Add equimolar amount of EcoRI-HF SpeI digested fragment (< 3 ul)
Add equimolar amount of XbaI PstI digested fragment (< 3 ul)
Molar ratios of 1:1, 1:10, 1:20 are recommended
Add 1 ul T4 DNA ligase buffer. Note: Do not use quick ligase
Add 0.5 ul T4 DNA ligase
Add water to 10 ul
Ligate 16C/30 min, heat kill 80C/20 min
Transform with 1-2 ul of product
Gibson assembly
Compatible Fragments
Gibson Assembly Master Mix 2x
Positive control (NEB)
2-3 Fragment Assembly
4-6 Fragment Assembly
Positive Control**
Total Amount of Fragments
0.02–0.5 pmols* X μl
0.2–1 pmols* X μl
10 μl
Gibson Assembly Master Mix (2X)
10 μl
10 μl
10 μl
Deionized H2O
10-X μl
10-X μl
Total Volume
20 μl***
20 μl***
20 μl
Preparing competent E.coli DH5α cells
PEG 800
LB broth
Glassware & Equipment (Falcon tubes; 500μl Eppendorf tubes, on ice; 200ml conical flask; 200μl pipetman or repeating pipettor; 5ml pipette)
TSS buffer (125 mL): dissolve 25 g PEG 8000 in final volume of mL 105 LB broth filter sterilize, add 12,5 mL DMSO and 7,5 mL 1M MgCl2
Grow 5ml overnight culture of cells in LB media, dilute this culture back into 25-50ml of fresh LB media in a 200ml conical flask.
In the morning You should aim to dilute the overnight culture by at least 1/100.
Grow the diluted culture to an OD600 of 0.2 - 0.5. (You will get a very small pellet if you grow 25ml to OD600 0.2)
Put Eppendorf tubes on ice now so that they are cold when cells are aliquoted into them later. If your culture is X ml, you will need X tubes. At this point you should also make sure that your TSS is being cooled (it should be stored at 4°C but if you have just made it fresh then put it in an ice bath).
Split the culture into two 50ml falcon tubes and incubate on ice for 10 min.
All subsequent steps should be carried out at 4°C and the cells should be kept on ice whenever possible.
Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 3000 rpm and 4°C.
Decant supernatant, remove leftover media by carefully pipetting
Resuspend in TSS buffer (10% of original volume), vortex gently
Add 100 μl aliquots to chilled Eppendorfs, flash freeze and store at – 80°C in 200 µl aliquots.
Open wet ware
Making competent Lactococcus Lactis cells
M17 media
Electroporation buffer
Grow cells overnight in 25ml of GM17 (M17 with 1% glucose)
Add 1ml of overnight culture into 25ml SGM17 + 2.0% glycine
Thaw competent cells on ice. This may take 10-15min for a 260µl stock. Dispose of unused competent cells. Do not refreeze since reusing thawed cells, will drastically reduce transformation efficiency.
Pipet 50 µl of competent cells into Eppendorf tube (labeled, prechilled, in floating rack), don’t forget control tubes
Pipet 100 ng of DNA as well as control into tubes and gently mix with tip
incubate on ice for 30 min, tubes may be gently flicked, return to ice ASAP
Heat shock tubes at 42°C for 30 seconds (precisely)
Incubate on ice for 5 min
Add 200 µl of SOC media to each transformation
SOC should be stored at 4°C, but can be warmed to room temperature before use. Check for contamination
Incubate at 37°C for 1 hours, shaker or rotor recommended
Pipet 20µl & 200 µl transformation mixture onto petri plates and spread with sterilized spreader or glass beads
Incubate plates upside down overnight (14-18hr) at 37°C
Pick single colonies
Perform Colony PCR to verify
Grow cells & miniprep
Calculate efficiency by counting colonies (expected value: 1.5x10^8 to 6x10^8 cfu/µg DNA)
Template DNA (colony resuspended in MQ / plasmid DNA)
Taq DNA Polymerase
Nuclease-free water
PCR tubes
PCR tube rack
Suspend a colony in 10 µl sterile MQ
Prepare Mastermix for 10 reactions according to:
220 µl = 10 colonies
Final Concentration
10X Standard Taq (Mg-free) Reaction Buffer
22 µl
25 mM MgCl2
13,2 µl
1.5 mM
10 mM dNTPs
4,4 µl
200 µM
10 µM pJET fw
4,4 µl
0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM, typically 0.1-0.5µM)
10 µM pJET rv
4,4 µl
0.2 µM (0.05–1 µM, typically 0.1-0.5µM)
Taq DNA Polymerase
1,1 µl
1.25 units/50 µl PCR
Nuclease-free water
148,5 µl
Put 19 µl of mastermix in each reaction tube & add 2 µl suspended colony mixture
Add 2 µl plasmid DNA for positive control and 2 µl MQ for the negative control
Place the tubes in the PCR machine (Taq program)
Once the PCR is done, mix 10 µl of PCR product with 2 µl 6X purple gel loading dye and run it on a gel for 50 minutes at 130 Volts
If the correct products are present in the gel samples, inoculate overnight cultures from the original plates.
Mix 5 ml LB with appropriate antibiotic. Scoop a colony from the plate and drop the tip into the medium. Incubate the tube at 37°C overnight to let the culture grow