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  <ul class="nav">
    <li><a href="#nav1">Restriction digestion</a></li>
<li><a href="#nav2">Ligation</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav3">Gibson assembly</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav4">Preparing cells</a></li>
<li><a href="#nav5">Lactis cells</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav6">Transformation E.coli</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav7">Electrotransformation Lactis</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav8">Colony PCR</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav9">Quickchange PCR</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav10">Taq PCR</a></li>
<li><a href="#nav11">PCR cleanup</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav12">Media</a></li>
    <li><a href="#nav13">Antibiotic</a></li>
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<h1> Protocols</h1>
<h1> Protocols</h1>
<li id="nav1">
Restriction Digestion
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li>(1) 8-tube strip, or (3) 0.6ml thin-walled tubes</li>
<li>BioBrick Part in BioBrick plasmid (Purified DNA, > 16ng/ul)</li>
<li>NEB Buffer 2</li>
<li>Restriction Enzymes: EcoRI, SpeI, XbaI, PstI</li>
Restriction digestion
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<ol type=i>
<li>Add 250ng of DNA to be digested, and adjust with dH20 for a total volume of 16ul</li>
<li>(1) 8-tube strip, or (3) 0.6ml thin-walled tubes</li>
<li>Add 2.5ul of NEBuffer 2.1</li>
<li>BioBrick Part in BioBrick plasmid (Purified DNA, > 16ng/ul)</li>
<li>Check here for buffer selection (depending on the enzyme)</li>
<li>Add 0.5ul of BSA</li>
<li>NEB Buffer 2</li>
<li>Add 0.5ul of EcoRI</li>
<li>Add 0.5ul of PstI</li>
<li>Restriction Enzymes: EcoRI, SpeI, XbaI, PstI</li>
<li>There should be a total volume of 20ul. Mix well and spin down briefly</li>
<li>Incubate the restriction digest at 37C for 30min, and then 80C for 20min to heat kill the enzymes. <i>We incubate in a thermal cycler with a heated lid</i></li>
<li>Run a portion of the digest on a gel (8ul, 100ng), to check that both plasmid backbone and part length are accurate.</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Add 250ng of DNA to be digested, and adjust with dH20 for a total volume of 16ul</li>
<li>Add 2.5ul of NEBuffer 2.1</li>
<li>Check here for buffer selection (depending on the enzyme)</li>
<li>Add 0.5ul of BSA</li>
<li>Add 0.5ul of EcoRI</li>
<li>Add 0.5ul of PstI</li>
<li>There should be a total volume of 20ul. Mix well and spin down briefly</li>
<li>Incubate the restriction digest at 37C for 30min, and then 80C for 20min to heat kill the enzymes. <i>We incubate in a thermal cycler with a heated lid</i></li>
<li>Run a portion of the digest on a gel (8ul, 100ng), to check that both plasmid backbone and part length are accurate.</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>iGEM http://parts.igem.org/Help:Protocols/Restriction_Digest</li>
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li>iGEM http://parts.igem.org/Help:Protocols/Restriction_Digest</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Digested backbone & inserts</li>
<li>T4 DNA ligase</li>
<li>T4 DNA ligase buffer</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Add 2ul of digested plasmid backbone (25 ng)</li>
<li>Add equimolar amount of EcoRI-HF SpeI digested fragment (< 3 ul)</li>
<li>Add equimolar amount of XbaI PstI digested fragment (< 3 ul)</li>
<li>Molar ratios of 1:1, 1:10, 1:20 are recommended</li>
<li>Add 1 ul T4 DNA ligase buffer. Note: Do not use quick ligase</li>
<li>Add 0.5 ul T4 DNA ligase</li>
<li>Add water to 10 ul</li>
<li>Ligate 16C/30 min, heat kill 80C/20 min</li>
<li>Transform with 1-2 ul of product</li>
Gibson assembly
<ol type=a>
<li id="nav2">Ligation
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li>Compatible Fragments</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Gibson Assembly Master Mix 2x</li>
<li>Digested backbone & inserts</li>
<li>Positive control (NEB)</li>
<li>T4 DNA ligase</li>
<li>T4 DNA ligase buffer</li>
<table style="width:100%">
<th> </th>
<th>2-3 Fragment Assembly</th>
<th>4-6 Fragment Assembly</th>
<th>Positive Control**</th>
<td>Total Amount of Fragments</td>
<td>0.02–0.5 pmols* X μl</td>
<td>0.2–1 pmols* X μl</td>
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>Gibson Assembly Master Mix (2X)</td>
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>Deionized H2O</td>
<td>10-X μl</td>
<td>10-X μl</td>
<td>Total Volume</td>
<td>20 μl***</td>
<td>20 μl***</td>
<td>20 μl</td>
<ol type=i>
<li>NEB </li>
<li>Preparing competent E.coli DH5α cells
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<ol type=i>
<li>Add 2ul of digested plasmid backbone (25 ng)</li>
<li>PEG 800</li>
<li>Add equimolar amount of EcoRI-HF SpeI digested fragment (< 3 ul)</li>
<li>LB broth</li>
<li>Add equimolar amount of XbaI PstI digested fragment (< 3 ul)</li>
<li>Molar ratios of 1:1, 1:10, 1:20 are recommended</li>
<li>Add 1 ul T4 DNA ligase buffer. Note: Do not use quick ligase</li>
<li>Glassware & Equipment (Falcon tubes; 500μl Eppendorf tubes, on ice; 200ml conical flask; 200μl pipetman or repeating pipettor; 5ml pipette)</li>
<li>Add 0.5 ul T4 DNA ligase</li>
<li>Add water to 10 ul</li>
<li>Ligate 16C/30 min, heat kill 80C/20 min</li>
<li>Transform with 1-2 ul of product</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>TSS buffer (125 mL): dissolve 25 g PEG 8000 in final volume of mL 105 LB broth filter sterilize, add 12,5 mL DMSO and 7,5 mL 1M MgCl2 </li>
<li>Grow 5ml overnight culture of cells in LB media, dilute this culture back into 25-50ml of fresh LB media in a 200ml conical flask.</li>
<li>In the morning You should aim to dilute the overnight culture by at least 1/100.</li>
<li id="nav3">
<li>Grow the diluted culture to an OD600 of 0.2 - 0.5. (You will get a very small pellet if you grow 25ml to OD600 0.2)</li>
Gibson assembly
<li>Put Eppendorf tubes on ice now so that they are cold when cells are aliquoted into them later. If your culture is X ml, you will need X tubes. At this point you should also make sure that your TSS is being cooled (it should be stored at 4°C but if you have just made it fresh then put it in an ice bath).
<ol type=a>
<li>Split the culture into two 50ml falcon tubes and incubate on ice for 10 min.</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>All subsequent steps should be carried out at 4°C and the cells should be kept on ice whenever possible.</li>
<li>Compatible Fragments</li>
<li>Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 3000 rpm and 4°C.</li>
<li>Gibson Assembly Master Mix 2x</li>
<li>Decant supernatant, remove leftover media by carefully pipetting</li>
<li>Positive control (NEB)</li>
<li>Resuspend in TSS buffer (10% of original volume), vortex gently</li>
<li>Add 100 μl aliquots to chilled Eppendorfs, flash freeze and store at – 80°C in 200 µl aliquots.</li>
<table style="width:100%">
<ol type=i>
<th> </th>
<li>Open wet ware</li>
<th>2-3 Fragment Assembly</th>
<th>4-6 Fragment Assembly</th>
<th>Positive Control**</th>
<td>Total Amount of Fragments</td>
<td>0.02–0.5 pmols* X μl</td>
<td>0.2–1 pmols* X μl</td>
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>Gibson Assembly Master Mix (2X)</td>
<td>10 μl</td>  
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>Deionized H2O</td>
<td>10-X μl</td>  
<td>10-X μl</td>
<td>Total Volume</td>
<td>20 μl***</td>
<td>20 μl***</td>
<td>20 μl</td>
<ol type=i>
<li>NEB </li>
<li id="nav4">Preparing competent E.coli DH5α cells
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li>PEG 800</li>
<li>LB broth</li>
<li>Glassware & Equipment (Falcon tubes; 500μl Eppendorf tubes, on ice; 200ml conical flask; 200μl pipetman or repeating pipettor; 5ml pipette)</li>
<li>Making competent Lactococcus Lactis cells
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li>TSS buffer (125 mL): dissolve 25 g PEG 8000 in final volume of mL 105 LB broth filter sterilize, add 12,5 mL DMSO and 7,5 mL 1M MgCl2 </li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Grow 5ml overnight culture of cells in LB media, dilute this culture back into 25-50ml of fresh LB media in a 200ml conical flask.</li>
<li>M17 media</li>
<li>In the morning You should aim to dilute the overnight culture by at least 1/100.</li>
<li>Electroporation buffer</li>
<li>Grow the diluted culture to an OD600 of 0.2 - 0.5. (You will get a very small pellet if you grow 25ml to OD600 0.2)</li>
<li>Put Eppendorf tubes on ice now so that they are cold when cells are aliquoted into them later. If your culture is X ml, you will need X tubes. At this point you should also make sure that your TSS is being cooled (it should be stored at 4°C but if you have just made it fresh then put it in an ice bath).
<ol type=a>
<li>Grow cells overnight in 25ml of GM17 (M17 with 1% glucose)</li>
<li>Add 1ml of overnight culture into 25ml SGM17 + 2.0% glycine</li>
<li>SGM17 = 25ml M17 + 0.25g glucose + 5g Sucrose + 0.5g glycine)</li>
<li>Grow for ~4 hours until OD600 ~ 0.7</li>
<li>Chill culture on ice for 10 mins</li>
<li>Centrifuge cells for 15 mins at 3000g</li>
<li>Gently shake to resuspend pellet in 3ml Electroporation Buffer (0.5M Sucrose, 10% glycerol)</li>
<li>Centrifuge cells for 15 mins at 3000g</li>
<li>Resuspend pellet in 3ml Electroporation Buffer (0.5M Sucrose, 10% glycerol)</li>
<li>Centrifuge cells for 15 mins at 3000g</li>
<li>Resuspend pellet in 500µl Electroporation Buffer (0.5M Sucrose, 10% glycerol)</li>
<li>Separate into 100µl aliquots and store at -80°C until use.</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Split the culture into two 50ml falcon tubes and incubate on ice for 10 min.</li>
<li>All subsequent steps should be carried out at 4°C and the cells should be kept on ice whenever possible.</li>
<li>Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 3000 rpm and 4°C.</li>
<li>Decant supernatant, remove leftover media by carefully pipetting</li>
<li>Resuspend in TSS buffer (10% of original volume), vortex gently</li>
<li>Add 100 μl aliquots to chilled Eppendorfs, flash freeze and store at – 80°C in 200 µl aliquots.</li>
<li>Transformation E.coli DH5α
<ol type=i>
<li>Open wet ware</li>
<li id="nav5">Making competent Lactococcus Lactis cells
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li>M17 media</li>
<li>Electroporation buffer</li>
<ol type=a>
<ol type=a>
<li>Grow cells overnight in 25ml of GM17 (M17 with 1% glucose)</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Add 1ml of overnight culture into 25ml SGM17 + 2.0% glycine</li>
<li>Resuspend DNA</li>
<li>SGM17 = 25ml M17 + 0.25g glucose + 5g Sucrose + 0.5g glycine)</li>
<li>Competent cells: 50 µl per transformation</li>
<li>Grow for ~4 hours until OD600 ~ 0.7</li>
<li>SOC Medium: Prepare fresh from fridge components</li>
<li>Chill culture on ice for 10 mins</li>
<li>LB+ antibiotic Plates: Two per transformation</li>
<li>Centrifuge cells for 15 mins at 3000g</li>
<li>Eppendorf tubes- Floater</li>
<li>Gently shake to resuspend pellet in 3ml Electroporation Buffer (0.5M Sucrose, 10% glycerol)</li>
<li>Ice bucket</li>
<li>Centrifuge cells for 15 mins at 3000g</li>
<li>42°C water bath</li>
<li>Resuspend pellet in 3ml Electroporation Buffer (0.5M Sucrose, 10% glycerol)</li>
<li>37°C incubator: both shaker and stove</li>
<li>Centrifuge cells for 15 mins at 3000g</li>
<li>Sterile spreader/glass beads</li>
<li>Resuspend pellet in 500µl Electroporation Buffer (0.5M Sucrose, 10% glycerol)</li>
<li>Separate into 100µl aliquots and store at -80°C until use.</li>
<li>Procedure (on ice)
<ol type=i>
<li>Thaw competent cells on ice. This may take 10-15min for a 260µl stock. Dispose of unused competent cells. Do not refreeze since reusing thawed cells, will drastically reduce transformation efficiency.</li>
<li>Pipet 50 µl of competent cells into Eppendorf tube (labeled, prechilled, in floating rack), don’t forget control tubes</li>
<li>Pipet 100 ng of DNA as well as control into tubes and gently mix with tip</li>
<li>incubate on ice for 30 min, tubes may be gently flicked, return to ice ASAP</li>
<li>Heat shock tubes at 42°C for 30 seconds (precisely)</li>
<li>Incubate on ice for 5 min</li>
<li>Add 200 µl of SOC media to each transformation</li>
<li>SOC should be stored at 4°C, but can be warmed to room temperature before use. Check for contamination</li>
<li>Incubate at 37°C for 1 hours, shaker or rotor recommended</li>
<li>Pipet 20µl & 200 µl transformation mixture onto petri plates and spread with sterilized spreader or glass beads</li>
<li>Incubate plates upside down overnight (14-18hr) at 37°C</li>
<li>Pick single colonies</li>
<li>Perform Colony PCR to verify</li>
<li>Grow cells & miniprep</li>
<li>Calculate efficiency by counting colonies (expected value: 1.5x10^8 to 6x10^8 cfu/µg DNA)</li>
<li>Electrotransformation Lactococcus Lactis
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<ol type=i>
<li>Electroporation Cuvettes</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Add 5µl of DNA and electroporate at 1200 volts (1mm Cuvettes)</li>
<li>Add 900µl ice cold M17 and keep on ice for 10 min</li>
<li>To each ml of M17 add: 0.5M (.17g) Sucrose + 0.5% (15µl) Glucose + 20mM (10µl) MgCl2 + 0.2mM (10µl) CaCl2</li>
<li>Subculture 100 µl into 900 µl prewarmed M17+ and incubate for 2 hours</li>
<li>Plate with proper antibiotic</li>
<li>Colony PCR
<ol type=a>
<li id="nav6">Transformation E.coli DH5α
<ol type=i>
<ol type=a>
<li>10X Standard Taq Reaction Buffer</li>
<li>10 mM dNTPs</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>10 µM Forward Primer</li>
<li>Resuspend DNA</li>
<li>10 µM Reverse Primer</li>
<li>Competent cells: 50 µl per transformation</li>
<li>Template DNA (colony resuspended in MQ / plasmid DNA)</li>
<li>SOC Medium: Prepare fresh from fridge components</li>
<li>Taq DNA Polymerase</li>
<li>LB+ antibiotic Plates: Two per transformation</li>
<li>Nuclease-free water</li>
<li>Eppendorf tubes- Floater</li>
<li>PCR tubes</li>
<li>Ice bucket</li>
<li>42°C water bath</li>
<li>PCR tube rack</li>
<li>37°C incubator: both shaker and stove</li>
<li>Sterile spreader/glass beads</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Procedure (on ice)
<li>Suspend a colony in 10 µl sterile MQ</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Prepare Mastermix for 10 reactions according to:
<li>Thaw competent cells on ice. This may take 10-15min for a 260µl stock. Dispose of unused competent cells. Do not refreeze since reusing thawed cells, will drastically reduce transformation efficiency.</li>
<li>Pipet 50 µl of competent cells into Eppendorf tube (labeled, prechilled, in floating rack), don’t forget control tubes</li>
<li>Pipet 100 ng of DNA as well as control into tubes and gently mix with tip</li>
<li>incubate on ice for 30 min, tubes may be gently flicked, return to ice ASAP</li>
<li>Heat shock tubes at 42°C for 30 seconds (precisely)</li>
<li>Incubate on ice for 5 min</li>
<li>Add 200 µl of SOC media to each transformation</li>
<li>SOC should be stored at 4°C, but can be warmed to room temperature before use. Check for contamination</li>
<li>Incubate at 37°C for 1 hours, shaker or rotor recommended</li>
<li>Pipet 20µl & 200 µl transformation mixture onto petri plates and spread with sterilized spreader or glass beads</li>
<li>Incubate plates upside down overnight (14-18hr) at 37°C</li>
<li>Pick single colonies</li>
<li>Perform Colony PCR to verify</li>
<li>Grow cells & miniprep</li>
<li>Calculate efficiency by counting colonies (expected value: 1.5x10^8 to 6x10^8 cfu/µg DNA)</li>
<li id="nav7">Electrotransformation Lactococcus Lactis
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li>Electroporation Cuvettes</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Add 5µl of DNA and electroporate at 1200 volts (1mm Cuvettes)</li>
<li>Add 900µl ice cold M17 and keep on ice for 10 min</li>
<li>To each ml of M17 add: 0.5M (.17g) Sucrose + 0.5% (15µl) Glucose + 20mM (10µl) MgCl2 + 0.2mM (10µl) CaCl2</li>
<li>Subculture 100 µl into 900 µl prewarmed M17+ and incubate for 2 hours</li>
<li>Plate with proper antibiotic</li>
<li id="nav8">Colony PCR
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li>10X Standard Taq Reaction Buffer</li>
<li>10 mM dNTPs</li>
<li>10 µM Forward Primer</li>
<li>10 µM Reverse Primer</li>
<li>Template DNA (colony resuspended in MQ / plasmid DNA)</li>
<li>Taq DNA Polymerase</li>
<li>Nuclease-free water</li>
<li>PCR tubes</li>
<li>PCR tube rack</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Suspend a colony in 10 µl sterile MQ</li>
<li>Prepare Mastermix for 10 reactions according to:
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:100%">
<th>220 µl = 10 colonies</th>  
<th>220 µl = 10 colonies</th>  
<th>Final Concentration</th>
<th>Final Concentration</th>
<td>10X Standard Taq (Mg-free) Reaction Buffer</td>
<td>10X Standard Taq (Mg-free) Reaction Buffer</td>
<td>22 µl</td>  
<td>22 µl</td>  
<td>25 mM MgCl2</td>
<td>25 mM MgCl2</td>
<td>13,2 µl</td>  
<td>13,2 µl</td>  
<td>1.5 mM</td>
<td>1.5 mM</td>
<td>10 mM dNTPs</td>
<td>10 mM dNTPs</td>
<td>4,4 µl</td>  
<td>4,4 µl</td>  
<td>200 µM</td>
<td>200 µM</td>
<td>10 µM pJET fw</td>
<td>10 µM pJET fw</td>
<td>4,4 µl</td>  
<td>4,4 µl</td>  
<td>0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM, typically 0.1-0.5µM)</td>
<td>0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM, typically 0.1-0.5µM)</td>
<td>10 µM pJET rv</td>
<td>10 µM pJET rv</td>
<td>4,4 µl</td>  
<td>4,4 µl</td>  
<td>0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM, typically 0.1-0.5µM)</td>
<td>0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM, typically 0.1-0.5µM)</td>
<td>Taq DNA Polymerase</td>
<td>Taq DNA Polymerase</td>
<td>1,1 µl</td>  
<td>1,1 µl</td>  
<td>1.25 units/50 µl PCR</td>
<td>1.25 units/50 µl PCR</td>
<td>Nuclease-free water</td>
<td>Nuclease-free water</td>
<td>148,5 µl</td>  
<td>148,5 µl</td>  
<li>Put 19 µl of mastermix in each reaction tube & add 2 µl suspended colony mixture</li>
<li>Add 2 µl plasmid DNA for positive control and 2 µl MQ for the negative control</li>
<li>Place the tubes in the PCR machine (Taq program)</li>
<li>Once the PCR is done, mix 10 µl of PCR product with 2 µl 6X purple gel loading dye and run it on a gel for 50 minutes at 130 Volts</li>
<li>If the correct products are present in the gel samples, inoculate overnight cultures from the original plates.</li>
<li>Mix 5 ml LB with appropriate antibiotic. Scoop a colony from the plate and drop the tip into the medium. Incubate the tube at 37°C overnight to let the culture grow</li>
<li>Put 19 µl of mastermix in each reaction tube & add 2 µl suspended colony mixture</li>
<li>Add 2 µl plasmid DNA for positive control and 2 µl MQ for the negative control</li>
<li>Place the tubes in the PCR machine (Taq program)</li>
<li>Once the PCR is done, mix 10 µl of PCR product with 2 µl 6X purple gel loading dye and run it on a gel for 50 minutes at 130 Volts</li>
<li>If the correct products are present in the gel samples, inoculate overnight cultures from the original plates.</li>
<li>Mix 5 ml LB with appropriate antibiotic. Scoop a colony from the plate and drop the tip into the medium. Incubate the tube at 37°C overnight to let the culture grow</li>
<li>Quickchange PCR</li>
<li>Taq PCR
<ol type=a >
<li>Materials according to table</li>
<li id="nav9">Quickchange PCR</li>
<li id="nav10">Taq PCR
<ol type=i>
<ol type=a >
<li>Mix according to table
<li>Materials according to table</li>
<table style="width:100%">
<ol type=i>
<li>Mix according to table
<th>25 μl reaction</th>  
<table style="width:100%">
<th>50 μl reaction</th>
<th>Final Concentration</th>
<th>25 μl reaction</th>  
<th>50 μl reaction</th>
<td>10X Standard Taq Reaction Buffer</td>
<th>Final Concentration</th>
<td>2.5 μl</td>  
<td>5 μ</td>
<td>10X Standard Taq Reaction Buffer</td>
<td>2.5 μl</td>  
<td>5 μ</td>
<td>10 mM dNTPs</td>
<td>0.5 µl</td>  
<td>1 μl</td>
<td>200 µM</td>
<td>10 mM dNTPs</td>
<td>0.5 µl</td>  
<td>1 μl</td>
<td>10 µM Forward Primer</td>
<td>200 µM</td>
<td>0.5 µl</td>  
<td>1 μl</td>
<td>0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM)</td>
<td>10 µM Forward Primer</td>
<td>0.5 µl</td>  
<td>1 μl</td>
<td>10 µM Reverse Primer</td>
<td>0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM)</td>
<td>0.5 µl</td>  
<td>1 μl</td>
<td>0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM)</td>
<td>10 µM Reverse Primer</td>
<td>0.5 µl</td>  
<td>1 μl</td>
<td>Template DNA</td>
<td>0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM)</td>
<td>1,000 ng</td>
<td>Template DNA</td>
<td>Taq DNA Polymerase</td>
<td>1,000 ng</td>
<td>0.125 µl</td>  
<td>0.25 µl</td>
<td>1.25 units/50 µl PCR</td>
<td>Taq DNA Polymerase</td>
<td>0.125 µl</td>  
<td>0.25 µl</td>
<td>Nuclease-free water</td>
<td>1.25 units/50 µl PCR</td>
<td>to 25 µl</td>  
<td>to 50 µl</td>
<td>Nuclease-free water</td>
<td>to 25 µl</td>  
<td>to 50 µl</td>
<li>PCR cycler conditions
<table style="width:100%">
<td>Initial Denaturation</td>
<td>30 sec</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>15-30 sec</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>15-60 sec</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>1 min/ kb</td>
<td>Final extension</td>
<td>5 min</td>
<ol type=i>
NEB https://www.neb.com/protocols/1/01/01/taq-dna-polymerase-with-standard-taq-buffer-m0273
<li>Phusion PCR
<li>PCR cycler conditions
<ol type=a>
<table style="width:100%">
<li>Materials according to table</li>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>20 μl reaction</th>
<th>50 μl reaction</th>
<td>Initial Denaturation</td>
<th>Final Concentration</th>
<td>30 sec</td>
<td>5X Phusion HF/ GC Buffer</td>
<td>4 μl</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>15-30 sec</td>
<td>10 mM dNTPs</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>0.4 µl</td>
<td>1 μl</td>
<td>15-60 sec</td>
<td>200 µM</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>10 µM Forward Primer</td>
<td>1 µl</td>
<td>1 min/ kb</td>
<td>2,5 μl</td>
<td>0.5 µM (0.05–1 µM)</td>
<td>Final extension</td>
<td>10 µM Reverse Primer</td>
<td>5 min</td>
<td>1 µl</td>
<td>2,5 μl</td>
<td>0.5 µM (0.05–1 µM)</td>
<td>Template DNA</td>
<td><250 ng</td>
<td>Phusion DNA Polymerase</td>
<td>0.2 µl</td>
<td>0.5 µl</td>
<td>1. units/50 µl PCR</td>
<td>Nuclease-free water</td>
<td>to 20 µl</td>
<td>to 50 µl</td>
<li>PCR cycler conditions</li>
<table style="width:100%">
<td>Initial Denaturation</td>
<td>30 sec</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>5-10 sec</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>10-30 sec</td>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>15-30 sec/ kb</td>
<td>Final extension</td>
<td>5-10 min</td>
<ol type=i>
<ol type=i>
NEB https://www.neb.com/protocols/1/01/01/taq-dna-polymerase-with-standard-taq-buffer-m0273
<li>PCR cleanup, Gel extraction, minipreps was performed by using kits provided by Qiagen. Standard procedure was followed.</li>
<li>Phusion PCR
<ol type=a>
<ol type=a>
<li>Lysogeny Broth (LB)
<li>Materials according to table</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Dissolve the following in 1L ddH2O</li>
<table style="width:100%">
<li>10g bacto-tryptone</li>
<li>5g bacto-yeast extract</li>
<li>10g NaCl (5g in some recipes)</li>
<th>20 μl reaction</th>
<li>Adjust to pH 7.0 with NaOH</li>
<th>50 μl reaction</th>
<th>Final Concentration</th>
<td>5X Phusion HF/ GC Buffer</td>
<td>4 μl</td>
<td>10 μl</td>
<td>10 mM dNTPs</td>
<td>0.4 µl</td>
<td>1 μl</td>
<td>200 µM</td>
<td>10 µM Forward Primer</td>
<td>1 µl</td>
<td>2,5 μl</td>
<td>0.5 µM (0.05–1 µM)</td>
<td>10 µM Reverse Primer</td>
<td>1 µl</td>
<td>2,5 μl</td>
<td>0.5 µM (0.05–1 µM)</td>
<td>Template DNA</td>
<td><250 ng</td>
<td>Phusion DNA Polymerase</td>
<td>0.2 µl</td>
<td>0.5 µl</td>
<td>1. units/50 µl PCR</td>
<td>Nuclease-free water</td>
<td>to 20 µl</td>
<td>to 50 µl</td>
<li>PCR cycler conditions</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Dissolve the following in 1L ddH2O</li>
<table style="width:100%">
<li>5.0 g Pancreatic Digest of Casein</li>
<li>5.0 g Soy Peptone</li>
<li>5.0 g Beef Extract</li>
<li>2.5 g Yeast Extract</li>
<li>0.5 g Ascorbic Acid</li>
<li>0.25 g Magnesium Sulfate</li>
<li>10.0 g Disodium-β-glycerophosphate</li>
<td>Initial Denaturation</td>
<li>11.0 g Agar</li>
<td>30 sec</td>
<ol type=i>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<li>Dissolve the following in 1L ddH2O</li>
<li>20g Bacto Tryptone</li>
<td>5-10 sec</td>
<li>5g Bacto Yeast Extract</li>
<li>2ml of 5M NaCl</li>
<li>2.5ml of 1M KC</li>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<li>10ml of 1M MgCl2</li>
<li>10ml of 1M MgSO4</li>
<td>10-30 sec</td>
<li>20ml of 1M glucose</li>
<td>30 cycles</td>
<td>15-30 sec/ kb</td>
<td>Final extension</td>
<td>5-10 min</td>
<ol type=a>
<ol type=i>
<li id="nav11">PCR cleanup, Gel extraction, minipreps was performed by using kits provided by Qiagen. Standard procedure was followed.</li>
<li id="nav12">Media
<ol type=a>
<li>Lysogeny Broth (LB)
<ol type=i>
<li>Dissolve the following in 1L ddH2O</li>
<li>10g bacto-tryptone</li>
<li>5g bacto-yeast extract</li>
<li>10g NaCl (5g in some recipes)</li>
<li>Adjust to pH 7.0 with NaOH</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Dissolve the following in 1L ddH2O</li>
<li>5.0 g Pancreatic Digest of Casein</li>
<li>5.0 g Soy Peptone</li>
<li>5.0 g Beef Extract</li>
<li>2.5 g Yeast Extract</li>
<li>0.5 g Ascorbic Acid</li>
<li>0.25 g Magnesium Sulfate</li>
<li>10.0 g Disodium-β-glycerophosphate</li>
<li>11.0 g Agar</li>
<ol type=i>
<li>Dissolve the following in 1L ddH2O</li>
<li>20g Bacto Tryptone</li>
<li>5g Bacto Yeast Extract</li>
<li>2ml of 5M NaCl</li>
<li>2.5ml of 1M KC</li>
<li>10ml of 1M MgCl2</li>
<li>10ml of 1M MgSO4</li>
<li>20ml of 1M glucose</li>
<li id="nav13">Antibiotic
<ol type=a>
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Revision as of 13:00, 26 October 2017

