Team:US AFRL CarrollHS/Mentors




Northwestern was one of the first teams the students reached out to. The two teams were able to exchange project information and gave each other preliminary feedback.

Imperial London:

The wiki was perhaps the most challenging part of the iGem components. The students were struggling since there are no computer experts on the team. This was the case until the Imperial Team in London came to the rescue. The Brits were able to guide the students on wiki components and even offered their old website code for the students to dissect and examine to implement on their website. The Carroll team was extremely grateful and also hope to meet them in Boston to express their thanks.

London School of Boys:

The London School of Boys were also very beneficial in wiki help. Adam Jones assisted Annie in all questions regarding the wiki and went above and beyond to help the students with coding.


Wilbert from the Singapore University team was extremely helpful, assisting us with any number of iGEM components and technicalities. He enthusiastically gave us pointers about the Jamboree as well as the iGEM “Do’s and Don’ts”. Because this is the students' first year participating in the iGEM competition, Wilbert meticulously explained some of the more obscure steps to achieve medal criteria and even offered to guide us in the modeling portion of the project. The students still speak fondly of Wilbert and hope to meet him at the Jamboree in November.

US Army/US Marine:

The U.S. Army and Marine were two of the teams that we have contacted. Our team held a long Skype discussion concerning the iGem process and goals, as well as the Interlab, Wiki details, and activities at the Jamboree. The US Navy team advised us to complete the Interlab carefully and to use the already provided Excel spreadsheet. On our side, we offered to help the US Army team with troubleshooting their project. After the video conference, we were able to finish the Interlab swiftly with few hiccups.

Michigan State:

We plan to attend the mini-Jamboree/meet-up on July 29th at Michigan State University. There will be quite a few teams attending and many activities have been planned. Our team will give a short presentation and then discuss and receive feedback and criticism. We are very excited!

Thank you to every team who has offered their help throughout the year! They have truly made this a great first year for our team!