
Project Overview

This part of the WIKI is dedicated to the research part of the IMPACT project. We will start by giving an overview of CRISPR-Cas, because this system is the central part of our project and although many people have heard of the system in this overview the most important features will be discussed. If you are not known with the basic principles of CRISPR-Cas or you think you will need to refresh your memory, we would advise to read that part before continuing with the project description. This page will describe how we want to build our IMPACT-system and to what extent we have succeeded in it.

After discussing the project overview we will introduce you to our model, which was used for the constructions of our parts. How we have constructed the different parts and the reasons why we have made certain choices will be discussed in the experimental plan. Experimental details unique to the experiment, such as PCR conditions, and the results of each construction step will be discussed in the result subpage. The general protocols of all lab techniques are discussed on the protocol page.