"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Confucius
I’am Clement. My curiosity is my strength. Curiosity is my gas and science my vehicle to move forward.
Why iGEM? Because, it’s for me an opportunity to learn science by practising and thinking. It’s certainly one of the best science experience in my life. It is also an open window to discover new disciplines and ways of thinking.
Nicolas Iasparro
"Quote" - Author
I’am Nicolas. Why iGEM ?
Jusuf Imeri
"Quote" - Author
I'am Jusuf. Why iGEM ?
Guillaume Jubien
"Quote" - Author
I am Guillaume. Why iGEM ?
Martin Lenglet
2nd year student in Biomedical Engineering
"“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” - Steve Jobs
Some would say I am naive. I probably am, but it enables me to think about what other people don't. Am I idealistic? For sure, and I believe this is why I never give up and I could dedicate my life to finding innovative solutions to widespread issues.
Why iGEM ?
iGEM is a great opportunity to meet people from different areas in order to bear a major project. Sharing knowledge, dealing with science in depth, carrying out our own project are numerous reasons why I would recommend iGEM to any curious and open-minded students.