
Interactive tools
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Interactive: Glucose Concentration

Model the glucose concentration to make sure mutagenesis plasmids are sufficiently induced to get optimal mutagenesis conditions for both PREDCEL and PACE.

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Interactive: Arabinose Concentration

Model the Arabinose concentration to make sure mutagenesis plasmids are sufficiently induced to get optimal mutagenesis conditions for both PREDCEL and PACE.

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Interactive: Mutation Rate Estimation

Estimate the number of mutated sequences in a PREDCEL or PACE experiment at a given point in time to check for the covered sequence space and to save time and mony when sequencing.

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Interactive: Medium Consumption

Calculate the amount of medium needed for a PACE experiment, see how medium consumption can be reduced when experimental parameters are optimised.

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Interactive: Lagoon Contamination

Check if lagoons are vulnerable to contamination by microorganisms under given experimental conditions.

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Characterwise Diff-tool

Mark the differences in two aligned strings, case sensitive if needed.