General Support
Prof. Dr. Anton Glieder
Senior Scientist and Cofounder of ACIB GmbH and Prof. for Biotechnology at TU Graz
Prof. Dr. Birgit Wiltschi
Head of the Synthetic Biology Group at the Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology in Graz Austria
Mag. Dr. Ronald Thenius
Senior PostDoc at the Artificial Life Laboratory in Graz, Austria
Prof. Dr. Robert Kourist
Research group leader at University of Technology Graz, Prof. for Molecular Biotechnology at TU Graz. The Nawi Graz iGEM Team is grateful to Prof. Kourist for organization of laboratory and office space at the University of Technology Graz
Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Fröhlich
Director of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience Helped the team with organizational work
Prof. Dr. Maria Müller
Director of the Institute for plant science, vice dean of students Supported us with University funding
Human Practices
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Berg
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Dr. Tomislav Cernava
Participation at the discussion night about potentials and risks of genetic engineering
Daniel Dern
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Fröhlich
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Günter Getzinger
Participation at the discussion night about potentials and risks of genetic engineering
Prof. Dr. Günther Koraimann
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
David Adrian Merle
Participation at the discussion night about potentials and risks of genetic engineering
Alex Murer
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Karina Preiß-Landl
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Prof. Dr. Joachim Reidl
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmickl
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Dr. Sandy Schmidt
Participation at the discussion night about potentials and risks of genetic engineering
Prof. Dr. Michael Maximilian Schober
Participation at the discussion night about potentials and risks of genetic engineering
Prof. Dr. Helmut Schwab
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Mag. Dr. Ronald Thenius
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Joshua Cherian Varughese
Discussion about project feasibility, general background knowledge, ethic background
Special Thanks
Carmen Zerner
Honorary member for supporting us at official events
Barbara Berner
Thanks for her generous donation at our crowdfunding campaign
Peter Schneider
A lovely person who was always there for us
Pizzeria Volta
Thanks for supporting us with pizza at long nights in the lab
China-Restaurant Mond
Thanks for all the freshly made sushi and maki
Pizzeria Efendi
Thanks for another great food supplier in town
Thanks for refreshing smoothies during the hot summer months
Mensa Cafè
Thanks for our daily dose of coffee and sweets
Thanks for the best all you can eat buffet in town