Team:NTNU Trondheim/HP/Silver

Human Practice

Human practice allows us to explore the scientific, medical and social aspects of our work that helped us to shape our project. We divided human practices into professional help, public opinion and public engagement. For professional help, we contacted infection control specialists and a bacteriophage (phage) researcher. The information we received made us more aware of the challenges and limitations of bacteriophages, and we learnt to look beyond the box for solutions that helped us to improve the lab procedures.

In the public opinion category, it was important to gather data and perspective from public health nurses and the general public through a survey. This helped us to realize the importance of an alternative treatment method to antibiotics, and that people are willing to try out phages to treat infections. The information resulted into ideas of how to turn the research into a product for personalized medicine.

Through public engagement it was important to have a dialogue with the community and in this way, engage and enlighten people about antibiotic resistant bacteria, our project and synthetic biology. As a part of public engagement, we had lectures, attended Researcher’s night and received attention in media.

Professional help

We contacted experts in the field of infection control and medical microbiology, to get a better understanding of the situation of antibiotics and resistant bacteria. It was important to get an opinion from the experts on the use of bacteriophages as an alternative to antibiotics. We also communicated with a bacteriophage researcher to get his opinion on our project. By having a dialogue with the professionals we could reflect on the ethical, safety and sustainability aspects of our research.

Public opinion

Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem in the world, and new solutions to antibiotics are important. Phage therapy, where you use virus to treat bacterial diseases and infections can sound scary. To analyze people's knowledge and attitude to this topic, we reached out to public health nurses and conducted a survey.