Discussion Night
For support, we invited following experts:
Günter Getzinger Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.,
Günter Getzinger studied chemical engineering at the Technical University of Graz, as well as philosophy at the Karl-Franzens Universtiy of Graz. He is working in the field of philosophy of technology, theoretical and practical aspects of sustainable technology design and technology assessment and product evaluation.
Schober Michael Maximilian Dr.med.univ
Schober Michael Maximilian studied medicine at Medical University of Graz and was working at ZMF (“Zentrum für molekulare Forschung”) in the field of diabetes research. Now, he is more focusing on working with biomarkers at CBmed.
Sandy Schmidt Dipl.-Biochem. Dr.rer.nat..
Sandy Schmidt studied biochemistry at the University of Greifswald, Germany, and is now working as group leader at the Technical University of Graz since she finished her post-doc at Technical University of Delft.
Merle David Adrian BSc
Merle David Adrian studies medicine at Medical University of Graz and has a bachelor in molecular biology at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz. He is working at the CBmed, Customized Soutions for international Biomarker Research, a company working in the field of biomarker research to develop solutions and products for patient care and cure.
Tomislav Cernava Dr.techn. BSc MSc
Tomislav Cernava, who did his bachelor in molecular biology and his master in biochemistry and molecular biomedicine at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz. For his PhD, he specialized deeper into the field of biotechnology at the Technical University of Graz, followed by his post-doc at ACIB and Roombiotic GmbH. Now, he is working at the institute for environmental biotechnology as an university assistant.
Martin Stefanec BSc
Martin Stefanec, who did his bachelor in biology and his master in behavioral physiology at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz. He is now working as a researcher in the field of algorithm development and implementation, as well as an experiment designer and modeler at ALL (Artificial Life Lab).