Team:US AFRL CarrollHS/Attributions


Our iGEM team would like to thank the following organizations:

Air Force for providing the grant that allowed us to participate in iGEM this year, as well as for providing the research labs and mentors that carried us through the project.

UES for sponsoring our iGEM team, permitting us to work on our Wiki and presentation in their meeting rooms, and for letting us use their lab space for training on safety and basic techniques.

Carroll for providing us meeting space, allowing us to distribute surveys to students, and granting us the opportunity to practice presenting to members of the faculty.

IDT (Integrated DNA Technologies) for providing free DNA sequencing for our plasmids.

Our iGEM team would like to acknowledge the following people:

Dr. Mike Goodson for acting as our main mentor for the RH lab and guiding us through the entire iGEM process. Dr. Goodson has been essential in giving our project direction and helping us to fulfill our research goals. His influence has made us better scientists and deepened our appreciation for synthetic biology.

Dr. Sveltana Harbaugh for helping the RH lab by instructing us on both lab techniques and how to use the lab equipment. Dr. Harbaugh has provided a lot of guidance throughout our project.

Dr. Irina for teaching us how to set up and use the spectrometer.

Anna Bennett for patiently answering our many questions and letting us borrow her equipment in the lab. Anna showed us many techniques necessary to our project.

Allison Huffman for helping us whenever we were confused with a technique and for always sharing her supplies with us when we ran out.

Chia Hung for acting as the main mentor for the RX lab. Dr. Hung has provided crucial guidance through the entirety of our project and has continually helped us to troubleshoot issues throughout the process. His influence taught us that research is fun and we greatly appreciate his contribution.

Vanessa Varaljay for instructing us to learn new protocols, answering our endless questions, and guiding us in improving our presentations.

Joseph Tang for teaching us lab techniques and aiding us in furthering our project.

Mattie Carter for providing us with answers to many questions and for taking time away from her project to help ours.

Nathan Ferguson for always helping us find any equipment that we needed and helping us with any questions about the machines we were using.

Rebecca Raig for always helping us find equipment in the lab and helping answering any questions we had about protocols.

Wendy Goodson for allowing us to come and work in her lab as well as allowing us to come to all the lab meetings and present to the lab.

Abby Neal for always helping us find equipment in the lab and answering questions about anything about the lab and always cleaning the equipment.

Maneesh Gupta for helping us whenever we had questions and always helping us around the lab.

William (BJ) Burke for always helping us answer questions and providing all the necessary safety lessons needed in order to work in the lab.

Chelsea Riegel for helping us answer questions and giving us feedback on our results and on how to fix various items that may have gone wrong.

Carrie Drake for always helping us find equipment around the lab and shipping our plasmids to be sequenced.

Dr. Evans for answering any questions we had about the Boston Jamboree, questions about our presentation and what information we need on our presentation.

Mr. Carter for providing constructive criticism on our project and presentation tips. He helped perfect our slides and presentation tone.

Above all, we would like to extend our thanks to the teachers who made the iGem experience possible for us

Dr. Martha Carter for initiating the iGem program at Carroll. As a mentor, she kept us all on task and provided the necessary guidance along our project. Dr. Carter has always been an essential part of every iGem meeting, presentation, and group function. She was always there for emotional support, helped celebrate our triumphs, and provided food on long work sessions. She became a mom figure for all of us.

Dr. Caroline Dickey for being the passionate scientist for the team. With her keen scientific knowledge, Dr. Dickey guided us from the start of the process and initiated the science flow of ideas before deciding on our project. She loved to hear our practice presentations and give us tips on projecting our voices and body language when presenting. Thank you for instilling in us the necessary zeal in high school to further out future scientific careers.

Dr. Christina O'Malley for being the graphics design artist for the team. With her unique Photoshop abilities, Dr. O'Malley inspired our team logo design and Mike the Microbe. In addition, we are thankful for the colorful t-shirts and poster for our team. Dr. O'Malley's outgoing personality provided the necessary comic relief for long wiki and presentation sessions.

Mr. Matt Sableski, principal of Carroll High School for allowing us to pursue iGem from the start and giving us praise every step along the way.