Team:NAWI Graz/FlourescenceChamber


A 500 mL lab bottle with GL 80 opening was the main equipment for the reactor. Several holes were drilled into the cap and metal threads placed inside them.

[fmc parts labelled]
[fmc assembled labelled]
Bacteria are moved into a UV-cuvette inside the measurement chamber of the fluorescence detector. The chamber is a 3D-printed enclosure (see Fig. Xy) with two walls facing each other that house a row of three LED sockets each. In the current setup, we only placed three [XXX UV?] LEDs in one wall. The other two opposing walls host camera sockets, to one one of which we have attached a RPi-camera, that is controlled by the RPi server. Two optical filters are placed inside. A [XXX] filter [do we show their spectral characteristics?] between the UV-LEDs and the cuvette, to filter out wavelengths from [XX] to [XX] nm (peak activation of eGFP at ~ XX nm). Between the cuvette and the camera a [XX] filter is inserted to allow only light emitted from activated bacteria through while holding back the rest of the LED-light.
The camera is controlled via the Python picamera library and calibrated to maximize the difference between idle and activated bacteria @allFromHof: (see table “camera-settings” or Supplemental Stuff, Zenodo, or nowhere?). The raw RGB-data is recorded, the green channel is kept and cropped to our region of interest---the bacterial suspension. The median green intensity of this region is then compared to a threshold [XX] to decipher the bacterial command.


3D-printed bla..

LEDs and Optical Filters

because of the expressed fluorescent protein’s spectral characteristics [explain shortly and link to molbio parts], we employ [XXX] nm LEDs to excite [XXX/proteins/chromophores?] and filter… images of LED’s emission spectrum and filter’s absorption curves for temperature experiment… ???

Camera and Software

… see “” on github/daniel_moser/colibot/server/cam/ … 1 second shutterspeed..