Team:NAWI Graz/Notebook


Week 1: 3rd of July - 9th of July
The iGEM team TUDelft organized an european iGEM Meet-up - the team of Graz, of course, could not be missing. We sent a delegation to join the meet-up. Interesting presentations about synthetic biology and talks with other iGEM teams, were a good start into a summer of work and offered us the opportunity to form collaborations.

Week 2: 10th of July - 16th of July
The real journey started in july, when we decided that team building would be a good opportunity to start motivated into a summer of lab-work. That is why we made a trip to a so-called "Buschenschank", where you can enjoy very good self-made food and drinks. As the days went on, motivation increased and everyone felt they could meet the challenges ahead. During the first week, we took part in a safety training about good laboratory practice – correct waste disposal, clean and decent laboratory work. In addition to this lab safety training, we further had a safety seminar where all people who worked at the institute participated. There we got used to all institute related safety questions. Both safety seminars took place before officially starting with the lab work.

Week 3: 17th of July - 23th of July
Due to our work in the lab, we had one person who was in charge for the safety precaution. Our “safety authorized person”organized a training for all team members including fire drill and evacuation, how to behave in case of an accident and how to render first aid. Slowly, everyone felt comfortable working in the lab. Since we were working in a large building, during the first weeks, it was hard to find all the different rooms for the various devices. Besides this, we were also very happy to welcome our new lab buddy “thymio” - an open-source robot from EPFL University. At this point, we want to thank all our sponsors , who supported us with lab material and chemical substances. Last but not least, to celebrate the end of a busy semester, we organized a “Spritzerstandl” for all friends of iGEM. As a special surprise, we offered 3D-printed bacteriophages and microscopes made by a team colleague.

Week 4: 24th of July - 30th of July
Finally, our primers and gBlocks from IDT arrived. We diluted a couple of primers - in fact many, many primers. After a while, all primers were ready for PCR---the first step of successful cloning. Also, the biobricks we needed, provided by iGEM, were extracted from the plates and transformed into E. coli to duplicate them. Sounds easy, but E. coli is not always willing to absorb plasmid DNA. After some tries, we finally convinced E. coli to duplicate our gBlocks and biobricks. The next and last step for this week was our Miniprep-session, to get our biobricks and gBlocks in higher concentrations. Lab-work during the weekend can be exhausting, but the results of this hard work were worth it.

Week 5: 31st of July - 6th of August
This week was a very exciting one! Our robot was put into operation for the first time, a lot of work was done to install the electronics and to test the setup for the robot, the bioreactor and the arena. After finishing this, we tried to get the construction started. Shortly afterwards we achieved a success - a milestone was reached! In week 4, we also started the interlab study and additionally, we got a new load of laboratory materials from our sponsors for further lab work - thanks again!