 mL per gel, more necessary for electrophoresis chamber.
NF Agarose (generally Seakem LE) Grams of agarose : mL buffer = percentage of gel
Ethidium Bromide ~ 1 drop

**Don’t forget ladder.
Protocol (gel):

  1. Mix the TAE buffer and agarose once measured in microwavable flask. Stir with stir bar in flask and magnetic stirrer.
  2. Afterwards, microwave for 1-3 mins until agarose is completely dissolved.
      Pause the microwave if the solution starts bubbling over, then stir the solution by slightly shaking the flask, and put the flask in the microwave again.
  3. Let the flask cool until it is cool enough to carry with the orange heat “gloves.”
  4. Add ethidium bromide and let gel solidify (10 - 20 min). Remember combs.
  5. Usually, use the gel for gel electrophoresis right away, but if needed, the gel can be stored in a container filled with TAE buffer and 1-2 drops of ethidium bromide.

Protocol (gel electrophoresis):
  1. Add reagents together (always at least ladder and sample).
    • This can occur in PCR tubes or parafilm.

    # bp ladder - 2 uL
    Loading dye - 4 uL (1:3.5 ratio)
    Water - 8 uL

    Sample - volume depends on objective. Remember: try to have at least 50 ng to visualize on gel.
    Loading dye - 1:3 ratio with sample.
  2. Place the gel in the gel tray in the gel electrophoresis chamber and fill with TAE buffer to max line.
    • Since DNA is negatively charged, the wells should be near the positive end (black) and DNA will “run to red.”
  3. Put the ladder and sample(s) in the wells with the ladder in Well 1, etc. Close the chamber properly, and run the gel electrophoresis chamber at 100 - 130 V.
  4. Wait for about 30 minutes before stopping the gel electrophoresis chamber and removing the gel tray.
  5. Place the gel in the Gel Imager (UV Light) next to the computer that will show the image. Run the program “Ethidium Bromide” to see DNA bands.
    • Make sure to position the gel in the center.
    • Remember: smaller fragments are farther away from the wells.
  6. Clean up area, making sure to throw the gel away in the gel waste bin.


Membrane Binding Solution 1 mL per each g of gel
Membrane Wash Solution 1200 uL
NF water 15 uL


  1. Weigh a microcentrifuge tube for each DNA fragment to be isolated and record weight
  2. Use a UV lamp to excise the DNA fragment of interest in a minimal volume of agarose using a clean scalpel or razor blade
  3. Transfer the gel slice to the weighed microcentrifuge tube and record the weight
  4. Subtract the weight of the empty tube from the total weight to obtain the weight of the gel slice
    • The gel slice may be stored at 4°C or at –20°C for up to one week in a tightly closed tube under nuclease-free conditions before continuing purification
  5. Add Membrane Binding Solution to the gel slice
  6. Vortex the mixture and incubate at 50–65°C for 10 minutes or until the gel slice is completely dissolved
  7. Vortex the tube every few minutes to increase the rate of agarose gel melting
  8. Centrifuge the tube briefly at room temperature to ensure the contents are at the bottom of the tube
    • Once the agarose gel is melted, the gel will not resolidify at room temperature
  9. Transfer the dissolved gel mixture or prepared PCR product to the SV Minicolumn assembly
  10. Incubate for 1 minute at room temperature before centrifugation for 1 minute and discarding supernatant

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