Team:Moscow RF/Attributions


As any other iGEM team we have come a long way from the very idea of participating in the competition to the final stage of it – attending the Giant Jamboree. We have had a lot of fun working on our project and learnt a lot about being a team. This has been good experience for us that has proven: no matter how perfect the idea is and how many resources you have – you have little chances to succeed if you are not in the team! Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno! So, every member of our team has contributed to our project to the best of his or her knowledge and skills, namely:

General support and administrative issues

Our team’s ‘mother’ whose bright mind ‘gave birth’ to the idea of participating in the competition is Elena Krasilnikova. And being a very careful and supportive mother, she decided to do her best to put the idea into life. Together with our team’s ‘father’ Denis Rebrikov (our Primary PI) she started from building a team looking for potential team members – most talented and active of course. When the team was finally in place it needed spaces for its meeting activities and wet labs which required agreements with relevant institutions, and the team is very grateful to Elena Krasilnikova and Denis Rebrikov for having been so kind to take care of this matter. Being just students taking our first steps in the ‘big science’ of synthetic biology we never lose our chance to seek advice from our senior colleagues, and again it was Elena Krasilnikova and Denis Rebrikov who assisted the team in finding our team’s advisers and instructors. One of such external instructors is Kristina Oblomova, our group dynamics coacher from SHAG (non-commercial organization supporting public educational programs) who contributed greatly to our team’s understanding that the whole is really greater than the sum of its parts. And the last but not least part of administrative issues we have faced on our way to the Giant Jamboree is logistics, and from this side our team’s back has been covered by Elena Krasilnikova and Ekaterina Nosok.

Project support and advice:
The most challenging and interesting part of our project was probably deciding on the area of our research. After a long discussion and consideration which was mostly driven by Denis Rebrikov, Alexei Shevelev (our Secondary PI), Anastasiya Rasskazova and Anastasiya Oguienko the project idea was finally created and the theoretical design of our project was developed, after which a substantial literature review was required which was successfully done by Xenia Samundzhyan, Symon Serzhantov, Anastasiya Rasskazova and Anastasiya Oguienko.

Fundraising support and advice:
As in any research project, fundraising activities were an essential part of our team’s work that required major efforts: calculating the project budget, searching for potential sponsors, communicating with them via official letters and phone talks, arranging iGEM and project presentation meetings with sponsors and maintaining all the supporting documentation. Elena Krasilnikova, Ekaterina Nosok and Elena Ivanova have done a great job!