


The real condition in the human gut is so complicated: a. Nutrition environment is hard to simulate because of the circadian rhythm of food intake, the food eaten and the enzymes released by intestine. b. The effect of gut microbiome. c. the peristalsis process in the intestine. d. the oxygen environment. To evaluate whether our project can work in the real condition, we decided to do the animal experiment.
Reducing the urate concentration in the gut for HUA patients.

To prove the function of the bacteria in the real condition, we conducted the animal experiment.

We tried to establish the HUA mouse model in the first stage in our animal experiment. We divided 10 male 5-week-aged balb/c mice into two groups randomly: Group 1 (n=5) and Group 2 (n=5). Set one week’s time without special handling to let them adapt to the new environment. Feed Group 2 with special food containing 0.1% adenine since week 2 while feeding Group 1 with normal food. All the feeding condition is the same expect for food.The blood of all the mice from caudal vein was taken after 3 weeks’ feeding. Isolate the serum and demonstrate the concentration of blood uric acid with ELISA. The result showed that, we can use the method to establish the HUA model successfully (Figure 11a.).

Then, the engineered bacteria was used in the animal experiment. We divided 25 male 5-week-aged balb/c mice into five groups randomly: Group Control (Group A, n=5), Group HUA (Group B, n=5), Group Allopurinol (Group C, n=5), Group engineered E. coli Nissle 1917 (transformed with BBa_K2334001) (Group D,n=5) and Group E. coli Nissle 1917 (Group E, n=5) [Figure 11b]. Set one week’s time without special handling to let them adapt to the new environment. Establish hyperuricemia animal models with all the groups except Group Control.Performe oval gavage as protocol from week 2, last for 3 weeks Isolate the serum and demonstrate the concentration of blood uric acid with ELISA.

Allopurinol is used in clinics to reduce the serum urate concentration, whose group is the negative control. Group B and C indicated that we established the HUA model successfully, but it's relatively weaker than the previous HUA model establishment experiment. Group D is the experiment group, which is of distinctive lower urate concentration compared to Group A. Rank-sum test showed that the differece exsisted between Group A & B, B & C, B & D. However, there's no difference between B & E, though the average of D & E is quite similar. The result indicated that our engineered bacteria did decrease the urate concentration in the blood successfully.

To view the detailed data analysis of animal experiment, please visit Analysis Result of Animal Experiment.pdf.

Figure 11 (a) The urate concentration in serum in experiment group is higher than that in control group obviously, which indicated the successful establishment of HUA mouse model. (b) The arrangement of engineered bacteria in vivo experiment. (c) Group Control (Group A, n=5), Group HUA (Group B, n=5), Group Allopurinol (Group C, n=5), Group engineered E. coli Nissle 1917 (Nissle 1917 transformed with BBa_K2334001, Group D,n=5) and Group E. coli Nissle 1917 (Group E, n=5). The urate concentration in serum in engineerd bacteria experiment. Group B and C indicated we established the HUA model successfully. Analysis result indicated that our engineered bacteria did decrease the urate concentration in the blood successfully.


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