

Project subject

We had multiple brainstorming evenings together to come up with possible project subjects. We brought the number of subjects back to a short list of ten. This was still a lot, so we canceled seven subjects. We made subgroups and every subgroup researched one of the three projects left. After the presentations of every topic we took a vote.
We decided to work on a DNA detector device using the CRISPR Cas9 system. Later we decided to primarily focus on the detection of bacteriophages in the dairy industry. The day organized by the Rathenau Institute helped us to make this decision. It makes the project more visible for the public and gives the ability to contact specific companies for sponsoring.

Scientific design

  • dCas9: Mart
  • hCas9: Thijs
  • Reporter plasmid: Sebald and Felix
  • Sebald also helped the others with designing their subproject.
  • We got advice from our supervisors along the way.

Wet Lab

  • Thijs, Felix and Mart worked mostly on their own subprojects. Matthijs and Floor generally assisted the different sub projects. Ada, Meintje, Joana and Sebald helped out ocassionaly when there was demand.
  • Thanks to Jan Kiel and Ger Telkamp for lending us their lab equipment.
  • Thanks to MolGen for providing us with enzymes, chemicals and advice.
  • Thanks to R. Heler for sending us their hCas9 plasmid.
  • Thanks to Chenxi Huang for giving us her dCas9 plasmid.
  • Thanks to Harma Karsens for giving us her pBad plasmid.
  • Thanks to Oscar Kuipers for giving us Nisin and p32 promotor.

  • Matthijs, Joana and Floor were responsible for getting funds. Matthijs made sure that all the money coming in and out was checked and written down.
  • Matthijs and Floor set up the crowdfunding campaign.
  • Many thanks to Chienes Metus for helping with the inquiries and finance questions.
  • Special thanks goes out to all our generous sponsors and crowdfunding participants, we are very grateful for your support.

  • Ivar and Matthijs worked together to make the bacteriophage detection cartridge.

  • Meintje, Ada, Ivar, Joana and Floor were part of the Human Practices team. They arranged all the interviews and organized events.
  • During phone-and skype calls and visits to factories/places other team members were present as well.
  • Thanks to all the persons who took their time to help us during tours and talks, guided us along the way and helped us establish contact to relevant entitites.

  • The two models were made by Carlos and Angelo. Sebald helped with the scientific input for the models.

  • Meintje was responsible for most of the preparations and supervision of the education of high school students and elemtary school children. She was assisted by Joana, Matthijs and Ivar.
  • Ivar did the lion share of work for creating our ‘Outbreak !’ game.
  • Thanks a lot to Richel Bilderbeek and Christiaan Postema for helping us with the preparation of our pre-school practicals.

  • Ivar and Angelo did most of the code for the WIKI. Later on, others joined as well.
  • Everyone wrote parts for the WIKI.

  • Matthijs made all our posters, wiki images and other designs.
  • Our project video and the personal video clips were made by Scripta.
  • The animation on the Description page was made by Peter Oosterhuis

  • Felix gave presentations during most of the events, such as the Dutch iGEM meet-up, the GBB symposium, KIVI event and the Giant Jamboree.
  • Mart gave a short presentation during the NBC.

  • Thanks to our supervisors Jan Kok, Dirk-Jan Scheffers, Andreas Milias Argeitis, Patricia Alvarez Sieiro, Chenxi Huang, Carsten Pohl and Harma Carsten for helping us troubleshoot tricky parts of our failures.

  • Thanks to Manon Dusseljee for arranging our doorpasses and flight tickets.
  • Thanks to the friendly reception personnel for always being there for us and helping with organization issues.
  • Thanks to Ivar’s brother Elwin Dijck for lending us his 3D printer.
  • Thanks to Meintjes’ & Floors’ personnel pass for free coffee.
  • Thanks to LegionDD for help with a few hard JS functions.