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| + | <p> Each team must clearly attribute work done by the student team members on this page. The team must distinguish work done by the students from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, and individuals not on the team roster. |
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| + | This is a bronze medal requirement. Please see the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Judging/Medals">Medals requirements page</a> for more details.</p> |
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− | pictures that are alive, litteraly.
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− | Like our fantastic advisors, some other people and maybe even a couple of companies!
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| + | <h5> Why is this page needed? </h5> |
− | <img src="2017tongji_images/more-from-3.png">
| + | <p>The Attribution requirement helps the judges know what you did yourselves and what you had help with. We don't mind if you get help with difficult or complex techniques, but you must report what work your team did and what work was done by others.</p> |
− | </div>
| + | <p> |
− | <div class="mdl-card__title">
| + | For example, you might choose to work with an animal model during your project. Working with animals requires getting a license and applying far in advance to conduct certain experiments in many countries. This is difficult to achieve during the course of a summer, but much easier if you can work with a postdoc or PI who has the right licenses.</p> |
− | <h4 class="mdl-card__title-text">Some kind of page 4</h4>
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| + | <li>Difficult technique support</li> |
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| + | <li>Human Practices support</li> |
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| + | <li> Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team</li> |
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| + | <h5> Can we base our project on a previous one? </h5> |
| + | <p>Yes! You can have a project based on a previous team, or based on someone else's idea, <b>as long as you state this fact very clearly and give credit for the original project.</b> </p> |
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| + | <h5>Inspiration</h5> |
| + | <p>Take a look at what other teams have done:</p> |
| + | <ul> |
| + | <li><a href="https://2011.igem.org/Team:Imperial_College_London/Team">2011 Imperial College London</a> (scroll to the bottom)</li> |
| + | <li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Exeter/Attributions">2014 Exeter </a></li> |
| + | <li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Melbourne/Attributions">2014 Melbourne </a></li> |
| + | <li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Valencia_Biocampus/Attributions">2014 Valencia Biocampus</a></li> |
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| + | <h5>Team training and Project start</h5> |
| + | <p>Tell us if your institution teaches an iGEM or synthetic biology class and when you started your project:</p> |
| + | <ul> |
| + | <li>Does your institution teach an iGEM or synthetic biology course?</li> |
| + | <li>When did you start this course?</li> |
| + | <li>Are the syllabus and course materials freely available online?</li> |
| + | <li>When did you start your brainstorming?</li> |
| + | <li>When did you start in the lab?</li> |
| + | <li>When did you start working on your project?</li> |
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